018900 10/31/04, 2:29 PM PST Machine problem; Other Tampa, Hillsboro County, Florida At one of the precincts on Martin Luther Blvd, College Hill Library, Tampa Fl, before you finished voting electronically, the electronic voting card would pop out, barring you from finishing voting. This is in a predominatly Black area. Polling people told them not to worry about it; said it had been happening all day. (isn’t this malfeasance?) (weren't these non-votes)
051070 11/03/04, 8:54 AM PST Insufficient number of ballots; Provisional ballot problem Lake Tech, Lake County County, Florida Polling place out of provisional ballots. Would not let people vote.
017945 10/30/04, 1:08 PM PST Voter Intimidation Sarasota County, Florida Mentally impaired sudents were taken to the polls by their teachers and influenced to vote for a certain candidate. (Caller did not provide name of the candidate). Name of school is Oakpark School, 7285 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, FL (914) 361-6428. (Isn’t this fraud?)