Okay, here's the first thing to notice about this article--the BushCon line that the lapdogs will be repeating ad nauseum:
"Bush’s re-election campaign responded Monday with its own court filing, saying the challenge resembled “a poorly drafted script for a late night conspiracy-theory movie.”
POINT NO. 1 (BUSHCON LAPDOG LINE): Tinfoil hat! Conspiracy theorists! Crazies! Unreal. "A poorly drafted script." Etc.
We saw this one coming, but it's good to know they don't have anything better than this-- yet anyway.
Personally, I think we need to embrace it. I am not at all for caution when it comes to our right to vote, our very democracy. Got to hit 'em back hard. Punch in the face. Conspiracy? Yes, I'd say BushCon companies owning the secret source code that tabulates all our votes, and Tom Delay strong arming the Democrats to prevent a paper trail, IS a CONSPIRACY.
Like that.
Secondly, it's AP, who were in the loop on feeding BushCon controlled election "results" to the networks, where they "adjusted" the Exit Polls (that showed a Kerry win) to make them fit the BushCon "result." Don't know what to think of AP's role. But did they inform their readers that there were two separate, conflicting numbers, the Exit Polls (Kerry won) vs. the "official results" (Bush won, late in the day--against impossible odds)? No. Did they keep their readers informed about Wally O'Dell and H. Ahmanson and their secret source code? No. So we can well figure on--and look for--bias in this article.
It does have a good headline (in red): "Voters stand firm on Ohio election challenge."
It has a good quote by a voter (involved in the lawsuit). "Mark Lomax, a 25-year-old Columbus resident, stood in line 3½ hours on Election Day." They quote him as follows:
“In 2000, if Al Gore had just held on and fought to the bitter end, he would have been president,” said Lomax, who is black. “I kind of have the same feeling now — whether or not you like John Kerry, that’s not the issue. It’s just that your vote counts.”
(Go, Mark!)
And they cite a few instances (they start the article with them) of vote suppression--mainly the long lines. But they give no sense whatever of the massive breadth of vote suppression, and, although they do mention that black neighborhoods were targeted, they don't mention that this is illegal (violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965). It's like, ho-hum, more vote suppression.
POINT NO. 2 (BUSHCON LAPDOG LINE): Yes, there were some irregularities, and we need to get these election systems improved... (by paying BushCon "Pioneers" more taxpayers money for a more completely manipulable system, without all these "irregularities") ...but the irregularities were few and far between, and not enough to change the result, as even the Democratic candidate has said.
(Blackwell actually said that, last week or so--we need more electronic voting machines!)
Blackwell's spokesman Carlo LoParo's sniping comment is given respect and prominence by AP: “Jesse Jackson can complain, grand stand, whine, stamp his feet all he wants....It’s not going to change the results of Ohio’s election....”
POINT NO. 3 (BUSHCON LAPDOG LINE): Whining. Grand standing.
And Bob Fitrakis is granted a really lame quote--probably the 1% of what he said that didn't burn the BushCons to the ground:
"Bob Fitrakis, one of the lawyers who filed the challenge, said if Moyer’s decision comes after Thursday’s official tally by Congress, it likely wouldn’t have any effect on the outcome of the presidential election. But any ruling favorable to the challengers — regardless of when — would bolster their efforts to improve voting law, he said."
POINT NO. 4 (BUSHCON LAPDOG LINE): More a strategy than a line. Quote or give prominence to the least knowledgeable people, avoid the knowledgeable, and edit out their best points, when necessary.
Here's how the article starts off (also telling, in that voter #1 "didn't see any signs of fraud on Election Day, but..."), and it illustrates:
POINT NO. 5 (BUSHCON LAPDOG LINE): Further marginalization. If fraud is alleged, find someone who didn't see fraud, but...
"Voters stand firm on Ohio election challenge Bush campaign asks judge to throw out complaints The Associated Press Updated: 5:47 a.m. ET Jan. 4, 2005
"COLUMBUS, Ohio - One voter didn’t see any signs of fraud on Election Day but was suspicious of the results. Another was surprised by long lines in her suburban city, where voting was always quick in the past.
"Others were angered by having to wait hours to vote in black neighborhoods. Some left in frustration without casting their ballots.
"In all, 37 voters in this swing state are challenging President Bush’s Nov. 2 victory over Democratic Sen. John Kerry. They want Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas Moyer to set aside the election results." ....//
So, armed and ready, we prepare for the lapdog war...