Don't Blame the Exit Polls
They didn't cause Election Night problems on Tuesday or in 2000.
By Martin Plissner
Posted Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2002, at 4:42 PM PT
Since the 2000 election fiasco, exit polls have been singled out as the chief villain in television's Election Night coverage. The crash of Voter News Service's exit poll computers on Tuesday only confirmed the bad reputation of exit polls. But let's get something straight about what went wrong on Tuesday and two years ago. In spite of what you may have read or heard, exit polls had hardly anything to do with either disaster.
The networks called Florida for Al Gore two years ago not based just on VNS polls of voters but largely on real election returns as well. When the networks reversed themselves late in the night and called Florida for Bush, exit polls were again irrelevant. The second call was also based on real votes, close to 6 million of them. Even so, exit polls have been front and center in the soul-searching about Election Night reform. (The source of these exit polls—and most other Election Night data—was and remains VNS, which is jointly owned by the networks and the Associated Press.)
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The First Seven Articles below are your essential primers. These articles give you a complete overview of what has taken researchers 30 years or so to uncover. The "Greatest Cover-Up of All" is your basic primer; "A House Without Doors" deals with how the major TV Networks (especially ABC, CBS, NBC) fixed elections using their creature, Voter News Service (VNS), from 1975 or so, until the year 2000. (In order to pave the way for the next phase, centralized computerized votefraud for the entire country, Voter News Service had to 'commit suicide' to pull off the Florida Election Scam of 2000. The third article, "See Astounding Picture Proving Big TV Network Hoax" -- is a supporting piece to articles one and two, with regard to Voter News Service. The fourth article below, "Pandora's Black Box" brings you up to the state of election fixing technology in November 1996. And the fifth article, "Inside a US Election Vote Counting Program" is an up to the minute expose about how current day election computer programs are built to fix elections, not to ensure an accurate result. These articles constitute about 30 8 1/2" x 11" pages -- and can be read through easily in 1 to 2 hours, depending on one's reading speed. The sixth article immediately beneath these was written by veteran journalist Ronnie Dugger in 1988 and published in The New Yorker magazine. It is 30 pages in itself, and well worth reading for those are so inclined. And after that is the Dan Gutenkauf section which has up to date research which is essential for every votefraud investigator. Dan proves the law is STILL on our side -- where election officials are using computerized systems, they are simply violating the law! The sixth article is "How a Private Company Counts our Votes on Election Night" by investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn -- an eye witness report of exactly how the citizens have been replaced by mysterious private companies for vote counting in the USA. The seventh Article is "Big Fix 2004" by investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker -- and article which reveals that those running major vote-counting companies have been repeatedly convicted of felonies regarding bribery and other crimes related to acquiring influence.