Edited on Mon Jan-03-05 03:09 PM by mordarlar
I am writing to plead with you to consider the evidence of election fraud on the 6th of Jan. There comes a time where leaders need to stand and fight for the people they are obligated to protect. This battle cannot rest on the backs of the people alone. We are taking risks (in a country where risks are growing everyday) , we are tired and we are concerned. The systems are being manipulated to protect those who would steal our government. There comes a time where the Senate either stands with the people or they are against them. If our voices were not heard and no Senator stands and fights to make them heard, they are telling us that our voices do not matter. That our will is not as important as the will of the leaders. It is a dark day if this is the case. The foundations of out government which were created to embrace and protect the masses are being torn down, to make way for the warped ideal of a few. Leaders may sit silent to protect their power in the future, but what future can there be if only those chosen by the corrupt are allowed a voice. I beg you, on behalf of my children and their futures. It is not a matter of fixing it next time. Next time the system will be so saturated with these deformed adjustments to our constitution that there will be no confronting fraud, even if it is done in plain sight. We cannot stand if a corruptly appointed judicial, congressional and executive body rule.
Please fight for us and show us that this is still a country by the people, for the people.