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Go for the Gold! Ask them ALL to stand up on Jan. 6th!!!

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JoMama49 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 11:39 PM
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Go for the Gold! Ask them ALL to stand up on Jan. 6th!!!
Edited on Wed Dec-29-04 11:39 PM by JoMama49
THIS IS A GREAT IDEA! ASK THE DEMS TO ALL STAND UP.;action=display;num=1103342437

We need at least one Senator to challenge the vote on Jan. 6th when the electors cast their ballots, there are already 14 congressmen pledge to do so.

The primary comments I've been hearing on the web and radio is this could amount to political suicide for the senator that chooses to stand against the national vote.

What I'm thinking is everyone is aiming too small. How about starting a campaigne for all 45 Democratic Senators to contest the vote?

1. If all the democratic senators stood together, there would be no individual senator required to shoulder the blame, backlash, or fall out.

2. It would send a unprecedented, historical message to the nation that voting rights are of paramount importance.

3. Since both the House and Senate are controlled by the Republican party, overturning the election is not a realistic outcome of this protest. However, it would certainly send a signal to the Republicans and the world that business as usual is over.

4. It would serve to energize the democratic base for the hard work ahead.

Maybe we could set up a web site like the father and son who put up 51capitol urging all democratics to contact their senators to sign on to this strategy.

I know this sounds naive, but we need to add our voices against the upcoming "coronation" of GWB, and to demonstrate the party is unified in protecting our voting rights.

We will put up a page for this purpose. Until then, use "Email Congress" on the web site. Kip

Email your Senators and House Representative here:
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Liberty Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 11:53 PM
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1. Great idea, but your link doesn't work.
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Amy6627 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 12:08 AM
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2. Yes! Every Dem in the Senate should stand up!!! n/t
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Amaryllis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 12:13 AM
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3. This is what I've thought all along. When I wrote my senator I asked him
to try to enlist all the other Dem senators.
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loudsue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 12:27 AM
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4. This is the ONLY way for the Dems to avoid "political suicide".
If they DON'T stand up, we'll vote 'em OUT (yeah, right: as if our votes count!)...but I'm just sayin'....

If they DO stand up, they need to stand TOGETHER...all of 'em (except maybe LIEberman, who would only stand up for the other side...Zell without the "hell".).

That at least ONE of them HAS TO STAND UP for contesting the vote goes without saying. If they don't, they risk Civil War. So, somebody HAS to. But if they ALL do, then it energizes the Dem base, (who, by the way, just WON this election, had all votes been tabulated accurately, and had no massive disenfranchisement taken place) which appears to be a HUGE majority of citizens, and would support this action.

Until the Dem ostriches in D.C. understand that the republican media is simply another branch of the republican government, and they have NOTHING to fear from them, because about 51% of us know the repuke media is LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING, THEN, and only then, will they find their courage.

Yes, indeedie...we need to pressure ALL Dem Senators to stand up for contesting the votes of the electors!

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fooj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 01:05 AM
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5. maybe I'm way off here...
I have this gut feeling that we may be pleasantly surprised on Jan. 6th! Great post...your second point is a real winner!!!! I say...BE AFRAID! BE VERY AFRAID! The indomitable strength of the American Spirit will lead us as we fight this moral and just cause!:dem:

What are they hiding???:think:
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Freddie Stubbs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 01:10 AM
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6. Some Senators won't even be there
Hard for them to stand up if they aren't in DC.
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