Trouble with Thugs
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(806 posts)
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Fri Dec-31-04 06:51 PM
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George Bush broke the law Karl Rove broke the law Dick Cheney broke the law Condi Rice could become Martha Stewarts bi*tch
How do you arrest the most powerful man in the world? How do you take down a military that is complicit in a murderous scam of horrific proportions? How do you tell America that it has not only been a victim of a crime of first magnitute but that they never even realized the crime had been committed How do you deal with those who plan to take down Toledo, Ohio the day after a constitutional crisis?
Why would the noise machine try to take Kofi Annan out politically? Why would Kofi Annan--a man respected throughout the world--why would he be vacationing in Jackson Hole Wyoming?
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