Hey Sandy -
Thanks for putting my words onto DU - and don't be shy about attributions either.
We have been given a smoking gun. Now the test is: can we make use of it. We have a few days to create a Tsunami of protest into washington . A million calls, emails, and a million on the streets. We have to do this. No one will do it for us.
As far as the pols go ... my view is we have to start intimidating our spineless politicians with the potential threats of ridicule and infamy if not outright treason for complicity in the fraudulent election, if they are so foolish as to ignore information we've put in their hands.
Here's my sample letter, clobbering the average brain dead pol:
(My choice for a heading: "We Need a Million Calls and Letters tomorrow warning Senators of the dangers if they ignore Mitofsky exit polli data!"
DU stalwarts -
My try at a letter, more hardball than most. Rather than begging on bended knee, I think we should throw a bit of a scare into our political quislings, warning them of the consequences if they ignore the staggering smoking gun Mitofsky information being presented to to them. This puts them in a box: if they ignore it, they're complicit. The punishment could be anything from ridicule to infamy.
Anyway, here's my try at such a letter - please feel free to cut and paste any or all of it for your own purposes, though I'm sure many could do a lot better.
che el garbantho
We Need a Million Calls and Letters tomorrow, warning Senators of the consequences if they ignore Mitofsky exit polli data!
Dear Senator X,
Now that the Mitofsky exit polling data has been released on the internet for all to see
http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/pdfs/Mitofsky4zonedata/we have definitive proof of election fraud in 2004. Exit polls clearly show Kerry ahead nationally and also in Ohio by several percentage points by 8:00 PM on election night.
Any manipulation of the numbers after that must be explained. So far it hasn't, and in fact the networks, perhaps treasonously, have stonewalled release of exit polling data to the American public.
Perhaps they are afraid of something, and see the danger I am pointing out to you.
Too bad for them that censorship doesn’t work any more. Now on the internet for all to see, the Mitofsky exit polls argue with enormous force that Kerry could not lose with the lead he had, a lead consistent throughout election day.
A powerful argument showing the unlikelihood of the election results we have been asked to accept, can be found at:
http://www.appliedresearch.us/sf/epdiscrep.htmThat author, Dr. Freeman, makes a powerful plea as well as an overwhelming argument: our election shows clearly the fingerprints of fraud - but who will stand up and act to correct it?
With every good intention, this letter is to offer a warning if you ignore the Mitofsky data.
In short: both your career and your place in history may suffer disastrous damage if you ignore this crucial information.
The short version is this: when it becomes known that you had access to this information and ignored it, then you will be on the defensive to explain why.
That explanation will be hard to come by. There is no explanation for bowing in obeisance to a foul coup d'etat resulting from the theft of an election, not to mention the subversion of constitutional democracy in the USA.
So I am asking for the obvious: I am asking that you to object to the Ohio electors on January 6th, and to challenge the 2004 election results in general. The alternative is harsh: if you don’t act, history and many Americans could well come to regard you as a dupe, as a fool, or even worse - a harsher assessment would hold those guilty of covering up election fraud as participants in a treasonous effort to subvert democracy in America.
Given Hobson's choice, there is no real alternative: do your duty and refuse the Ohio electors along with John Conyers and others. Challenge the results of the entire election, and do not back down.
I also ask you, as an American, to do this because it is the right thing to do. In doing this I hope you will heed the pitfalls of not taking moral and ethically correct action. Avoid those pitfalls and the stigma of history by voting to object to the Ohio electors, and refusing to take part in treason, or in rubber stamping the false results of the presidential election of 2004.
I am sorry if this letter angers you – that is not my intention. But it is a time to be angry, and I hope you will direct yours at the proper recipients. Refuse to allow the unconstitutional seizure of power in our country in 2004, and do not be seduced into allowing the neo-fascist bullies and traitors who have brought this about to survive politically.
Garby Leon Ph.D.
Los Angeles, CA