Midwest 4:00 p.m. Kerry 50% Bush 49% Midwest 7:33 p.m. Kerry 50% Bush 49%
South 4:00 p.m. Kerry 45% Bush 54% (However, the South numbers from 4:00 p.m. reflect 61% female and 39% male. Adjusted for 53% female and 47% male, the figures are still 45% Kerry and 54% Bush, but Bush almost reaches 55% and Kerry almost falls to 44%) South 7:33 p.m. Kerry 45% Bush 54%
East 4:00 p.m. Kerry 57 Bush 41 East 7:33 p.m. Kerry 58 Bush 42
West 4:00 p.m. Kerry 53 Bush 45 (However, the West numbers from 4:00 p.m. reflect 60% female to 40% male. Adjusted for 53% female to 47% male, the figures are still 53% Kerry (52.8) and 45% for Bush (45.2). West 7:33 p.m. Kerry 53 Bush 45. (Once again, the female quotient dramatically overshadows the male quotient, 56 to 44%. Adjusted for 53% female and 47% male, the figures are 53% Kerry and 46% Bush.)
General Exit Poll (nationwide) 4:00 p.m. 51% Kerry 48% Bush (The female to male ratio was 58 to 42. Adjusted for 53% female and 47% male, the figures are approximately 50.2% Kerry and 47.8% Bush). 7:33 p.m. 51% Kerry 48% Bush. Here the female to male ratio is 52% to 48% and Kerry is holding steady at a 3-point lead.