Your election was a series of illegal acts, and if not technically illegal, the intent was there.
We, the People, being edumacted(sic), have decided that the way our votes were counted by the more than one hundred different counting systems used, was, and is, too easily corrupted.
As evidence we proffer the exit poll data as broadcast throughout election day, exit poll data we believe was later changed in the dark of the night.
We also know a good deal about the machines used: How easily they could be accessed, how the programming is hidden even to our election officials, and who actually owns the secret programs running those machines. And, we know of many high profile computer experts who have warned us about casting our votes on a DRE.
Now, knowing all that, and seeing that the Truth and Justice involved in the recounts is being obstructed, we simply must conclude the election was an illegal act. Therefore, it will be so described.
Mr. Bush, Your Election Is Illegal.