I hate to say it, but it looks like no new stories will break or news of a Senator challenging the election will surface between now and Thursday.
If I were a Senator, I probably wouldn't come public about this either until it was time to challenge.
I am very disappointed in the silent treatment that we are receiving from the DNC, Dean, Kucinich, Gore and all the other 'heroes' that I have been looking up to leading up to Nov. 2. They could have framed the argument about fair elections and democracy while taking heat away from Kerry as being a ‘sore loser’ this whole time, but instead have chosen to put their tail between their legs.
Thursday will either be the biggest shock (multiple Senators challenge) or biggest letdown (continued silence) once Jan. 6 has come and passed.
Either way, I am proud of Conyers courageous actions and leadership for upholding his end of the deal of defending the American people. Although the MSM and Katherine Whitewell are their doing best to ignore the obvious fraud, at least we have a few decent Dems fighting for us.
I am a pragmatic optimist and am hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
I guess we'll all just have to sit tight until Thursday rolls around.
Keep your chins up DUers and remember that we are the party of the people and if we stick together, we will win in the long run.