Edited on Sun Jan-02-05 06:33 PM by NVMojo
to catch. I can't begin to stress this these regional chairs were direct lines to Rove and the State Repub campaign groups in swing states and other places. A real analysis of each red state and who is in control of key public offices such as SOS and Attorney General needs to be done. These people were so damn clever ...
Plus the Nevada Republicans did this:
NV Gov. Kenny Guinn and State Attorney General Brian Sandoval were the Nevada Bush Campaign Chairs. The SOS Dean Heller worked on the Bush Campaign after he tricked half of the state to go with brand new Sequoia machines with printers that aren't worth a shit and lied to the nation that we had paper trailed machines nationwide when Las Vegas, where more than 50% of the voters live, had no printers on ten-year old Sequoias that have never been able to give a precise recount.
Oh, and I can't forget ...Karl Rove is from Reno, Nevada, has a brother there and and a sister. The rural Repub county chairs are tied to gold mining operations and they contacted Rove's sister to bring Rove and Bush here over a year ago to meet with the Repuke party chairs and the top state Republicans like Guinn, Sandoval and Heller to plan the Nevada re-election for Bush. Nevada Dems were a day late and a dollar short. They never knew what hit them when the campaigning started and the smearing of John Kerry in Nevada started.
It was an awesome thing to watch, even if it was the Repukes, for they were so strategic in all they did and the Dems were so out of it. The Nevada State Dems fucked John Kerry because they were so disjointed and out of touch with the people in this state in their own party.