There's nothing new about this, except, there maay be DU'ers here who might not know about them, and with the Madsen accusations, their interest may be peaked. The thing about understanding the Dominionist machine (usually called unipolarist) is that you need some thread of real life experience that would be the natural regular world residue of these kinds of organizations. These books walk you through the big events that promote the unipolarist agenda.
For instance, it's almost impossible to believe that Bush refused to hear information about terrorism up intil 9/11 unless you know why: These guys WANT WWIII, just as Bin Laden does. Until you get their background and some events that are generally known that back up that claim, it's almost impossible to believe. But, if you let these books walk you through the events with the knowledge of the unipolarists, then, not only is it easy to believe what Madsen's saying, it's impossible to believe that they would sit out the election and let us vote for president.
These people believe the world needs continuous war and killing. They want to destabilize the middle east for the rest of eternity. So, it's not hard to believe that they rig elections: Noone dies rigging elections. Well, almost no one.