January 2, 2005
J. Kenneth Blackwell: A Man All for Democracy,
Except, Uh, When He’s Notby Mark Drolette
Read the following two items carefully because there is a quiz afterwards:1) From Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell’s
op-ed, Cincinnati Post, December 8, 2004: “No, Ohio’s system of elections is not perfect…I look forward to working to improve it with those who have constructive proposals…”
2) From
Associated Press, December 27, 2004: “
, who declared President Bush the official winner in Ohio, is seeking a court order to keep himself from being interviewed as part of a court challenge of the Nov. 2 vote.”
OK, ready? Here goes: Pick the real J. Kenneth Stonewall -- er, Blackwell. (Hint: The answer is not an odd number.)
How quickly the worm turns (often, this is just an analogy): Secretary Blackout stayed pretty congenial on Keith Olbermann’s Countdown on November 29 when asked about Ohio’s then-upcoming recount (although he did froth a bit over Jesse Jackson, who had had the audacity to publicly question Ohio’s voting process the previous day. Secretary Blockwell asserted that “Jackson has not had the courage or the credibility to run and get elected to dog catcher”; which got me to thinkin’: in Ohio, are Diebold machines used in that contest?)
Overall, the secretary was co-operative and pleasant.
However, as Maureen Dowd points out in her book Bushworld: “The Bushes are always gracious, until they need to go ugly.” For a non-relative, Secretary Blackheart is about as Bushy as they come: he co-chaired Ohio’s Bush/Cheney re-selection campaign. And now he’s got his own ugly going.
Mark Drolette is a political satirist/commentator who lives in Sacramento, California. He can be reached at: drolette@comcast.net. Copyright © 2005 Mark Drolette. All rights reserved.