Just got this in the mail...Please contact Senator Bingaman and ask for his help on the 6th.
Dear People,
We have your email address as someone who would likely be interested in the
effort to bring about a Recount of the Presidential vote here in New
Mexico. So we would like to keep you informed. If you wish to be removed
from our list, please reply and let us know. Thank you for your potential
interest in this.
Mitch Buszek
NM State Coordinator
Help America Recount
1) Tuesday, January 4, NOON at the Capitol Rotunda, Santa Fe
Press Conference re the Audit of the Canvass commissioned
by the Secretary of State
Despite the SOS stating that the audit showed the election
went well ... on the contrary confirms our conclusions.
This should be a BLOCKBUSTER
2) Wednesday, January 5, NOON at the Press Club * Albuquerque
We will be providing the evidence of highly suspect machine
incidents at the press conference / rally (bring your signs)
The address is 201 Highland Park Dr. SE. Members of the public
are welcome. Take 1-25 south to the Dr. Martin Luther King exit, turn
right at the light. You'll be heading toward Memorial hospital. Turn
South on Elm. Elm turns into Highland Park circle. It's a Log Cabin.
here's the link to the map
<> =
#3 Thursday, January 6, 2005 *
Support rallies in your community // have speaker address the
recount issue
Press Conference, 2PM ... Santa Fe .. Location and Topic to be
Congressman John Conyers will be seeking senatorial support to
challenge the January 6th electoral vote count. Our very own Senator
Bingaman is on that list of senators that Conyers hopes to convince. This
is important, please click on link and sign.
When Congress reconvenes in January, at least 14 members of the
House of Representatives will challenge the validity of the 2004
election. They will request an immediate investigation into many problems
and irregularities encountered in the election.
According to the Electoral Count Act of 1887, one senator and one
House Representative are required to contest an election prior to
inauguration. We have the representatives; we still need a senator. Please
let your senators know that you want them to stand up with House
Representatives and contest the vote.
The signed petitions will be delivered to each senator in person
by a coalition of representatives from a variety of
concerned organizations and individuals. We will also deliver copies of
signed petitions from all states to the U.S. House Committee on
the Judiciary to encourage them to hold formal hearings on the 2004
election. our senators and the U.S. House
Committee on the Judiciary:
<> To insure a debate in Washington, D.C. re: the legitimacy of
Ohio's count, we need Seanator Bingaman to challenge the Electoral
College Delegation. Contact the Senator's office ASAP and ask him to
support the Conyers effort. Ask Sen. Bingaman to speak up on January 6th
and "to object to the counting of the Ohio votes, due to numerous
unexplained irregularities in the Ohio presidential vote, many of
which appear to violate both federal and state law."
Senator Jeff Bingaman
FAX (202) 224-2852
PHONE (202) 224-5521
Capitol Switchboard 1-800-839-5276 (for email using his form) (for email without his form)
Faxing him would be best at this point. This is also the time to
call Bingaman's field rep in your area. (For the Las Vegas,
NM area, the number is (505) 454-8824.)
#5 Continue calls to the Governor's office (505) 476-2200 *** "Give us
the 10% option ... recount 10% of the vote / we pay cash !"
#6 Continue calls to the Secretary of State's office (Rebecca
Vigil-Jiron) ... (505) 827-3600
Please email with suggestions of how to make our
efforts successful !!!
Mitch Buszek
NM State Coordinator
Help America Recount
(505) 204--0833