"Buzzflash" has just reposted this interesting article from last Feb. up on their Website...Wonder Why...:eyes:
February 6, 2004
Defense Dept. Shelves Online VotingBy Jim Wagner
The Department of Deense (DoD) on Friday shut down its online voting experiment for overseas military and civilian citizens. An internal memo from Paul Wolfowitz, DoD deputy defense secretary, to David Chu, personnel and readiness undersecretary, earlier this week described the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment (SERVE) as unable to insure legitimacy of votes.
The decision comes weeks after a panel of security experts, the Security Peer Review Group (SPRG), said the foundation of the Internet was fundamentally flawed -- open to hacks and denial of service attacks (define) -- not particularly the equipment used in the experiment.
Dr. David Jefferson, one of the SPRG's security experts who authored the report, praised the DoD for making the difficult decision of canceling the experiment, and expects technology advances in the next five years will not make e-voting any more plausible.
It's uncertain how the decision will affect the e-voting issue this year. Federal and state officials have been installing online voting machines for the general election, which has the potential to be every bit as polarizing and close as the 2000 presidential election.While manufacturers like Diebold and Sequoia Voting Systems originally installed online voting machines in different states, it has recently run into opposition from scientists and critics. The outcry prompted the manufacturers to band together and form the Election Technology Council (ETC) to address these issues.More of the article where "Accenture" is mentioned...