Coshocton County Optical Scan county voluntarily opted for a full hand recount, likely for reasons related to the large discrepiency found between the official certified numbers and the results of the recount, with it
being clear that there had been ballot counting for unofficial reasons between the certification and recount time.
Once again, ballot security is an issue. Boxes were open prior to our arrival. They are kept unsealed in a locked room at the Board of Elections. Vote totals were distributed to witnesses with the apparent intention of misleading them. The hand count totals were compared to totals furnished by the BOE dated/generated(?) 12/10/2004 as part of some unknown “unofficial” process rather than the official certified SOS totals. These totals were incorporated into a three-page list indicating vote totals precinct by precinct. These vote totals were distributed to witnesses in a manner that suggested they were the totals certified by Secretary of State Kenneth
Blackwell, on December 6, 2004. They were in fact not the totals certified by Secretary of State Blackwell. The lists provided to witnesses are noted to be "Official Nov. 2, 2004" and are dated
12/10/2004 10:25:28am. These include pages 1, 2, 3, of 96. There were major differences in these totals from the certified totals.
Some issues were raised during the hand count that warrant mention. The failure of the board to allow witness presence prior to the handling of the ballots. BOE personnel (employee/member)
alluded to the counting of some precincts prior to the start of the recount. Witness, Patricia Stout, stated that "one of the precincts I observed was already separated into Republicans, Democrats and Other. It was clear that this pile had been counted." The count was completed
and totals reflected a net loss of 13 votes for George W. Bush, and a net gain of 34 votes for John Kerry. The hand count totals were compared to totals furnished by the BOE dated/generated 12/10/04.
Signature book examination conducted by the witnesses for the Democratic candidate looked at two different precincts, with BOE personnel recounting Jefferson Twp. Precinct. Discrepancy
appeared to indicate a pattern of a 7-8% loss of votes for the Democratic candidate.
And what could have been the reason for voluntary hand recount and the manipulation and counting of ballots prior to the recount and after the certification?