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1/3/05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread

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MelissaB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 06:51 AM
Original message
1/3/05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread
In order to organize and document I thought it would be a good idea to have a daily thread to place items related to the recounts/fraud. This also make it easier to "catch up" when we are away from the computer for a while.

Please help us. If you see something that isn't here post it with a link to the thread and a thanks to the author. Thanks to everyone who is helping in this project.

Link to the thread from yesterday here:
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MelissaB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 06:58 AM
Response to Original message

Posted on Mon, Jan. 03, 2005

Most provisional votes rejected

Majority weren't registered in county they voted in

By Nancy Cook Lauer


Counting the ballots

They're better odds than Lotto. Still, if you were one of 27,451 Florida voters forced to cast a provisional ballot in the 2004 election, chances are your vote didn't count.

Two-thirds of all provisional ballots submitted in the general election were rejected, according to a Tallahassee Democrat analysis of reports provided by the state's 67 county supervisors of elections. Most ballots were thrown out because the voter was not registered in that county.

More than 11 percent of the ballots were tossed aside because the voter was in the wrong precinct.

Another 7.2 percent were cast out because the voter had been purged from the voting rolls, because either the voter hadn't voted lately or was deemed a felon. Most counties did not separate those two categories, but for the 20 counties that did, purged felons accounted for 4 percent and inactive voters accounted for 7.3 percent.

State law requires county supervisors to purge voters from the rolls if they haven't voted in the last two federal elections...


Thanks to EMunster here:
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 09:43 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. Sunday 01/02 Highlights
Recap of stories from Sunday 01/02
(and a few from previous days)

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 10:43 AM
Response to Reply #1
8. Taking office in WA - A gentleman holds the key

Editorials & Opinion: Monday, January 03, 2005

Letters to the editor

Taking office
A gentleman holds the key

Just a few short weeks ago, Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi was denouncing Democratic Governor-elect Christine Gregoire for not conceding the election.

The second automatic recount was just that — "automatic" in accordance with our current election laws.

Gregoire then exercised her due process rights and requested a hand recount that was initially paid for by the Democratic Party. Again, Rossi criticized Gregoire for doing what she thought was right. Is this how Rossi had planned to practice politics, by criticizing citizens for exercising their rights?

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, it is time to put your money where your mouth is (or was). Many times Rossi stated his opponent should concede and it would be the right thing to do. It would be the right thing to do; be a gentleman and show a little class: concede, congratulate your worthy opponent and give her a call to wish her well as the next governor.

— Earl Smith, Gig Harbor

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DoYouEverWonder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 03:53 PM
Response to Reply #1
24. A big problem, at least in Alachua County
were all the students that never got their absentee ballots. They had no choice but to go the local DOE and try to vote there. They were told it was not the local DOE's fault that they didn't get their ballots, that they were not responsible for the Post Office. They were then told they could caste a provisional ballot even thought it wouldn't count. They even filled out affidavits to state what happened and that this was a vote for whatever county they came from, but that it didn't matter, their votes would still not be counted.

The SOE's blamed it on the Post Office. Nothing they could do about. It was not their fault, bla, bla, bla. Besides, my SOE told me absentee voting was a privilege not a right. Excuse me?

Places like Broward and Miami Dade didn't get the absentee ballots out in a timely manner. Then the Post Office didn't deliver them and 1000's of voters were disenfranchised.

Tens of thousands of postal ballots have gone missing in the state of Florida, sparking fresh fears of irregularities in the US poll campaign.

Authorities are investigating the apparent loss of 58,000 absentee forms in Broward County while officials have said replacements are being sent out.

Controversy over the vote in Florida in 2000 delayed the national result.

With five days until the poll, the presidential candidates are focusing their campaigns in crucial states.

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zapped 1 Donating Member (331 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 08:40 AM
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2. kick
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 09:49 AM
Response to Original message
4. Republican Reed faces GOP wrath over recount decisions

Monday, January 03, 2005

Republican Reed faces GOP wrath over recount decisions

By David Postman
Seattle Times chief political reporter


"While I anticipate emotions calming down as time goes by, there are certainly people very angry with me now — including some very good friends and supporters," Reed wrote. He closed by saying any advice would be appreciated.

It wasn't exactly advice he got back a few hours later from his friend of 30 years, John Giese, a Republican political consultant and close adviser to Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi.

"How convenient to blame 'emotions' for the mass discontent within Republican ranks over your handling of the major legal issues in this gubernatorial recount," Giese wrote to Reed and his fellow members of the kitchen cabinet.

"I am one of those who has no intentions of supporting you in the future either, because you didn't listen."

(so this is what happens when a GOP SOS follows the law... Ken is scared.)

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 09:54 AM
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5. Election Rally Planned in Ohio
Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 10:37 AM by dzika

last updated: 1/3/2005

Election Rally Planned

Jesse Jackson and others will protest presidential vote today in Columbus.

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A group will rally in Columbus today in favor of national election reform and to call attention to Thursday's joint session of Congress where it's expected to certify the election results.

Reverend Jesse Jackson and some state lawmakers are expected at the rally. Jackson and U.S. Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones spoke in Cleveland Sunday. Tubbs Jones and Jackson say they're trying to call attention to voting irregularities in Ohio.

Tubbs Jones says the recount wasn't handled properly. Ohio and its 20 electoral votes tipped the race to President Bush when Senator John Kerry conceded the morning after the November second vote.

Counties finished the recount Tuesday. Unofficial recount totals indicate Bush won the state by more than 118-thousand votes over Kerry.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 10:03 AM
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6. A Media Blackout: Media Whites Out Vote Fraud

January 03, 2005 - 09:45 AM

Media Whites Out Vote Fraud

By David Swanson, ILCA
Part of the Media Blackout series on underreported labor stories

A shorter version of this article, for easy reading between commercial interruptions, is available at

January 3, 2005 -- The Cleveland Federation of Labor is sending busloads of demonstrators to a rally in Columbus, Ohio, today to take part in a protest of election fraud in the 2004 presidential election.

As detailed below, there is strong evidence of vote theft in Ohio. But to anyone who gets their news from a television or from most print media, these protesters are kidding themselves or kidding the rest of us, but certainly they are not onto anything worthy of investigation. Last week I received this Email from the Columbus Dispatch:

"Dear Mr. Swanson:
"You say the rally is to protest the fraud that took place in the election. Where did this fraud occur? Who did it? How did they do it?
"glenn sheller, editorial page editor"

Two months after the election, an editor at ground zero was (seriously or sarcastically) asking a stranger and an amateur to tell him from Washington where the fraud had occurred. I immediately sent him a reply.1 And I didn't hear anything further.

I expect the Dispatch and probably the Associated Press (AP) will cover today's rally, albeit in the way they would cover a disliked visiting sports team. They'll dismiss the concerns of disenfranchised voters in a very wise manner, but they won't actually investigate any of the charges of election fraud - not if they adhere to the practices established by the media over the past two months.

When forced to talk about ethics, media big shots often insist that they draw no conclusions. They endlessly reported Dick Cheney's claims that Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks of September 11, 2001, but it would not have been their place to label that a "conspiracy theory." When it comes to election fraud in Ohio and other U.S. states, on the other hand, the media has jumped straight to reporting that it's all a "conspiracy theory" before ever reporting any of the facts.2 The Bush Administration has recently presented the media with a nutty theory that our Social Security system is broken, which the media in turn has3 presented to us as established fact.4 But to anyone who reads more than just the news that's fit to print, it's our election system that has broken down.

Some voices in the media, including the New York Times' editorial page, admit that the election system is badly broken. But they insist that it also functioned quite acceptably in November. It's broken in the abstract, as it were, but not in any concrete time or place.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 10:36 AM
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7. Politicians protest certifying of vote

Monday, January 03, 2005

Politicians protest certifying of vote

Mark Naymik
Plain Dealer Politics Writer

With Congress set to certify the presidential vote this week, U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones and the Rev. Jesse Jackson tried Sunday to keep Ohio's election in the spotlight.

Standing in the gymnasium that adjoins Cleveland's Olivet Institutional Baptist Church, the popular East Side congresswoman and the famed civil rights activist called on Congress to protest certifying the election. They claimed that voting irregularities in Ohio on Nov. 2 deserve more scrutiny.

Congress is expected to certify the results in a joint session on Thursday.

Before "George Bush can be named president, we must bring attention of the American people to the irregularities in Ohio," Tubbs Jones said.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 11:03 AM
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9. Election Fraud - A Response to George Salzman's Open Letter

Posted on Mon Jan 3rd, 2005 at 10:01:17 AM EST

A Response to George Salzman's Open Letter
By Al Giordano,

My friend and fellow expat George has written me an “open letter” and published it on the Internet.

I’ve never had an open letter addressed to me before. And neither Emily Post’s nor Quentin Crisp’s guides to good manners indicate what is the proper etiquette when receiving one. So I’ll improvise and respond simply as if it is a regular letter or email from a valued colleague and truth-teller…

George’s letter begins by mourning the death by apparent suicide of our Narco News School of Authentic Journalism colleague and friend Gary Webb. And he shares my expressed hatred for those who helped push Gary toward an early end. (As Thomas Paine wrote in The Crisis: “God put hatred in men’s hearts for good reason; to ensure justice.”).

George then takes me to task for having “bought into the corporate media’s pronouncement of (Bush’s) electoral victory.”


Now, were likely Kerry voters repressed from voting? Absolutely. Did that repression of the vote swing key states – Ohio and Florida – from Kerry to Bush? Probably. In Ohio, could the “Diebold Overlords” have rigged the voting machines to affect the outcome? Possibly. And those Authentic Journalists like our friend Greg Palast who have worked so hard to document the fraud have all my support.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 11:14 AM
Response to Original message
10. Kerry Wins Ohio and the Presidency, Counting Uncounted and Prevented Votes

Posted on Mon Jan 3rd, 2005 at 09:39:39 AM EST

Kerry Wins Ohio and the Presidency, Counting Uncounted and Prevented Votes

By Benjamin Melancon

People stand in place in a line turning a corner from the Shepard Branch Library, into the rain and the dark, down a hill and then a path in the woods. "Oh my goodness," said the volunteer from Election Protection, four times, as she walked up the line and videotaped the citizens of this part of Colombus, Ohio. Another volunteer who has monitored the situation all day at this precinct, 6C, explained that there were just three voting machines for more than 1,100 registered voters. Waits have ranged from one to two-and-a-half hours, which is where it stood at 6 o'clock with at least 150 people in the line. "Are you going to pass out food?" someone jokes to the Election Protection volunteer. "We're waiting in line to vote. We're waiting in line to vote," a Black woman's voice calls from the darkness.

Digitized versions of this immediate documentary are available at various mirrors on the Internet, such as this one.
At five minutes per person, only 36 voters an hour can vote here, an Election Protection volunteer monitor had said in the video. In fact, at that precinct, it would have taken more than 18 hours for sixty percent of the registered voters to vote— making the average turnout a physical impossibility for that precinct.

The video shows case after heartbreaking case of voters, largely African American, standing in corridors, standing in the rain outdoors, standing, standing, not moving, waiting for a chance to vote in precincts throughout Colombus. One man declares that nothing will stop them from voting. But clearly, many had no choice but to give up and go— to work, to take care of kids, or to take their medication.

"Some people are just walking away 'cause they're saying they have to get home, and intending to come back but... it's hard," said one woman volunteer. "A three or four hour wait is long time for a working family."

Official Recount Ends With More Problems Than Resolutions— But Indicates Kerry Might Win With A Full Recount

Republican Secretary of State Kenneth J. Blackwell officially ended the recount on Tuesday, December 28, reported Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld, and Harvey Wasserman of the Colombus Free Press.

Blackwell, who was co-chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign, announced that his recount awarded 734 additional votes to Kerry and 449 additional votes to Bush. Meanwhile, more than 92,672 machine-rejected ballots remain unchecked and uncounted, as do at least 14,000 provisional ballots. Conservative estimates of Kerry’s net gain among those ballots are another 36,000 to 40,000 votes. No accounting in the count or recount has been made for voters turned away at the polls due to insufficient voting machines, computer malfunction, tampering with registration data, mishandling of absentee ballots, misinformation and intimidation, or a wide range of other problems.

Blackwell's certified statewide returns now give Bush a margin of 118,775 votes.

But Blackwell's recount only counted about three percent of the ballots. The net gain he certifies for Kerry, if it held and all ballots were recounted, would put Kerry another nearly 10,000 votes closer to Bush. But a full and fair recount would probably gain Kerry far more.

That same Thursday the Green and Libertarian candidates submitted a request to a federal court to force a second recount of the Ohio vote, alleging county election boards altered votes and didn't follow proper procedures, ( ) reported the Associated Press December 30. During the recount, negligent and improper procedure had prompted Cobb to ask the Ohio court system to oversee the recount.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 11:32 AM
Response to Original message
11. ACTION - Dial (877)762-8762, Ask For Democracy
(thanks to Ronbrynaert)

This applies to every American voter: whether Democrat, Republican, Third Party member or Independent.

Do you want to know what you can do to help bring about change?

Do you want to know what you can do to help find out if the "will of the people" is being acted upon?

Do you want to know what you can do to help preserve democracy in America?

It's pretty darn simple.

You won't have to spend any money. You won't have to put yourself at risk in any way. You won't have to march. You won't have to chant slogans. You won't have to write any letters. You won't have to go on strike. You won't have to synchronize colors. You won't have to step in front of any tanks.

All you gotta do is dial one telephone number. One toll-free number. That's it. Dial it once - at the very, very least - and you've done your duty as a United States citizen who believes in the Constitution and all that it stands for. Say your peace, give thanks and then hang up and hit re-dial. If you're a super patriot you should feel free to hit re-dial ninety-nine times and repeat the process.

1. Dial (877)762-8762

(or 1-866-877-4455 or - if you don't care about the phone bill - (202)224-3121) and you will reach the ears of a switchboard operator at the US Capital. Ask politely to be connected with the Senator of your choice.

2. Pick a Senator

Pick a name at random from this list that can be found at

or ask for one of these ten that I've selected for various reasons:

Patrick Leahy, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Frank Lautenberg, Russ Feingold, Jim Jeffords, Charles Hagel, Diane Feinstein or Barack Obama.

And make sure you wish the hard-at-work operator a 'happy new year' just in case you decide to call back.

3. Tell them what you think

After being connected, kindly tell the selected representative of the people that you are pleased with all the attention, lately, that has been directed towards the legitimacy of international elections and the importance of protecting democracies, but that you have deep concerns about the state of our own election system.

Specifically, you should inform each senator (of both parties...and that other dude) that the United States Constitution demands that they raise an objection on January 6th, when they meet to certify the 2004 presidential election results. Tell them that, at the very least, that a two-hour debate can do an awful lot for this country's reputation here, there and abroad.

Here are three potentials ways you can go about it (depending on how you feel about the issue and whatever party loyalties you may possess):

a) that you question the presidential election results because of widespread allegations of fraud and undeniable proof of actions undertaken to suppress the vote;

b) or that you don't necessarily question the results but you do question the fact that there is no sure way to verify them;

c) or that you don't believe that there is anything wrong with the results but that you'd like this matter to be resolved for once and for all to prove that those liberals are out of their freaking minds.

The latter tactic can be used by Republicans, the first is for the liberals, and the one in the middle befits the people that live somewhere in the middle (I'd guess the middle sector enjoys a plurality, if not a majority edge).

Whatever you do, don't let anyone tell you that you should restrict yourself to only contacting your state's senators. The 100 senators serve this country as a whole, as well as their individual states. That's the way our forefathers intended it to be.

I don't want to see just one senator objecting to certification without debate along with Representative John Conyers and others from the House. My dream is that all one hundred senators will realize the importance of this day. We can't sweep this under the rug anymore. It needs to be out in the open. It needs to be debated. It needs to be democratized.

And, yes, I perfectly understand what might happen if thousands upon thousands upon thousands of calls swarm into the Capital over the next few days. E-mails and letters will never have the same effect. Phone calls can do something. Phone calls can be utilized as a vital non-violent tactic to express dissatisfaction with the state. Nobody's going to get hurt and nobody's going to get into any trouble. But if the switchboard goes down, then, you know what, that qualifies as news. Think of these phone calls as "weapons of mass construction."

America doesn't balk. America talks. And we're damn good at it.

More stories on election irregularities at and

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texpatriot2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 11:46 AM
Response to Original message
12. Kick this fantastic idea and for those who have kept it going
Thank you.
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 12:02 PM
Response to Original message
13. Ohio News Now - Election Reform Rally Planned

January 3, 2005


Election Reform Rally Planned

(AP) A group will rally in Columbus today in favor of national election reform and to call attention to Thursday's joint session of Congress where its expected to certify the election results.

Reverend Jesse Jackson and some state lawmakers are expected at the rally.

Jackson and US Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones spoke in Cleveland Sunday. Tubbs Jones and Jackson say they're trying to call attention to voting irregularities in Ohio.

Tubbs Jones says the recount wasn't handled properly.


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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 12:19 PM
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14. Will Pitt FYI - Manual for pestering Senators
(looks like Will's new blog is open for business)

Monday 03 January 2005 @ 11:15

Manual for pestering Senators

If you are planning this week to write your Senators and ask them to stand up with Rep. Conyers at the Electoral College hearing on the 6th, take a look at the talking points prepared by the Dean people. There is a lot of good stuff in there.

My two cents are as follows: When writing your Senators, be sure above all else to lean on the words Conyers used in his letter. "I am hoping that you will consider joining us in this important effort," wrote Conyers, "to debate and highlight the problems in Ohio which disenfranchised innumerable voters."

Debate and highlight, not overthrow. This is enough of a political minefield as it is - any Senator who does stand up faces severe attacks from the GOP as well as from go-along Democrats. Debate and highlight allows for political cover, and puts any Senator who stands up under that premise to be the defender of our right to vote.

Tactics are as important as being right in this matter. Just a thought.

He's already posted 5 updates today..
you might want to check it out:

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 12:31 PM
Response to Original message
15. Rally for the Republic - Boston, Mass. - Fanueil Hall - 7 PM Tonight

January 3, 2005

Rally for the Republic -- Boston, Massachusetts -- Fanueil Hall -- 7 PM Tonight!

Monday, January 3rd, 2005

Rally for the Republic at Fanueil Hall
Start Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Fanueil Hall, Boston
Category: Protest!

Coalition Urges Congress to Act Against Election Fraud

WASHINGTON -- December 30 -- Massachusetts Elector Tom Barbera and local activists with the Coalition Against Election Fraud (CAEF) will call on members of Congress to take action in response to election fraud at a Rally for the Republic, to be held inside of Faneuil Hall on Monday, January 3 at 7:00 p.m. Organizers invite all those concerned about preserving our voting rights to gather at 6:30 p.m. at the State House entrance to Boston Common for a march to the indoor Rally at Faneuil Hall.

The Coalition is part of a nationwide grassroots movement to urge members of Congress to object on January 6 to the Electoral College vote from states such as Ohio, Florida and New Mexico, where mounting evidence of election violations has resulted in questions about the outcome of the 2004 presidential election. This event coincides with Rallies for the Republic planned for early next week in cities across the country, including Columbus, Ohio, Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. Organizers aim to influence members of Congress to vote NOT to certify the Electoral College votes from states where the election results are in question, and/or to delay the vote certification entirely due to the need to complete investigations and recounts currently underway.

Coalition members are currently lobbying a national list of Senators, including Massachusetts Senators Edward Kennedy and John Kerry, to urge them to vote against certification of Electors' votes from states such as Ohio, where the election results are being challenged in court. Several Coalition activists will head to the U.S. Capitol early next week to present their case in person to Senators before Congress reconvenes on January 6. Congress-woman Maxine Waters of California, Chair of the Democratic Caucus Special Committee on Election Reform, stated this week that she, along with other members of the House of Representatives, will be challenging the seating of the Ohio electors.

The Monday Rally, the D.C. Delegation, and a daily vigil outside of the Boston home of Senator John Kerry are among the Coalition's strategies to mount a Constitutional Challenge to the Electoral College vote in response to increasing evidence of election fraud. They cite concerns about discrepancies between vote tallies and the number of registered voters in specific precincts; inequities in the number of voting machines available at highly Democratic polling places; and widespread disenfranchisement of voters through vote suppression tactics targeted largely at African Americans and college students.

"We do not have to suffer another four years of an illegitimate presidency since the Constitution and Federal law set out how to challenge unlawfully acquired electoral votes," according to David Lytel, a leader in the 2000 and the current challenges to the legitimacy of the Florida and now the Ohio electoral votes. Lytel, the keynote speaker at Monday's Rally, explains that the U.S. Constitution has provisions mandating specific penalties be invoked by Congress if the right to vote is 'in any way abridged.'”

"There are considerably more reported cases of vote suppression, fraudulent vote casting and fraudulent vote counting than George W. Bush¹s margin of victory in Ohio and in Florida," Lytel continues. "In Warren County (Ohio), for example, officials closed the vote counting to outside observers for the first time anyone can remember, on the advice of the national Department of Homeland Security, which now denies it. Warren County has nothing in it Al Qaeda cares about, but it is the single most important county in the nation to Bush¹s re-election, being the last polling place in the state to close and providing a third of the margin he needed to claim victory on election night.

“There is overwhelming evidence that the misadministration of the election was non-random. It is literally impossible that chance could produce errors that all point in the same direction, giving votes to Bush," states Lytel, who asserts that exit polls were most likely accurate, showing that "considerably more people went to the polls that day to vote for John Kerry" than shown in the vote counts.

The media has implied that alleged fraud in the 2004 election amounts to “merely random 'glitches' or 'irregularities' and that the only recourse is to fix the system in time for the next election," according to Lytel, who is quick to add, "they are wrong on both counts... The misadministration of the election was deliberate and purposeful and we have more than one course of action to return the nation to the proper path right now.”

Also to speak at the Rally are John Bonifaz, General Counsel of the National Voting Rights Institute and Co-counsel for Presidential Candidates David Cobb and Michael Badnarik in their demand for a meaningful recount of all of the votes cast for President in Ohio; Jonathan Simon, a political survey research analyst who collaborated with U. Penn. professor and statistician Steven Freeman, PhD on exit poll analysis of the 2004 election; Tom Barbera, a Waltham Elector whose motion asking for the investigation and remedy of election violations was passed unanimously by all twelve Mass. Electors; Faye Morrison, an Ayer Selectwoman who spent six months campaigning and working with Election Protection in several states; and Donna Palermino, a local attorney who will speak on the legal aspects of the challenge. Local citizens who campaigned in Ohio, Florida and other states will also share their own observations of vote suppression during the 2004 election.

Musical entertainment will be provided by area folk musician Greg Greenway.

CONTACT: Coalition Against Election Fraud
Heleni Thayre, 617-232-8180
Robin Weingarten, 617-325-8224

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 12:44 PM
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16. Rally - Today - Monday, January 3rd - Columbus, Ohio
Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 12:47 PM by dzika

* Rally -- Monday, January 3rd -- Columbus, Ohio *


Pro-Democracy, Count Every Vote Rally


Rev. Jesse Jackson

Time: 2:00 P.M.

Location: Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, Capitol Theatre, 77 S. High Street, in downtown Columbus, across from State Capitol.

Admission: Free

Sponsored by: Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Progressive Democrats of America, CASE Ohio, DoNotConcede,, United for Peace and Justice, International Labor Communications Association (AFL-CIO), Cleveland Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO),the NAACP National Voter Fund and other national and local groups to be announced, and by Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, State Senator Joyce Beatty, and others.

Progressive Democrats of America Announcement

Download Flyer

Download Press Release

Further details to be announced at

See also

For additional posts relating to the January 3rd rally, see

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 12:56 PM
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17. Save Our Votes March - Baltimore to DC - Jan 4 to Jan 6!!

January 3, 2005

* Save Our Votes March -- Baltimore, Maryland, to Washington DC -- Jan. 4th - Jan. 6th! *

Save Our Votes March
"From SELMA to WASHINGTON: 40 Years Marching For Our Voting Rights"

WHEN: Jan. 4th, 2005 through Jan. 6th, 2005
WHERE: Savage MD to Washington DC

Begins Tuesday at 10AM, January 4th, Arrives Thursday January 6th at the Rally to Defend Democracy at the Federal Capitol in Washington DC.
51capitalmarch is sponsoring Save Our Votes March, From Selma to Ohio to Washington a re-enactment the 1965 Selma to Montgomery March for voting rights. The following is a brief description of that march:

On "Bloody Sunday," March 7, 1965, some 600 civil rights marchers headed east out of Selma on U.S. Route 80. They got only as far as the Edmund Pettus Bridge six blocks away, where state and local lawmen attacked them with billy clubs and tear gas and drove them back into Selma. Two days later on March 9, Martin Luther King, Jr., led a "symbolic" march to the bridge. Then civil rights leaders sought court protection for a third, full-scale march from Selma to the state capitol in Montgomery." On Sunday, March 21, about 3,200 marchers set out for Montgomery, walking 12 miles a day and sleeping in fields. By the time they reached the capitol on Thursday, March 25, they were 25,000-strong. Less than five months after the last of the three marches, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The Rally: At 10 A.M. on Janaury 4th, there will be a "Save Our Votes Rally". This will be at the intersection of Route 32 and Route 1, Savage, Maryland (Just below Baltimore, Maryland).

The March: March will commence immediately after the Rally. Covering 25 miles in 2 1/2 days, the march will begin outside Baltimore on January 4th at 10AM in Savage Maryland (intersection of Route 32 and Route 1). The march will follow Route 1, ending at the Federal Capitol in Washington DC for the Rally in Defense of Democracy on January 6th.

Accommodations: We are going to stay in a heated tent at a beautiful campground right outside of DC. They have hot showers, meeting rooms and a cantina. It is Cherry Hill Park So people should be very comfortable."

We need as many people as possible to join us the morning of the 6th and march the last 2 to 3 miles to the Upper Senate Park, where we will join the Defend Democracy Rally and Vigil on the west side of the Capital at 12:00 Noon.

Here are some details of the planned march:

We will provide a large heated event tent for the overnight campers, as well as other necessities. We welcome any and all marchers, you may march as little or as long as you would like. People may choose to march during the day and make their own arrangements at night, camping is not required to participate in the march. Even if you only march for one day or one hour, we need you to help us fight for our democracy.

If you can't join the march on January 4th and 5th, please join us on the morning of the 6th and march to the Capital and take part in the rally planned there. We need to show strength in our numbers to encourage our representatives to fully investigate this election and to fight for total election reform.

We hope this will grow to be a very large group by the time we reach the Capital, just as it did in 1965 in Montgomery. This re-enactment could be a spotlight on the sham of an election held on Nov 2nd, 2004.

Please see for more details. We hope you can join us and make history! Details will be provided on the message board:

To contribute financially to "Save Our Votes" March, via Paypal:

For any questions, contact

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 01:20 PM
Response to Original message
18. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) vows to object to 2004 election results

November 3, 2004

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) vows to object to 2004 election results

On November 3, 2004 Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) said that he would contest the 2004 election results if election fraud was found. This was in response to a question asked by a citizen at a Medford Oregon Town Hall Meeting that was attended by 150-200 Oregon voters. Ron Wyden knows that systematic voter disenfranchisement is not OK and is evidence of election FRAUD.

Watch him live showing his support for fair U.S. elections on C-Span at 1:00 pm EST on January 6, 2005

On January 6, 2005 Congress will meet in joint session to certify the 2004 presidential election. On that day, if one member of the House and one member of the Senate object to the certification of the vote, then all members of Congress will finally discuss these issues. On January 6, 2001, not a single Senator would join with the Representatives who demanded an inquiry into the Florida recount. Let's help our Senator take this stand.

Please support Ron in this historical action with faxes, emails, phone calls before Jan 5, '05

Click Here for Sample Letters and Contact Information


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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 02:38 PM
Response to Original message
19. Push for Election Investigation Intensifies

Jesse Jackson is challenging
the validity of the Ohio election.

Push for Election Investigation Intensifies

Posted Jan. 3, 2005 – Arguing that little has changed since the fiasco in Florida in 2000, several leading activists – including the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones (D-Ohio) – will march on Columbus, Ohio Monday, hoping to spark a federal investigation into voting fraud and other alleged irregularities in 2004.

Jackson and his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and Tubbs-Jones will be joined at the “Pro Democracy Count Every Vote Rally” by the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and several other civil rights and voter advocacy groups who are calling for an investigation into malfunctioning voter machines, discarded paper ballots, instances of voter intimidation and other allegations they say add up to the disenfranchisement of scores of voters, largely minorities.

“We must have a thorough investigation of voter irregularities and the voter machines before Congress certifies the Electoral College vote on Jan. 6,” Jackson said.

Critics argue that many African-American voters were disenfranchised because heavily-Black precincts used paper ballots, many of which went uncounted. Although the paper ballots were included in the recount, voters in minority and poor areas were still subjected to malfunctioning machines, intimidation and unnecessarily long lines, challengers say.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 02:53 PM
Response to Original message
20. CNN - The new hanging chads - Jackson challenges results

Monday, January 3, 2005 Posted: 12:14 PM EST

The new hanging chads


A recount has confirmed that George W. Bush won in Ohio, though Jesse Jackson last week lent his support to a lawsuit challenging the results because of irregularities. But it isn't the only place where ballots were being scrutinized:

???San Diego's unbubbled ovals After Mayor Dick Murphy beat write-in candidate Donna Frye by 2,108 votes, a recount turned up 5,547 ballots that had been rejected because voters who wrote in her name failed to fill in the oval next to it.

As Murphy, a Republican, was sworn in for a second term last month, Frye told TIME, "I doubt I'll be going gently into that good night."

???Washington's signature scans When Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi edged out attorney general Christine Gregoire by a mere 42 votes in an automatic machine recount, the Democrats raised $750,000 to count the votes again by hand.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 03:09 PM
Response to Original message
21. Missing in Action - The Media and the Ohio Recount

January 3, 2005

Missing in Action
The Media and the Ohio Recount


The Cleveland Federation of Labor is sending busloads of demonstrators to a rally in Columbus, Ohio, today to take part in a protest of election fraud in the 2004 presidential election. As detailed below, there is strong evidence of vote theft in Ohio. But to anyone who gets their news from a television or from most print media, these protesters are kidding themselves or kidding the rest of us, but certainly they are not onto anything worthy of investigation. Last week I received this Email from the Columbus Dispatch:

"Dear Mr. Swanson:

"You say the rally is to protest the fraud that took place in the election. Where did this fraud occur? Who did it? How did they do it?


"glenn sheller, editorial page editor"

Two months after the election, an editor at ground zero was (seriously or sarcastically) asking a stranger and an amateur to tell him from Washington where the fraud had occurred. I immediately sent him a reply. And I didn't hear anything further.

I expect the Dispatch and probably the Associated Press (AP) will cover today's rally, albeit in the way they would cover a disliked visiting sports team. They'll dismiss the concerns of disenfranchised voters in a very wise manner, but they won't actually investigate any of the charges of election fraud - not if they adhere to the practices established by the media over the past two months.

When forced to talk about ethics, media big shots often insist that they draw no conclusions. They endlessly reported Dick Cheney's claims that Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks of September 11, 2001, but it would not have been their place to label that a "conspiracy theory." When it comes to election fraud in Ohio and other U.S. states, on the other hand, the media has jumped straight to reporting that it's all a "conspiracy theory" before ever reporting any of the facts. The Bush Administration has recently presented the media with a nutty theory that our Social Security system is broken, which the media in turn has presented to us as established fact. But to anyone who reads more than just the news that's fit to print, it's our election system that has broken down.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 03:36 PM
Response to Original message
22. Dialing In For Democracy - Now Is Critical

Published on Monday, January 3, 2005 by

Dialing In For Democracy - Now Is Critical

by Thom Hartmann

Jeff Taylor is one of Vermont's three electors - representatives elected by the citizens of Vermont to vote for President of the United States. He and his two peers have joined the electors of several other states in signing resolutions asking their state's congressional delegation to protest the Ohio slate of electors.

"If they can have fair elections in Kiev," Taylor told me, "why not in Cleveland?"

Here's what troubles Taylor:

If you flip a coin a hundred times, odds are that around fifty times it will come up heads and fifty times tails. In reality, it may be 49-51 or even 47-53, but it will always pretty much evenly split. That's the nature of random events, including random errors and mistakes.

So if the tens of thousands of election "irregularities" being reported all across the nation - but particularly in Ohio, Florida, New Mexico, and North Carolina - showed "irregularities" worked randomly to the benefit of both parties, it would be easy to say that we have a broken, but not a stolen or hacked, election system. But that was not the case.

In nearly every case now documented, producing odds not of 50:50 but, according to credible statisticians, sometimes rising to 1:250,000,000, "irregularities" seem always to favor George W. Bush or other Republican candidates. These include:

  • machine errors

  • misplaced machines

  • unmailed absentee ballots

  • certification of more votes than registered voters in some areas, and dramatically low voter turnouts in other areas

  • modem-connected voting machines and tabulators

  • different standards for provisional ballot recounts in different areas

  • phony companies registering voters and then tearing up the registrations of people who checked one party but not the other

  • voting machines defaulting to a particular candidate or 'jumping' by recording a vote for one candidate when another's button was pushed

  • exit polls not corresponding with reported votes

  • voting elections officials creating what look like phony election machine poll tapes and tossing original, signed tabulations in the garbage.

And while the vast majority of the "irregularities" in 2004 are breaking to the benefit of George W. Bush, they also did so in 2000, and for Republicans generally in 2002.

It's time to start using the "F" word. George W. Bush was made President of the United States in 2000 by fraud, and apparently has done it again.


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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 03:42 PM
Response to Original message
23. Ten preliminary reasons why the Bush vote does not compute
Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 03:44 PM by dzika

January 3, 2005

Ten preliminary reasons why the Bush vote does not compute, and why Congress must investigate rather than certify the Electoral College (Part One of Two)

by Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman

The presidential vote for George W. Bush does not compute.

By examining a very wide range of sworn testimonies from voters, polling officials and others close to the administration of the Nov. 2 election; by statistical analysis of the certified vote by mathematicians, election experts and independent research teams who have conducted detailed studies of the results in Ohio, New Mexico, Florida and elsewhere; from experts who studied the voting machines, tabulators and other electronic equipment on which a fair vote count has depended; and from a team of attorneys and others who have challenged the Ohio results; the investigative team has compiled a portrait of an election whose true outcome must be investigated further by the Congress, the media and all Americans -- because it was almost certainly not an honest victory for George W. Bush.

Crucial flaws in the national vote count, most importantly in Ohio, New Mexico and Florida, indicate John Kerry was most likely the actual winner on November 2, as reported in national exit polls. At very least, the widespread tampering with how the election was conducted, and how Ohio's votes were counted and re-counted, has compromised this nation's historic commitment to free and fair elections.

On Thursday, January 6, the Electoral College will be challenged by Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) and other members of Congress under a law passed in 1887 in reaction to the fraudulent election of 1876. A fuller investigation requires assent by at least one Senator.

As this vote nears, Ohio’s certified presidential vote (and quite likely those of at least Florida and New Mexico) is simply not credible. George W. Bush’s ‘victory’ appears to have resulted from multiple frauds – a GOP ‘do-everything’ strategy to win the state that swung the election.

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RocoDeCho Donating Member (2 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 09:44 PM
Response to Reply #23
59. Protest !!! Times Magazine "Man of the Year" because.....
Our Democracy needs Us!!!

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 04:09 PM
Response to Original message
25. Report - Jesse Jackson at Press Conference in Cleveland on Jan. 2

January 03, 2005


The meeting started a little after 2 PM with about a hundred in attendence. Rev. Jesse Jackson came past the front row to shake hands, so I got to shake his hand, too. Reverand Otis Moss welcomed us all to his church for this very important meeting. WOIO CBS Ch. 19 was there with a camera and several print reporters/photographers were also in attendence, including the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Rev. Moss introduced U.S. House Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH CD 11) as the first speaker.

Rep. Tubbs Jones reminded us that much of the HAVA Act had not been implemented for this election and serious voting irregularities plagued Cuyahoga County and all of Ohio. She cited more numbers like >30% of provisional ballots were rejected ( >50% in some African-American neighborhoods), 600+ registered voters' ballots were discarded, yet still the vote was certified. She also reminded us of the rally on Monday at the Vernon Rife Center in Columbus, OH, the same site where SOS Blackwell had issued his various "directives" like the 80 lb. paper for registration, etc. Rev. Jesse Jackson was introduced to a standing ovation.

Rev. Jackson recalled that it was here, in this very church, that he visited in 1965 with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. (immediately after Selma and Chicago) to begin an unprecedented voter registration drive, culminating with the election of Carl B. Stokes as Mayor of Cleveland (Mayor Stokes was the first African-American to lead a major U.S. city). He explained that the same people who were against the Voting Rights Act of 1965 have only changed parties, but not stripes. He described the November 2, 2004 election as a "train wreck of the Underground Railroad", with even more irregularities in Ohio this time than in Florida 2000. He said over 30,000 names have been removed from the voter rolls. Blackwell, as chair of B/C in Ohio is the Katherine Harris of 2004. He wants us all to email or call our senators now, before this Thursday, starting with John Kerry! He listed Sen. Clinton, Sen. Boxer and Sen. Reid as well. He is demanding a thorough investigation of the machinery and wondered aloud how we, as a society, could have possibly allowed our voting machines to be from highly partisan companies like Diebold, ES&S and Triad.

Rev. Jackson questioned how it could be that the highly accurate InstaPoll exit polling caused a new election in Ukraine, when the exit poll gap in OH, PA & MI was, in fact, much larger than in Ukraine, yet hardly a word pointing this out from the media. He reiterated yet more numbers: 77 machines broke down in Franklin County alone, yet none in GOP areas; 92,000 ballots thrown out as overvotes because the ballots were previously marked for b/c; 65 precincts with 12,900 ballots remain uncounted; turnout in 30 precincts here was 40% while the rest of the state was around 70%. "Cleveland was a target market for voter irregularity schemes," he said.

About the recount, Rev. Jackson said this was a political recount, not a scientific one. He called for SOS Kenneth Blackwell to testify before this Thursday's EV count and strongly believes John Kerry should lead the drive for the challenge, to "end the theivery" and "stop it from happening again". He called for a federal election standard as a Constitutional Amendment that guarantees one voter, one vote and that it is time to abandon the Electoral College altogether. We should all remember Martin Luther King Jr.'s protest in Selma 40 years ago this March. And we should rekindle this spirit. Rev. Jackson fully expects The Congressional Black Caucus to contest the vote on Thursday. Next came Bob Fritakis and Cliff Arnebeck.

Fritakis began with his disbelief that the vote was certified in Perry County with 124% voter turnout! He went into detail how our elections became privatized and slammed Wally O'Dell (CEO of Diebold and b/c ranger/pioneer). He presented more evidence of remarkable election-day errors, all happening in strong Dem areas, like 42 machines missing on orders from Blackwell and Diebold machines "freezing up". In one district of 566 registered voters, a better than 98% turnout was reported, meaning only TEN people did NOT vote. Their canvass in just ONE afternoon turned up 25 people who did not vote!

Attorney Arnebeck asked the audience, "What's new about this election?". Is it Bush, Rove & Co. stealing the election? No - that happened in 2000. Is it about election officials ignoring the law? No - 2000 again. Were facts ignored? No - 2000 yet again. What was different then? This time they made it "not close". They are continuing their lawsuits and pressure and concluded that, unless these issues are addressed and rectified, we will no longer live in the democracy the whole world looks to as a fair, just, open, lawful society.

Gregory Moore of the NAACP Voter Fund told us about the 80,000 new voters they got registered for this election, about 1/7 of all in Ohio. There were 92,000 spoiled ballots and 157,000 provisional ballots not recounted. When John Kerry spoke at the NAACP back in July 2004, he got ONE standing ovation when he promised "All votes will be counted".

Cleveland Mayor Jane Campbell implored us to be with Rep. Tubbs Jones on this. She told us of her election-day experiences, identifying Woodbury School as Ground Zero. When her police detective escort went to vote, he waited two hours only to find they had his SON's name on the voter rolls (same name, different birthday) and was given a provisional ballot, which he doesn't think has ever been counted. In every white neighborhood she visited that day, lines weren't longer than about 30 minutes, but in minority precincts, the lines were astoundingly long.

Mark Namet (sp?) of the PD asked if there is a pattern that they can show. Fritakis answered by explaining how virtually ALL irregularities happening in minority areas across Ohio AND at the same time favored b/c, a 135 million to one improbablity. "This was NOT an accident!" Bob argued. He referred to a Popular Mechanics/Popular Science Nov. 04 issue that discusses the "private software". He also cited "deliberate, calculated actions by SOS Blackwell" as another reason.

Another questioner asked about what the local, county & OH Dem party was doing about this. Tomorrow's rally in Columbus will be after all the state legislators are sworn in. They hope to have several Dem members of the OH House & Senate take part. But mostly, everybody was wondering where the Dems were in all of this. Rev. Jackson said this story has to reach a critical mass before the MSM will pick it up. He expects this to happen when the contest happens this Thursday. The election is not over nor is this story. It will take a lot of effort by everybody to make this issue mainstream and it is a long-term project. We must stay focused and comitted.

After a few more questions, Rev. Jackson took the podium again to lead us in prayer. He reminded us that this issue is one that crosses all lines, that we need to email and call all 100 senators (202-224-3121) before this Thursday, beginning with John Kerry. He likened this struggle to the Confederacy against the Union, where whites crossed the racial lines to help fleeing slaves with the Underground Railroad, to fight back slavery. We said a prayer for Robert T. Matsui (D-CA-05) who passed away today and Rev. Jackson asked the Good Lord for strength in our struggle.


The bus for Columbus leaves from CLE OH Monday at 10 AM from 3250 Euclid Ave. UAW Hall. Those interested in going can ride the bus or caravan behind.

Call those US Senators: 202-224-3121, John Kerry FIRST!

Expect more than one Senator to stand up this time. This will only happen if we do our part to express our concerns.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 04:23 PM
Response to Original message
26. BRAD BLOG: Staffer Confirms Sen. Nelson's Interest in Joining Challenge!
Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 04:25 PM by dzika
(thanks to BradBlog)


Senator Bill Nelson to Join Conyers' Electoral Challenge?
Staffers -- and Senator -- Are Hopeful According to Source!

A source in Senator Bill Nelson's office has informed The BRAD BLOG that Nelson is seriously taking a look at the issue, and is currently amidst meetings and phone calls on the very topic.

The staffer was willing to tell us off the record, in regard to whether Nelson will join the challenge, that "I am hoping that he will. And so is he...There are many of us in the office who are hoping he will do so."


Brad Friedman
THE BRAD BLOG - The uprising continues...

DU Thread:
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 06:29 PM
Response to Reply #26
35. 3:30 PM Update from Brad Blog
UPDATE 3:03pm PT:The BRAD BLOG has now been contacted by Bryan Gulley, the Press Secretary for Senator Bill Nelson. Gulley has said in an email to us that our report is "completely false".

While we are pleased to report the information from Gulley, we stand by our original report of what we were told this morning by a Nelson staffer as being 100% accurate. We reported precisely what we were told.


To that end, The BRAD BLOG has been told that Rep. John Conyers' office and the U.S. House Judiciary Committee staffers, "anticipate" in the next day that they "will release a major report that will detail that full body of evidence. And will be sending it to every Senator."

The source added, "It will make it absolutely crystal clear what the standard is for challenging Electors."

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 04:40 PM
Response to Original message
27. Will John Kerry Report for Duty?

January 4, 2005

Will John Kerry Report for Duty?

By Robert Parry

Early in Campaign 2004, Sen. John Kerry challenged George W. Bush’s operatives to “bring it on,” fully expecting that they would try to smear his patriotism despite his Vietnam War medals. In accepting the Democratic nomination, Kerry again highlighted his national service by snapping off a salute with the words: “Reporting for duty.”

Yet one of the biggest disappointments for many Democrats was that the “bring it on” John Kerry didn’t show up at key moments in Election 2004. He failed to respond aggressively when a Republican front group spread lies about his war record. He then meekly conceded defeat on the day after the Nov. 2 election rather than fight for a full examination of voting irregularities.

Now, John Kerry may have one more chance to “report for duty.” On Jan. 6, after the new Congress convenes, he could join with Reps. John Conyers, Maxine Waters and other members of the House of Representatives in supporting their expected motion for a full-scale investigation of Election 2004, particularly the widespread allegations of voting fraud in the pivotal state of Ohio.

For the House motion to have any standing, it must be signed by at least one U.S. senator. So far, no U.S. senator has stepped forward despite petition drives from rank-and-file Democrats demanding that Bush’s victory be contested.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 04:49 PM
Response to Original message
28. ABC NEWS - 2/3s of Fla. Provisional Ballots Rejected

2/3s of Fla. Provisional Ballots Rejected

Officials: Two-Thirds of Fla. Provisional Ballots Rejected

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. Jan 3, 2005 — Nearly two-thirds of the provisional ballots cast in Florida on Election Day were not counted, mostly because the voters were not registered, officials said Monday.

County elections officials said 27,742 provisional ballots were cast and 9,915 were counted, but 17,827 were rejected. The numbers may be revised but are not expected to change dramatically, officials said.

"The majority of the ones that were rejected were because the people were not registered to vote," said Jenny Nash, spokeswoman for the Florida Department of State.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 04:56 PM
Response to Original message
29. Electoral Tsunami

Electoral Tsunami

While the disaster in the Indian Ocean commands most of the media's attention at the moment, the election disaster in Ohio still stinks to high heaven. As if the last four years weren't bad enough, we get to survive four more ???

( And Jeb is just waiting in the wings... mind you . Think 2008 .)

Dont' just take it. Take action.

On January 6, 2005, Congress will meet in joint session to certify the presidential election. On that day, if one member of the House and one member of the Senate object to the certification of the vote, then all members will finally discuss the elections many irregularities. Remember, on Jan.6th, 2001, not a single Senator would join with the Representatives who demanded an inquiry into the recount in Jeb's state of Florida. This year, let's make our Senators take a stand !!!

The following seven Senators are some of the most progressive members of the Senate. Call them immediately and ask urge them to defend Democracy on January 6.

Spread the word to people you know. Ask them to make calls or send e-mail to the following :

Senator Barbara Boxer, ( 202) 224-3553,

Senator Dick Durbin, (202) 224-2142

Senator Russ Feingold, ( 202 ) 224-5323,

Senator Tom Harkin, (202) 224-3254,

Senator Jim Jeffords, (202) 224-5141,

Senator Edward Kennedy, (202) 224-4543

Senator Patrick Leahy, ( 202 ) 224-4242

We the people have a right to expose to the clear light of day the fraud, disenfranchisement, voter suppression, precinct manipulation etc. that took place in the 2004 election. We must demand real reforms that extend and protect the vote and defend our country.

No Stolen Elections.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 05:13 PM
Response to Original message
30. Op-Ed: More Trials and Tribulations for Ohio

1/3/2005 4:29:00 PM

Op-Ed: More Trials and Tribulations for Ohio

To: Opinion Editor

Contact: Christy Hicks of The Century Foundation, 212-452-7723

WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following is an opinion editorial by Tova Andrea Wang, senior program officer and Democracy Fellow at The Century Foundation:

More Trials and Tribulations for Ohio
By Tova Andrea Wang

If you thought the advent of 2005 would bring an end to the 2004 vote controversy, think again. Throughout the week, pro- democracy grassroots organizations will be protesting around the country, culminating in a rally at the Capitol on Thursday, the day the votes of the Electoral College are to be counted.

In the meantime, the groups continue the legal battle. Lawyer Cliff Arnebeck, with their support, has filed a motion in an Ohio court challenging the presidential election. The petition argues it is almost statistically impossible for the exit poll data and the actual vote count to have varied so dramatically absent fraud, which the document alleges for the most part was carried out through the manipulation of electronic voting and counting machines.


The failure to provide a reasonable number of voting machines in Ohio led to lines and wait times to vote that were not just unacceptably high-they were possibly an unconstitutional denial of voting rights. In Ohio, voters had to wait in line for up to ten hours. Thousands of voters were still waiting in line when the polls closed at 7:30 p.m.

How many people decided not to wait?

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 05:20 PM
Response to Original message
31. ACTION ALERT from Truth In Voting (OREGON) - Contact Senator Wyden

January 03, 2005

Action Memo from Truth In Voting (OREGON)

Friends of democracy and Truth in Voting,

The final push is on to tell Senator Wyden that we won't stand for dishonest elections!

As you know from previous emails, we have started a vigil of Senator Wyden’s office to convince him to step forward on January 6th (this Thursday) and reject the certification of the electoral college on the floor of Congress. There are already plans by Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) to step forward and challenge the same. He will certainly be joined by other brave Representatives, but, as yet, no Senator has pledged to step forward. There is hope still to encourage our own Sen. Wyden to be one of the Senators that step forward. (We hope he won’t be alone this time!). How can you accomplish this?

1) The most effective way: Come in person to his Eugene office and join our vigil! If you don’t have any of the three key days off: Monday Jan. 3rd through Wednesday the 5th, then, by all means, come during your lunch hour and show solidarity with those that are there. Visit any or all three days if you can. Office address: 151 West 7th (parking on Charnelton just to the West of the building) Office hours: M-F 8:30 am to 5 pm

2) Second best: Call Sen. Wyden’s office to express your grave concerns about the validity of the Presidential election and ask the senator to join Rep. Conyers in his vote against certifying the electoral college vote. Washington, D.C. office: 202- 224-5244 (if you need to call from home before the Eugene office opens at 8:30 am PST) Eugene office: 541-431-0229

ALSO: Lobby the local news media to cover this issue and the vigil of Sen. Wyden’s office! Let them know you are very concerned about the validity of the Nov. 2nd Presidential election, especially in key swing states like Ohio and Florida.

2 basic questions for the media: Have you covered these concerns of voting irregularities and the potential of vote fraud in the national election? If not, why not? and Will you cover the local efforts of Truth In Voting to bring awareness of this issue and specifically the vigil in Senator Wyden’s office? All of the News Departments listed for phone calls below have received emails with the latest Press Release on the vigil. You can pass along the information to them by referring to this web page: (the link is also listed on the left side of the home page)

Phone numbers to call:
Eugene Register-Guard:
KEZI-9 News: 541-485-5394
KVAL-TV: 541-342-4961; ask for the news department
KMTR-TV News Department: 541-741-2097
KLCC radio News Department: 541-463-6022
KPNW radio: 541-485-1120, ask for News Department

For talking points for your lobby calls (media or Sen. Wyden), you may want to print out this email and this page from the web site:

For more information, contact: Doe Tabor (vigil organizer) via cell phone: 912-5485 / Via email:

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 05:38 PM
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32. ACTION ALERT - Rallying Sen. Bingaman: Decertifying Electors
Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 06:34 PM by dzika

Monday, January 03, 2005

Rallying Sen. Bingaman: Decertifying Electors

Subject: Phone Calls, SF Press Conference, Rally Bingaman on January 4th, at Santa Fe Capitol, Noon

This week is going to be exciting. Activists are in negotiations with Senator Jeff Bingaman and his people on two counts: decertifying the Ohio *and* the New Mexico electors. Keep up the phone calls to Senator Bingaman on both accounts: DC: 202.224.5521 and NM: 1-800-443-8658. Full office number list: click here.

Call every influential sympathetic citizen you can think of and make sure they have the numbers and are urged to call. This is the only way Democracy is going to work. If you know who finances Bingaman's elections, contact them.

Don't like making phone calls? It's actually a lot of fun. Political conversation is the most dynamic of human interaction short of the spiritual. This is exciting stuff. Feel energized as you realize you are having an effect. Call me at 505.982.3609 if you need a coaching session.

Call friends in other states and have them call their Senators. Full court press, folks. Citizen, take courage. Remember: You have the power. If you can imagine it, you can do it.

We are moving the rally at Bingaman's office to Tuesday the 4th, though we will also assemble there on the 6th at Noon. I will have to see what can be done regarding permits tomorrow.

Regardless, Bingaman's office and the police chief Beverly Lennon (sp) will be notified in advance about the two dates: the 4th and 6th. The importance of the 4th is twofold: get a jump and be proactive before the vote which is on the 6th and piggyback on the press conference at the Roundhouse regarding the New Mexico recount which is at 12 Noon on the 4th.

Tentatively, given permission, we will march from the press conference at the Roundhouse down to the Plaza, past the library and up Marcy Street to Bingaman's office (Suite 101, 119 East Marcy). I recommend that each person bring a personal letter with them and that we each go in individually or in pairs with the letters to drop them off.

We should be dropping off letters and documentation in support of this effort all week. In particular give the Senator articles appearing at Online Journal, Greg Palast, Truthout and Free Press, and the Conyers investiation documents.

Anything you find out there that is a quality news item regarding the vote fraud and election theft is a good thing to accompany a personal letter.

Fax material to: 202-224-2852

Senators listen to their aides. These are the names of Senator Bingaman's Washington aides. Try to get either Stephan or Trudy on the line to determine what's going on and to make an impression:

Chief of Staff: Stephan Ward
Appointment Secretary: Virginia White
Legislative Director: Trudy Vincent
Press Secretary: Jude McCartin

Think of this in two ways:

  1. This is citizen lobbying of our elected representatives.
  2. This is we provide political cover for our Senator to do the right thing.

Would you believe that the excuse the Senators gave in 2000 for not supporting the Black Caucus in their call for a halt to the Electoral Vote was that no one asked them?

Let's make it perfectly clear. We are asking our Senator, Jeff Bingaman, to put in writing his objection to the Ohio and New Mexico electors according to the United States Code:

"3 U.S.C. ß15: Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received."

What happens after that? Here's the details: click for Daily Kos story.

To recap: all week stream into Bingaman's office with personal, handwritten or typed letters including relevant press articles from around the internet or synopses of radio shows like Air America or Democracy Now.

On Tuesday, show up at the Roundhouse at 12pm Noon to support the continuing efforts to recount the vote in New Mexico. The recent audit in New Mexico showed hundreds of discrepancies in a tiny sampling. New Mexico is not Red yet.

After the press conference, join us for a march to Bingaman's office. This march will be either formal or informal, depending on whether or not we get permission. I will keep everyone updated. At Bingaman's office, let's stay respectful and go in one at a time if we have something to deliver.

Finally, on September 6th, let's once again keep a vigil at Bingaman's office, getting news out to the people about what has transpired in Congress.

Hey, Constitutional Democracy can be fun

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 05:48 PM
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33. Passionate Voters Chose To Challenge Election Results

January 3, 2005

Passionate Voters Chose To Challenge Election Results
Congress To Certify Vote

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- One voter didn't witness any problems Election Day but was suspicious of the results. Another was surprised by long lines in her suburban city, where voting was always quick in the past.

Another was angered by an hours-long wait to vote in his black neighborhood, where some people left in frustration without casting a ballot.

Peace activists, musicians and politicians are among the 37 voters challenging President George W. Bush's Nov. 2 election that he won with Ohio's 20 electoral votes. And three days before Congress certifies the vote, they're not ready to give up.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 06:15 PM
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34. Senator who blog said might raise electoral challenge says that he won’t


Senator who blog said might raise electoral challenge says that he won’t

By John Byrne and Larisa Alexandrovna | RAW STORY Staff

A Florida senator who a blog reported was considering challenging the election says he is not, a spokesperson told RAW STORY.

A source inside Senator Bill Nelson (D-Fl.) told The Brad Blog that the senator was seriously considering joining Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) in seeking to open discussion on the election results Jan. 6, when the Senate convenes to ratify the presidential election results.

Nelson’s press office, however, says the senator has decided against joining a congressional challenge absent conclusive evidence “to warrant overturning the results.”

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 06:51 PM
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36. Pat Buchanan compares Ukraine Elections to Ohio
(So sorry. I couldn't resist posting Buchanan's comment)

Are freelancers running our Russia policy?

...If Putin is enraged, can we blame him? How we would react if the Chinese or French meddled in our elections, and then the EU and Putin denounced the 2000 Florida recount and 2004 Ohio returns as fraudulent?
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Wilms Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 07:06 PM
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37. New U. of Penn Study -- 622,000 to 1 Odds against Vote being Fair
Originally posted by JMDEM:


Dr. Freeman has updated his report, originally released in early November, about the statistical odds against the exit polls being so wrong in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. This time around, he takes the apologists head-on in their arguments that the exit polls were fundamentally flawed. He also discusses how exit polls are so very important for ensuring fair elections in other countries.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 07:27 PM
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38. "Talking Points" from "thedeanpeople"
January 3, 2005

"Talking Points" from "thedeanpeople"

Talking Points from thedeanpeople are now available at

This talking points document has been compiled from the resource material available at

Note: The talking points at are a work in progress. To get the "latest and greatest,” check for updates the mornings of Jan 4th and 5th .

Please join the following Yahoo group to post arguments that you have found effective, and any feedback, questions, or suggestions that others may find helpful (or that others can help with). As they the saying goes, "All of us are smarter than any of us." The January 6th lobbying effort is an uphill battle so we need whatever help we can get from, or give to each other!

Contact information:
Patty Keeshan

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 07:45 PM
Response to Original message
39. Hey, can we have a thread that's only for actions? I missed the Boxer
rally because I didn't get the UFPJ email until 1 hour before the event.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 08:16 PM
Response to Reply #39
40. There was one but it must have died.
There is always a list of highlights from previous days posted at the top of this daily. All of the protests are grouped together so it is easier to read.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 08:18 PM
Response to Reply #40
41. Got it. Thanks. n/t
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 08:27 PM
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42. AP - Bush Asks Judge to Toss Ohio Election Suit

Tuesday January 4, 2005

Bush Asks Judge to Toss Ohio Election Suit


Associated Press Writer

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - President Bush's re-election campaign asked the chief justice of the Ohio Supreme Court on Monday to throw out a challenge of the election in this swing state, saying the case resembles ``a poorly drafted script for a late night conspiracy-theory movie.''

The court filing was made as the Rev. Jesse Jackson held a rally before hundreds of people in Columbus to support the challenge and urge the U.S. Senate to debate Ohio's results on Thursday when Congress is in joint session for the official tally of the electoral votes.

Thirty-seven Ohio voters who filed the challenge are asking Chief Justice Thomas Moyer to set aside the election results. Some of the voters are suspicious of Bush's victory over Sen. John Kerry, while others say hours-long waits in heavily black neighborhoods caused voters to leave in frustration without casting a ballot.

``In 2000, if Al Gore had just held on and fought to the bitter end, he would have been president,'' said Mark Lomax, a black Columbus musician challenging the vote. ``I kind of have the same feeling now - whether or not you like John Kerry, that's not the issue. It's just that your vote counts.''

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MelissaB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 08:27 PM
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43. Bush Asks Judge to Toss Ohio Election Suit

By ANDREW WELSH-HUGGINS, Associated Press Writer

COLUMBUS, Ohio - President Bush (news - web sites)'s re-election campaign asked the chief justice of the Ohio Supreme Court on Monday to throw out a challenge of the election in this swing state, saying the case resembles "a poorly drafted script for a late night conspiracy-theory movie."

The court filing was made as the Rev. Jesse Jackson (news - web sites) held a rally before hundreds of people in Columbus to support the challenge and urge the U.S. Senate to debate Ohio's results on Thursday when Congress is in joint session for the official tally of the electoral votes.

Thirty-seven Ohio voters who filed the challenge are asking Chief Justice Thomas Moyer to set aside the election results. Some of the voters are suspicious of Bush's victory over Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites), while others say hours-long waits in heavily black neighborhoods caused voters to leave in frustration without casting a ballot.

"In 2000, if Al Gore (news - web sites) had just held on and fought to the bitter end, he would have been president," said Mark Lomax, a black Columbus musician challenging the vote. "I kind of have the same feeling now — whether or not you like John Kerry, that's not the issue. It's just that your vote counts."

Thanks to utopiansecretagent here:

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 09:06 PM
Response to Original message
44. Video- Obermann: "at least a fair chance" of Senator challenging Ohio vote


Obermann says there is "at least a fair chance" of Senator challenging Ohio vote

Reail Media:
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 09:28 PM
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45. Conyers to object to Ohio vote count, certification

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Conyers to object to Ohio vote count, certification

By: Michael H. Cottman

Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., the ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, said Monday that he plans to formally "object to the counting of the Ohio votes" in the 2004 presidential race when a joint session of Congress meets Thursday to ratify November's election results.

"We're not going to roll over and surrender when we know there have been countless voting irregularities in Ohio," Conyers told

"This is the second time that George W. Bush had a one-state victory that is hugely controversial," said Conyers. "We are asking for careful consideration by the House and Senate. Voting is the key to a Democratic system."

Conyers said there were numerous voting problems in Ohio, including voting machine errors and voting machines owned by manufacturers who were "unabashedly Bush supporters."

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Wilms Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 10:15 PM
Response to Original message
46. News from the Columbus OHIO Rally this afternoon
Originally posted by KitKat65, here:


Highlights are:

Just got home from the Rainbow Coalition rally featuring Jesse Jackson, Tubbs and others at the Riffe Center in Columbus Ohio.

The important things for me to pass on to you are these:

They asked us to go to the Progressive Democrats web page

and go to the Action Alert page which is this

you can compose a message that will be passed on to

Russell Feingold, Senator

Patrick Leahy, Senator

Tom Harkin, Senator

Patty Murray, Senator

Richard Durbin, Senator

John F Kerry, Senator

They asked us to go to call the Senate Hotline at 202/224-3121
to ask them to investigate the vote. “Light up those boards!” they said.


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texpatriot2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-05 10:38 PM
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47. Kick it for the night owls
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 12:01 AM
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48. Bellaciao - 2004 vote fraud documents

Tuesday 4th January 2005

2004 vote fraud documents

by : Donna Bravo
As you know, there have been thousands of irregularities, including intimidation in the 2004 Election and citizens want to know why nothing is being done to investigate.

Please join the chorus of voices demanding a recount or revote so that American citizens can feel as secure as the Ukrainians that our voices are heard in this country too.

Join President Bush in calling for a fair, free election without intimidation. The people in a democracy have the right to be heard and their votes accurately counted at the ballot box.

Bush: "There’s just a lot of allegations of vote fraud that place their elections, the validity of their elections, in doubt... The position of our government is that the will of the people must be known and heard....These elections ought to be open and fair....The only good deal is one that’s verifiable...Any election in any country must reflect the will of the people."

White House spokeswoman Claire Buchan told reporters the Bush administration is calling on to conduct a review of the election and not to certify the results until investigations of fraud are resolved.

If ours is a democracy too, then the following statement should be backed by these same people:

Americans have the right to be heard and their votes accurately counted at the ballot box.

Please read the following formal document that details some of the problems.

Follow the link to massive Indiana conflict of interest and fraud as investigated by a TV station there.

And here are the details of the Ohio Secretary of State’s fraudulent actions on Dec 13, 2204.

Outrageous arrest of former Congressman Dan Hamburg for his attempts to defend our votes

Further proof of Ohio Election fraud during the current recount effort

Massive evidence of disenfranchisement in Ohio:

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 12:10 AM
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49. Will Pitt FYI - We have Senators?

Monday 03 January 2005 @ 09:10

We have Senators?

I am told by David Lytell, who has been lobbying Senators to stand with Conyers that Senator Tubbs-Jones is actively considering standing up, and if she asks Senator Boxer to do the same, Boxer will stand as well.

I have no way to confirm this until tomorrow, but Lytell is giving me the phone numbers I will need to get that confirmation. He seems to think something will pop on this some time tomorrow. I will run this to ground with alacrity when the sun comes up.


more details from nmoliver

nmoliver (75 posts) Tue Jan-04-05 03:16 AM
Original message
Unofficial insider information/rumor: Boxer will challenge

I heard David Lytel, of, speak in Boston tonight at the same time that William Pitt was there. In fact, William and I spoke privately to David at an intermission, and he got the same information that I did. I'd just like to report the way I heard it. I am reporting less cautiously than is William.

David announced to the rally that Senator Barbara Boxer WILL CHALLENGE the electors. The crowd came to its feet and cheered.

When we questioned David at the intermission, he said that he has learned this information privately through a chain of lawyers and that this is his best impression: that currently they are preparing the text of a challenge, and we should see it in the morning.

The information didn't sound as solid as it did when David conveyed it to the crowd.

We will see tomorrow if this is really true or if it is another false hope. There are other indications that Boxer has not made up her mind.

I know nothing beyond what I am reporting right here. I am sure some posters may call me names again, but I repeat - I am going through the same feelings as everybody else, and I have no more inside contacts than any of the rest of you.

DU Thread:
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Fly by night Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 12:34 AM
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50. Third Gathering To Save Our Democracy, Nashville, TN
We held our third Gathering at Vanderbilt's Benton Chapel on Sunday, with 150+ in attendance, speeches from a half-dozen civil rights warrior-pioneers, a slide show (thanks Election Fraud 2004) which included a half-dozen brand-new slides from the leaked "raw" exit poll data (thanks DUers!!), coverage (again) from our local CBS affiliate, the Nashville newspaper, and a half-hour post-Gathering live radio interview on the largest Black-owned radio station in Nashville. We did have an excellent speaker who had worked in the voting machine industry, though not for Diebold. (However, he had met with them and ES$S execs a number of times and had been asked to co-author a book with one of them entitled" "100 Ways to Rig An Election". I will encourage him to contact Rep. Conyers to share his insights and experience.)

We also sent several carloads of Tennessee folks from our Gathering to Columbus,OH and we're anxious to hear how they viewed the experience. Drive home safe, ya'll.

We will follow up this week with rallies (11:00 am CST on 1/5/05 at Senator Lamar Alexander's office, then proceeding to Senator Bill Frist's office) in Nashville, Jackson and (hopefully) in all other TN cities where our Senators have offices, with media attention for those rallies also. (Any Tennessee DUers who read this, PLEASE PM me for details.) We will also continue to meet at least once a month to formulate our own legislative agenda for election reform in Tennessee.
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 12:47 AM
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51. OpEdNews - Get Over It, Winners

Get Over It, Winners

by Michael Arvey

The technique was as simple as it was stinging: Stuff a thin, pre-cut five-foot section of hose down into the tank, apply lips to cold hose, make a Louis Armstrong trumpet face with flaring cheeks, suck the gas up and into containers. Cheap gas that is, or was. They’d take only a gallon at the most—who would ever notice such small losses?

In this same manner, I suspect electoral votes are filched by sucking them away one by one, gallon by gallon, under the shadows of corrupt consciences. In the end, those losses, or “irregularities,” accrue immeasurably, thus tilting elections to the deceivers. Nonetheless, it might just so happen that those who wear the burning mouths get noisey, sloppy and overconfident—that is when they trip themselves up and draw notice. And so it was in Ohio—the swing state Bush desperately needed to “win” after being informed by Karen Hughes that exit polls indicated he was losing by a landslide.

True, the “mainstream liberal media” has reported a successful recount in favor of Bush to definitively quell the troubled aftershocks pulsing through enfeebled, conspiratorial minds. What is more important, however, is what they are not reporting—the titanic struggle between Ohio’s Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell (R) and a heroic force of democracy, Rep. John Conyers (D—Mich. In fact, Rep. Conyers may well be one of democracy’s last representative hopes in America.

How many media outlets have informed Americans, e.g., that Rep. Conyers and others have been investigating the Ohio vote and who, according to journalist William Rivers Pitt (Truthout), believe “that there has been too much illegal activity on the part of Blackwell, other election officials, and Republican operatives” in the state? Such illegal activity, therefore, would require the nullification of Ohio’s electoral certification. Conyers and others plan to contest the election on Jan. 6, and will require at least one Senator to side with them to halt the approval of the Electoral College votes pending a full investigation of the Ohio vote.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 12:50 AM
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52. - A bigger cause on Beacon Hill

January 4, 2005

A bigger cause on Beacon Hill

January 4, 2005

I ADMIRE those standing out in the cold to publicize the fact that our electoral system is broken, but I think the reporter's angle was misguided ("Group holds fast to Kerry cause with Beacon Hill vigil," City & Region, Dec. 29).

The focus was on Kerry supporters and their fight to allow him to be president. What the Coalition for Election Fraud seems most concerned with, as are tens of thousands of Americans, is making sure everyone's votes count. There are now several legal challenges to certifying the Ohio vote, including one joined by the Kerry camp based on allegations of a voting machine company rigging the recount.

With privatized electronic voting controlled by secretive Republican-leaning corporations, voting software that is pathetically hackable, widespread voter suppression, minority voter disenfranchisement, avowedly partisan secretaries of states, and this year's suspicious exit polls, perhaps there should be a lot more people out in the streets.

This isn't about Kerry. It's about something more important.


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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 12:58 AM
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53. Analysis: Protesters try last hurrah

January 04, 2005

Analysis: Protesters try last hurrah

By Marie Horrigan
UPI Deputy Americas Editor


Massachusetts native Sheila Parks has set up vigils in front of Sen. John Kerry's residence in Boston, which she said are attended by 10 to 15 people each day. Parks also is part of a delegation that is scheduled to travel to Washington Tuesday to make its case personally to a "dream team" of senators they think might be willing to hold up the vote certification.

Her group, Coalition Against Election Fraud, also is scheduled to meet Wednesday with representatives from Kerry's Senate office, who they will give copies of online petitions, letters and postcards from supporters and citizens asking Kerry not to certify the vote.


A spokesman for Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., meanwhile, said the office had received a number of petitions Monday but would not comment on how Boxer intended to vote on the certification.

Parks said she couldn't imagine why no Democratic senator had stepped forward. "Maybe it's what we always said, that once they get in there they lose their integrity," she said.

But if no one does so, she added, she was going to start voting Green.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 01:04 AM
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54. Dialing In For Democracy - Today Is Critical

January 03, 2005

Dialing In For Democracy - Today Is Critical

By Thom Hartmann, ILCA Associate Member

Jeff Taylor is one of Vermont's three electors - representatives elected by the citizens of Vermont to vote for President of the United States. He and his two peers have joined the electors of several other states in signing resolutions asking their state's congressional delegation to protest the Ohio slate of electors.

"If they can have fair elections in Kiev," Taylor told me, "why not in Cleveland?"

Here's what troubles Taylor:

If you flip a coin a hundred times, odds are that around fifty times it will come up heads and fifty times tails. In reality, it may be 49-51 or even 47-53, but it will always pretty much evenly split. That's the nature of random events, including random errors and mistakes.

So if the tens of thousands of election "irregularities" being reported all across the nation - but particularly in Ohio, Florida, New Mexico, and North Carolina - showed "irregularities" worked randomly to the benefit of both parties, it would be easy to say that we have a broken, but not a stolen or hacked, election system. But that was not the case.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 01:22 AM
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55. Time to Put Democratic Senators on the Hot Seat
03 Jan 2005

Time to Put Democratic Senators on the Hot Seat

by Dave Lindorff

After the 2000 presidenial election farce, black representatives in Congress sought vainly to find just one Democratic senator to join them in a call to challenge the Florida electoral vote. None would. This time, those representatives may find more support when they call for a challenge to Ohio’s electoral college delegation.
Perhaps the most powerful moment in Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9-11" was the stony silence in the hall of the joint session of Congress as a line of African- American and other non-white representatives stood up and pleaded for just one senator to issue an official challenge to the Florida electoral college delegation and its vote in favor of candidate George Bush.

This Thursday, we are destined to have a repeat of that dramatic event.

Congressman John Conyers, (D-Michigan), the representative who has chaired hearings into the Republican-led efforts in Ohio to keep people from registering, to keep voters from voting, and to mess with the vote totals to keep the vote for Democrat John Kerry as low as possible-in short the "vote suppression" effort that was deliberately made over the course not just of election day but of the months leading up to the balloting--has vowed to challenge the state's delegation to the Electoral College.

Under the Constitution, it requires only one representative and one senator to initiate a challenge, which would then mandate an official inquiry into the state's election, and delay certification of the national presidential election results.

While it is unlikely, with a Congress firmly in the hands of the Republican Party, with the attorney general's office packed with Bush appointees, and with the FBI run by Republican party hacks, that any serious effort would be made to find out what actually happened in Ohio, such an investigation would at least serve to embarrass Republican officials, and to undermine the ludicrous Bush claim of a mandate for his second term of office.

With so many leading Democrats in Congress and the Democratic National Committee falling over each other calling for a cave-in to Republicans on issues from abortion rights and prayer in schools to social security "reform" and foreign policy, it will be fascinating to see if this time around, somebody on the senate side has the guts to join Conyers in his call for a challenge to the Ohio delegation.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 01:27 AM
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56. Liberal Group Seeks Support for Challenge of Bush Electors

Liberal Group Seeks Support for Challenge of Bush Electors

Susan Jones
Morning Editor

( - The Committee to ReDefeat the President, a federal political action committee also known as, is organizing several protest rallies this week, before Members of Congress gather in a joint session on Thursday to count the electoral votes from the November 2004 election.


"We expect the electoral votes of four states to be challenged and for the House to have to decide this election," the ReDefeatBush website says.

In addition to rallies scheduled in Boston on Monday and in San Francisco on Tuesday, ReDefeatBush is urging protesters to gather in Washington on Thursday, just as Congress meets to formally count the electoral votes.

"We want an honest and transparent vote for president, but if we can't have that then we want to see Congress reject electoral votes sent from Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Indiana and any other states in which massive fraud and vote suppression inflated George W. Bush's totals and diminished John Kerry's," the ReDefeatBush website says.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 03:49 AM
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57. FL- But the fat lady hasn't sung to the dead horse yet
January 03, 2005

But the fat lady hasn't sung to the dead horse yet

On Election Day I drove a few people to the polls. I saw a few frustrated people who had been tossed back and forth between two polling sites, each saying the person had to vote at the other. At least two such people told election monitors they had been strongly encouraged to cast a provisional ballot, as it would ensure their vote would be recorded.

One woman I drove to the polls had a broken ankle and was hobbling around on crutches. There was a long wait, some forty minutes in an otherwise uncrowded polling station, for the one voting machine set up for those who needed to vote seated. Election workers encouraged her to use a provisional ballot, but on the advice she'd gotten before going in she waited it out.

That was good advice.

Two-thirds of all provisional ballots submitted in the general election were rejected, according to a Tallahassee Democrat analysis of reports provided by the state's 67 county supervisors of elections.

Tallahassee Democrat, 1/3/2005: Most provisional votes rejected

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bettyellen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-05 03:29 PM
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58. kicking i can't find 1/04's edition
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