Dr. Freeman e-mailed his spreadsheet with the adjusted numbers. Apparently, a second decimal place was used for some of the exit poll data. Here follows derived data with greater accuracy than some previous DU threads provided.
State P Kerry V Kerry Diff K
AL 40.480 37.0775 -3.402
AK 38.760 36.1705 -2.590
AZ 46.710 44.7405 -1.970
AR 46.130 45.0273 -1.103
CA 54.640 55.2060 0.566
CO 48.120 47.3491 -0.771
CT 57.650 55.2373 -2.413
DC 89.800 90.6315 0.832
DE 57.270 53.8173 -3.453
FL 49.700 47.4692 -2.231
GA 42.920 41.5822 -1.338
HI 53.320 54.3731 1.053
ID 32.850 30.7074 -2.143
IL 56.560 54.9934 -1.567
IN 40.560 39.4559 -1.104
IA 49.700 49.5439 -0.156
KS 34.100 36.9697 2.870
KY 40.160 39.9941 -0.166
LA 43.850 42.6260 -1.224
ME 53.770 54.4792 0.709
MD 56.160 56.2490 0.089
MA 65.160 62.7007 -2.459
MI 51.500 51.7336 0.234
MN 53.520 51.7642 -1.756
MS 43.000 39.9057 -3.094
MO 47.000 46.3268 -0.673
MT 37.510 39.5052 1.995
NE 36.000 32.5327 -3.467
NV 49.160 48.6659 -0.494
NH 54.940 50.6835 -4.256
NJ 54.700 53.1272 -1.573
NM 50.080 49.4165 -0.664
NY 62.750 58.7934 -3.957
NC 46.640 43.7148 -2.925
ND 32.570 36.0862 3.516
OH 52.060 48.7492 -3.311
OK 34.560 34.4378 -0.122
OR 50.250 51.9688 1.719
PA 54.120 51.1300 -2.990
RI 62.650 60.4817 -2.168
SC 45.130 41.3047 -3.825
SD 36.470 39.0877 2.618
TN 40.560 42.7796 2.220
TX 36.300 38.4897 2.190
UT 29.080 27.0608 -2.019
VT 63.650 60.3360 -3.314
VA 47.000 45.6488 -1.351
WA 53.480 53.5981 0.118
WV 44.530 43.4772 -1.053
WI 49.240 50.1991 0.959
WY 30.940 29.7036 -1.236