Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 02:29 PM by Vinnie From Indy
As you probably know, there are numerous debates raging on whether or not c+ Augustus will actually be coronated as president on the 20th of January. Some posters are adamant about the inevitability of a Shrub coronation on the 20th and they claim that there is absolutely, positively no way for anything other than that event to occur. Other posters have countered that assertion by pointing to the possibility of a "Rapture Event" taking place. They offer that if God decided to call his flock home before the 20th, Bush would not be inaugurated. I don't believe that counter argument is valid for the following reasons.
It would seem obvious that there are many that talk the talk but don't walk the walk in America in regard to proper Christian morals and values. I believe that if God gives Earth a smack with the "rapture stick" only a few dozen people will qualify for heaven. The rest of us, including all of the religious right, will just get our hair messed up in all the fire, smoke, wind and stuff. We will be left with millions of dusty, unraptured people milling about in confusion and anger. It is almost certain that in the days following the "rapture event" Rush will start bellowing that it was Bill Clinton's penis that has denied real American's their right to sit on a cloud and play a harp and Wal-Mart will start selling t-shirts with "My pious parents went to the Rapture and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" printed on the back. Ann Coulter will call Jesus out as a "girly-man" and Sean Hannity will want to kill all the Buddhists, Hindu's etc. for laughing and snickering at the rumpled, unraptured Christians. Dino Rossi will ask for a recounting of the souls raptured in Washington State and Rummy will protest by claiming that you go to a Rapture with the morals you have, not the morals you want.
Personally, I believe that it is not a certainty that Shrub will be coronated. I think there is a slight chance that he might become the first human being to ever run himself over fatally with a Segway machine or he could choke on a fried banana and pretzel sandwich. Sadly, The Rapture, being a long shot anyway, will not stop BushCo. from wielding power.