happens on January 6th.The reason being, John Conyers and many citizens (including DU-ers) asked them to.
"The Government Accountability Office said Tuesday it will investigate how the vote was counted in the Nov. 2 election, with an eye toward answering persistent questions about voting irregularities in many states, including Ohio and Florida, which were crucial to President Bush's win.
The irregularities include machines failing to record votes or recording them inaccurately, as well as problems with the way officials counted provisional ballots, which were provided to voters whose names didn't appear on voting lists but who contended they were eligible to participate in the election.
Congress' investigative agency cautioned, however, that it isn't authorized to take action if irregularities are found.
GAO spokeswoman Susan Becker said the investigation isn't a direct response to a recent request by several Democratic members of the House, who asked the GAO to investigate. The GAO was already planning to look at systemic issues related to the elections process after the Nov. 2. election. But given the concern expressed by more than a dozen members of Congress and many voters, the GAO will look at some of the specific problems reported. These include complaints by some voters who said they used touch-screen voting machines that recorded votes for candidates they didn't pick."The article can be found here in full:
http://www.verifiedvoting.org/article.php?id=5356Keep a chin up, regardless of where we stand on January 6th. The fight for truth will continue.