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Clarifying: The 3% random recount rule IS in Ohio's rules

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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-31-04 03:25 AM
Original message
Clarifying: The 3% random recount rule IS in Ohio's rules

People are getting confused and having "reporters" tell them that it's not in Anderson's on-line or Moritz law, etc. That's because it's not there; it's in Ohio's own provisions on the SOS's site. Read the above link and you'll find it is MOST DEFINITELY there.
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megalith Donating Member (44 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-31-04 09:15 AM
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1. Directive vs Statute

Thanks. I think the point is in trying to be consistant in nomenclature. Because so many, myself included, have erroniously referred to the recount procedures as being statutory, which they are not. They are directives from the SoS. Pointing out the difference is not an effort to lessen their importance to the process, but rather an attempt to refer to them properly.

If we are to lend credibility to our work and our findings, we should be rigorous in how we refer to our data and to the process. As regards diectives from the SoS, statute does insist that local BoEs shall carry these directives out. By refering to them as directives and not as statute, we reduce by one, the examples that the MSM and others can use to belittle the credibility of our work.

Best and thanks
Orren Whiddon SE Ohio Green Co-ord
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CantGetFooledAgain Donating Member (635 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-31-04 09:35 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. So as directives...
...these practices don't have the force of law behind them and can be violated at will?
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Straight Shooter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-31-04 10:58 AM
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3. Why bother having a directive if you're going to violate it for expediency
Every day I find a new reason to add to my list of reasons why I have total, unmitigated contempt for Blackwell. He has become the new face of the Republican party, whether the moderates like it or not.

Uncle Tom Blackwell, future governor of Ohio.
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-31-04 11:43 AM
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4. Deleted message
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Vanje Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-31-04 11:15 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Hhhhhahahahahah
In another post today you claimed your father was a cardiac physician.
Quite a rennessaince man!
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