Heres the news release:
We believe that the 2004 Presidential election was stolen. Tens of thousands of incidents have been recorded. Rep John Conyers has held hearings on the Election Fraud in Ohio. The GAO has said it will investigate the Fraud. Statistical studies to the raw data show a pattern of fraud and criminal actions throughout Ohio, Florida, New Mexico and Nevada.
The Main stream Media has only given us token, condescending coverage of the Election scandal. From the Broadcast and Cable networks, to the print media. The willful ignorance of the 4th Estate borders on the criminal. The Main Stream Media has abdicated their responsibilities, they like Computer Voting Machines cannot be trusted.
35 million people don't get their news from cable TV, they don't get their news from the New York Times or the Boston Globe, they don't get their news from CBS, NBC or ABC. Those 35 million people get their news by listening to Air America Radio or Pacifica radio, and they get their news from the Internet. And Those 35 million people know that John Kerry won on November 2nd.
We at will not stand down at this time. We will be protesting this stolen election in Washington D.C. and in New York City. January 4th to the 6th we will be participating in the "Save Our Votes" March on Washington: From Selma to Ohio to Washington: Marching For Our Voting Rights! Washington D.C. coordinator:
From December 30th to January 6th.we will be picketing CBS Headquarters and studios in New York City. The picketing will occur at 3 locations: 1) CBS Headquarters, 51 West 52nd Street, New York, 2) 1697 Broadway, Between West 53rd and West 54th Streets , 3)Between 7am to 9am at the General Motors building. If there is an overflow of protesters then the effort will expand to NBC and ABC. New York City coordinator:
Can you folks e-mail this to NY Politicians? Rangal, CLinton Schumer etc. At Work till midnite cant-- gotta go