Massive public drive to contact Senators before Jan. 6
Written by editor
Saturday, 01 January 2005
On January 6, 2001, 14 Representatives challenged the electoral votes cast for Bush in Florida, but not one Senator came forward to join them. There was no debate in Congress, no investigation. In 2004, the focus is on Ohio and several groups are working to help people contact Senators to urge them not to accept the electoral votes from Ohio and to begin a full and transparent Congressional investigation with subpoena power.
Includes: How to make phone calls; how to send email-to-fax; using automated systems to send faxes, letters, and emails; samples letters; Declaration of Intent for Senators and Representatives to sign on to; background information; news and information links about voting fraud in the 2004 election.
On January 6th, Congress meets to certify the Presidential election. If even one House member and one Senator object to the electoral votes of any state, this objection will be recorded: the vote will not be automatically approved. This has happened only once before -- in 1877. Its occurrence once again would draw historic attention to our shattered democracy and lead to an outcome that none of us can know.
In 2000, no Senator would join the Representatives from the Congressional Black Caucus to challenge the electoral vote. Therefore, in 2004, we are asking you to contact as many as you can of the key Senators, listed below, as well as your own Senators, if you think you can reach them on this issue. Tell them not to certify the election on January 6, 2005. < From: >
Contact these Senators at 1-800-839-5276 or 1-877-762-8762 connecting all offices.
* Barbara Boxer CA-D
* Robert Byrd WV-D
* Mark Dayton MN-D
* Thomas Harkin IA-D
* Jim Jeffords VT-I
* Edward Kennedy MA-D
* Patrick Leahy VT-D
* Carl Levin MI-D
* Joseph Lieberman CT-D
* Barbara Mikulski MD-D
* Barack Obama IL-D
* Olympia Snowe ME-R
* Charles Schumer NY-D
Example of how to address the Email:
To: remote-printer.Senator_Boxer/
This will send a fax to the number 202-228-3972 (the first '1' in the fax number is the country code for the USA)
DO NOT send more than 6 faxes per day, or you will be suspended from the service.
The FAX coversheet will look like this:
Please deliver to:
Senator Boxer
US Congress
The body of the email will be on the following pages of the FAX.
List of Senators by state and their FAX numbers:
ARK: Pryor-D 202-228-0908 / Blanche-D 202-228-1371
CA: Boxer-D 202-228-3972 / Feinstein-D 202-228-3954
CONN: Dodd-D 202-228-1683 / Lieberman-D 202-224-9750
DE: Carper-D 202-228-2190 / Biden-D 202-224-0139
FLA: Nelson-D 202-228-2183
HI: Akaka-D 202-224-2126 / Inouye-D 202-224-6747
IL: Durbin-D 202-228-0400 / Obama-D 202-228-1372 and 312-427-6401
IN: Bayh-D fax, 202-228-1377 / Lugar-R 202-228-0360
IOWA: Harkin-D 202-224-9369
LA: Landrieu-D 202-224-9735
MD: Mikulski-D 202-224-8858 / Sarbanes-D 202-224-1651
MAINE: Snowe-R 202-224-1946
MASS: Kerry-D 202-224-8525 / Kennedy-D 202-224-2417
MI: Stabenow-D 202-228-0325 / Levin-D 202-224-1388
MN: Dayton-D 202-228-2186
MT: Baucus-D 202-228-3790
NV: Reid-D 202-224-7327
ND Dorgan-D 202-224-1193 / Conrad-D 202-224-7776
NJ: Corzine-D 202-228-2197 / Lautenberg-D 202-228-4054
NM: Bingaman-D 202-224-2852
NY: Clinton-D 202-228-0282 / Schumer-D 202-228-1218
OH: Voinovich-R 202-228-1382 / DeWine-R 202-224-6519
OR: Wyden-D 202-228-2717
RI: Chafee-R 202-228-2853 / Reed-D 202-224-4680
SD: Johnson-D 202-228-5765
VT: Jeffords-I 202-228-0776 / Leahy-D 202-224-3476
WASH: Cantwell-D 202-228-0514 / Murray-D 202-224-0238
WVA: Rockefeller-D 202-224-7665 / Byrd-D 202-228-0002
WI: Feingold-D 202-224-2725 / Kohl-D 202-224-9787
Use's automated system
to send letter/fax/email to your senators:
GO TO: your zip code and press GO.
Or go to:
Use the Progressive Democrats of America's automated system
to send postal letter or email: TEXT:
Contest the vote on Janurary 6th.
On January 6th, I am asking you to stand with other Senators and Representatives of conscience and challenge the electoral vote count. The misallocation of voting machines (especially in Ohio), the abuse of provisional balloting in numerous states, and the refusal and/or inability to conduct the recount in an open and auditable manner in Ohio, in Florida, and in so many other key states, should be cause enough to determine the certified electors should not be seated.
Please join with the other Congress members to make a serious voting rights challenge the entire world will hear. Stand up and fight for the voting rights of African-Americans, Latinos, and the youth voters who appear to have been targeted for disruption and disenfranchisement in the 2004 election.
January 6th is the day when you can make a statement about your commitment to every American's right to vote and have it be counted. Let's show the world what we mean when we talk about true democracy.
MORE SAMPLE LETTERS the Just One Senator campaign of
Declaration of Intent for Senators to sign on to
"...Therefore, in keeping with my oath of office, I publicly declare my intention to act on January 6th 2005 and object to any presidential electors that I believe to have been unlawfully appointed. To do less would make me complicit with a violation of our shared democratic principles...."
Declaration of Intent (From
As a Member of Congress it is my sworn duty to uphold and defend the US Constitution. Being mindful of that oath, I believe that the single moral tenet on which that document, and therefore the nation, rests is the principle that government power can only be derived from the consent of the governed.
Consequently, the right of the People to have confidence that they are being afforded free and fair elections for their government officials is a right that no other consideration can supersede. A free and fair election is one in which all citizens have been afforded equal access and opportunity to cast their vote and have that vote accurately counted.
I choose to make this declaration at this time because it has now become clear to me that several states have, to this point in time, failed to fully provide for what would generally be regarded as a free and fair election for their citizens. And consequently, they have generated an insufficient level of confidence in their official result.
There can be no arbitrary point in time -- whether it be a date scheduled for appointing electors, electoral voting, or electoral vote counting -- that can limit the right of the People to have their consent justly measured and expressed. An election is a survey not a contest.
With these principles in mind I would urge the duly authorized election officials in each and every state to make every effort -- whether it be ballot recounting, independent auditing, reopening voting, or even judicially-sanctioned statistical adjustment of results -- to assure that their election truly reflects the will of the citizens of their state.
I wish to recognize that efforts are ongoing in some states -- by candidates, election officials, the news media, and citizens groups, through recounts and other means -- to clarify and adjust the official results in order to increase the level of public confidence. These efforts are necessary, however, they cannot be sufficient.
This is true because by far the most disturbing circumstances that have occurred in this election are the confirmed cases of disparate treatment being afforded to certain classes of voters. If systemic barriers to exercising the franchise existed that correlate to a citizen's age, race, religion, gender, socio-economic status, military status, partisan status, absentee status, immigration status, or other identifiable characteristic, the election was neither free and fair, nor lawful in the absence of any corrective remedy being applied.
Therefore, in keeping with my oath of office, I publicly declare my intention to act on January 6th 2005 and object to any presidential electors that I believe to have been unlawfully appointed. To do less would make me complicit with a violation of our shared democratic principles.
< sign and date by Member of Congress >
Dear Senators Clinton and Schumer:
1. I and my wife are constituents of yours.
2. I am a lawyer by profession.
3. This year I worked as a voter protection hotline volunteer in Ohio from October 30th through November 2nd.
4. I learned of massive, systematic, flagrant disenfranchisement and voter suppression, affecting many hundreds of thousands of voters and would-be voters whose rights were trampled upon by criminals.
5. In addition, since the election, (a) I have learned of many other disenfranchisement techniques which occurred during and prior to the election, and (b) Secretary of State Blackwell has engaged in a systematic effort to defeat the Cobb/LaMarche recount from having any effect.
6 .It is clear to any thinking person that any set of electors appointed by Secretary Blackwell has not been lawfully selected.
7. In addition to what occurred in Ohio, there is overwhelming evidence that the State of Florida (a) engaged in many of the same techniques employed in 2000 there, and (b) engaged in a massive electronic vote tabulation fraud.
8. Accordingly, any electors sought to be seated by either Ohio or Florida are without authority under the law.
9. I am aware that you may not have the ability to prevent Mr. Bush from achieving a second unlawful coup d'etat, this one plunging our country irrevocably into dictatorship from its tradition of democracy.
10.But you are in a much better position than the rest of us to stand up and be counted so that history will be able to say which side you were on.
11.This matter is of such seriousness to us that I want to make it clear to you that if you fail to oppose the seating of the electors from the states of Florida and Ohio, as you failed to take action in 2000, my wife and I have determined that (a) we will never again vote for you, (b) we will never again contribute to your campaign, and (c) we will urge all our friends and relatives to do likewise.
Sincerely yours,
Ray Beckerman
Jamaica Estates, NY 11432
-----Original Message-----
From: No Stolen Elections!
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 11:43 AM
Subject: ALERT: Call Your Senators - Object to the Certification of the
Electoral College
January 6, 2005:
Take Action on Election Violations
as Congress Meets to Certify the Vote!
More than a month has passed since voters cast votes
for the President and Vice-President of the United
States -- but every day, more and more stories surface
that call into question the election's integrity.
Machines broke down, counted backwards, eliminated
votes, and registered votes for the wrong candidate.
progressive and African-American neighborhoods
experienced by far the longest lines on election day,
the most vote spoilage, the most elimination of
provisional ballots, and the most victimization by
precinct manipulation.
Four hundred thousand callers phoned voter protection
hotlines, with complaints ranging from absentee
ballots lost in the mail, to outright voter
intimidation and disenfranchisement. And partisan
election officials with conflicts of interest
undermined voting rights in states from Ohio to
Florida to New Mexico. Even progressive Democrats on
the House Judiciary Committee have questioned the
elections' legitimacy, in a series of rigorous,
painstakingly detailed letters documenting the
unprecedented extent and scope of vote suppression,
available at .
How can we have confidence in American democracy when
so many questions about this election remain
unanswered? In addition to the longstanding issues
subtly undermining democracy -- corporate domination
of the two major parties, plurality elections, and
corporate media bias - the recent election betrayed
democratic principles overtly.
Despite the efforts of a few valiant members of
Congress, most of our Senators and Representatives
have ignored our pleas for serious investigation into
the "irregularities" that surrounded the 2004
election. But one more opportunity remains for these
government officials to stand for democracy.
On January 6, 2005, Congress will meet in joint
session to certify the 2004 presidential election. On
that day, if one member of the House and one member of
the Senate object to the certification of the vote,
then all members of Congress will finally discuss
these issues. On January 6, 2001, not a single Senator
would join with the Representatives who demanded an
inquiry into the Florida recount. This year, let's
make our Senators take a stand!
The following seven Senators are some of the most
progressive members of the Senate. Please call them
immediately, and urge them to defend democracy on
January 6.
Senator Barbara Boxer, (202) 224-3553,
Senator Dick Durbin, (202) 224-2152,
Senator Russ Feingold, (202) 224-5323,
Senator Tom Harkin, (202) 224-3254,
Senator Jim Jeffords, (202) 224-5141,
Senator Edward Kennedy, 202/224-4543,
Senator Patrick Leahy, (202) 224-4242,
While our Senators and Representatives are inside
Congress, tallying the electoral college vote, We the
People must have a presence outside, bringing
attention to the disenfranchisement, suppression and
fraud that pervaded the 2004 election - and demanding
real reforms to extend and protect democracy in
America. Please join us on January 6 in Washington,
DC. Details on the DC protest TBA. Check
http://www.Nov3.US or
for more information.
If you can't come to DC, we urge you to organize a
protest outside a Senator's office in your community,
and list your event at http://www.Nov3.US
This call to action is initiated by No Stolen
Elections! and United Progressives for Democracy.