But I think I also understand mob psycology and marketing. MOST Americans, I would bet money on it, feel the press, or "MSM" as we like to call them, are doing a decent job of keeping them informed. Fox viewers swear Fox is telling them the truth. Rush listeners swear Rush is only telling the truth. MOST viewers still get their news from NETWORKS, not even CNN or Fox or MSNBC, and most viewers still believe they are being told the news.
When the news doesn't cover something as huge as a stolen election, then it is US who are labeled the loonies. You start to explain, and in order to do so you must start pulling on all these tangential threads...the media is in it because BushCo supports them; Fox is backed by the GOP; NBC is owned by GE, a defense contractor.
Suuuurrre. You'll get that "he's fucking looney" look. It is almost impossible to have this discussion with someone casually. You need to be able to show them your sources, something they deem "credibe." Unfortunately, most Americans deems the nightly news "credible." So then tell them you are getting
your information off the internet, and see how funny they look at you.
My point is, The Karl Rove division of BushCo knows all this. Rove is a master manipulator. He knows the issues like gays and religion that will push buttons. And he knows most Americans trust the broadcast news.
As a reminder of what we're up against, here is a re-post from earlier today...
"In 2000, when Karl Rove called General Electric Chairman Jack Welch to guarantee that a Bush Administration would be extremely generous to media conglomerates that were sympathetic to the Texas governor’s presidential campaign, it was a notable moment in history. If only this once, Rove wasn’t lying.
Since taking office, George W. Bush has lavished spectacular taxpayer funded largesse on the corporate media that made excuses for his inadequacies, overlooked his corruption, shielded him from scandal, and escorted him into the White House. It has been a squalid quid pro quo that has gone largely unexamined, because those whose job it is to report on such corruption are too busy benefiting from it.
The payoff began immediately. Two days after he was inaugurated, Bush appointed industry puppet Michael Powell to head the Federal Communications Commission. The media conglomerates were thrilled. The New York Times editorialized about Powell’s virtues, as did the Washington Post. They knew that, as an FCC commissioner, Powell had supported every media mega merger without ever voicing any concern about the consequences to the consumer. They knew that he had stated that the government should not protect the public interest against media conglomerate excesses because he had “no idea what the public interest is”.
They knew that Powell advocated total deregulation of the airwaves, meaning a transfer in ownership from the public to the multinational corporations that currently need licenses in order to broadcast. They knew that he opposed any rules to restrict media monopolies. They knew that the son of Colin Powell was so brazenly unethical that he had failed to recuse himself from considering the anti-trust implications of the AOL/Time Warner deal, despite the fact that his father was on AOL’s board of directors."The Payoff-----
So, the point isn't that I don't understand, it is that I understand all too well. I have suggested other ways to make an impact the media will be FORCED to show, such as infiltrating Katie Couric's sidewalk crowds on the Today; standing outside the studio windows of CNN and Today when they are on live...can you imagine a big CNN IS LYING TO YOU! banner behind Bill Hummer's head when he is trying to verbally suck off Bush again? THAT will have impact. Protest, sure, but do it where they are FORCED to cover it. Disruption. Civil disobedience. Another march, this time when the media has already declared BushCo the winner and has kept completely silent on this?
America will say *Yawn* "there go the left wing loonies again."