A great last appeal to the DNC from a dear friend of mine! I think it should be forwarded widely and posted on blogs. What do you guys think?
Manifesto for Democracy
Democracy is far more important than Democrats. The common good is a far greater truth than the self-interested, elitist "morals" of the Republicans. Both parties now wander in the endlessly mirrored halls of self-interest. The Republican Party is lost to an Old Testament vision of retribution and to the carefully crafted agenda of the rich and powerful. The Democratic National Committee and, particularly, the Democratic Leadership Council, to the not-so-opaque agenda of the US Chamber of Commerce -- an agenda which supports an emasculated, token opposition to the Republicans only to preserve the appearance of democracy when so much evidence indicates it has functionally been eliminated from US politics.
It is time for the choosing among Democrats. Either the national party must once again embrace the fire of Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy or its disgusted members must turn elsewhere to create a party that represents the anthems of democracy and kindness that ring in our souls.
The time for that choosing is now. If the Democratic National Committee chooses a milquetoast psuedo-Republican like Timothy Roemer who would be willing to sacrifice OUR retirement under Social Security and the right of our American Family to take care of all of its children, then we know it is time to leave.
If our Democratic Senators in Congress do not stand up and demand an investigation of the massive election fraud of the last election, then the Democrats are lost and we must abandon a sinking ship or must, ourselves, be lost, body and soul.
We do not want to leave the Democratic Party we grew up in, but it has left us and it no longer fights for the worker with two jobs and no real chance to pay his bills. It does not speak to the uninsured mother whose salary can either pay for her childrens' food or for their medical insurance but not both, and it does not speak for the American workers and farmers whose labors are being stolen by multinational companies who take workers' jobs and profit overseas.
The Democratic leadership has already left the Democrats. The question they must ask in the next few days is whether they are willing to see all of us leave them?
For the democracy,
Steve Corrick OperationEnduringVote.org