I would just like to take a quick minute to Thank everyone on this site as well as across the country that are continuing their effort to seek the truth about election 2004. I would like to wish luck to those of you who are planning or attending protest, rallies,and marches.
As I see it, Jan 6 will a major deciding factor for the future of the democratic party.It will show our strengths and weaknesses and will provide us with what we should base our next DNC Chairman on. Yet with the probability growing dramatically everyday that no sen. will object to the results of the 2004 Election, we must all remember that we are in this for the long haul.
It is important that in the days and weeks and months ahead, we as Democrats, stay united for this cause we care so greatly for.To many times have we not had the proper leadership to stand up and defend our actions but I believe this time we do, because you are the leaders.As we set forth on our journey to take back America we must remember to adjust to changing times, but not to unchanging principles.
The world is a changing place, its pretty unfortunate that at 15 years old I already know what it takes alto of people a lifetime to realize, and that is this. Our country faces great danger if we do not have a commander in chief that is here to represent ALL of the people. from the Minority to the majority, the rich and the famous, the blacks the whites, the many different races, we cannot succeed as a country if we don't have a President that fails to tell the truth, and no 51% is not a mandate.
So In Conclusion I say we all stand together in this cause because when we declared ourselves democrats we signed up for the long haul. Now it is our duty to prepare for the future, because the future is now.
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