so please don't treat me like I'm an idiot. I know I'm new on this board and may not be real hip about the latest discussions and at times I'm politically naive.
I'm frustrated as hell right now because so far a lot of what I'm reading is whining about how the media isn't doing their job and theory after theory about what this ruling means or what that statement means, etc. etc.
So I ask, what about this action, only to get one single snarky reply.
And, other than the lawsuits and rallies, WHERE'S THE FUCKING ACTION?
If the media isn't doing it why aren't we? I've tried contacting several organizations to either try to get some sort of targeted door-to-door campaign started or even to volunteer for something only to be met with silence.
There are quite a few posts here slamming Kerry as being weak because he conceded too soon and what he'll do January 6th - will he, won't he, will he, won't he - well what are you willing to do?
How many people have died for this country? How many women went to jail for their right to vote? How many people have been beaten and hosed down to gain their civils rights?
Compared to death, jail or violence, I don't think a day for a massive one-day strike amounts to much of a sacrifice, do you?
How much business would be lost? How much money would be lost?
Don't you think those on the Hill would take notice if businesses lost at least half of what they usually make in a day? Don't you think MSM would take notice if they lost half of their viewership for a day?
And, yeah, I know as a newbie I'm in no position to be critical but I feel very strongly that not enough is being done to bring this fight to peoples doorsteps - a bumper sticker only goes so far to explain why people should be outraged. And I doubt if the top google searches these days contain the words "election" or "fraud."