Much bigger, greater variety of people, spread out all over, different populations that seldom march in lockstep (except on the freeways--thanks, Firestone!). And democracy protected here (by the oceans) for two hundred years--long tradition of free speech, habeas corpus, etc.
So, we're getting a subtler approach, mainly via the Thug media. Keep 'em stupid. Keep 'em entertained with stupid entertainment (and for the hoity, smart-stupid entertainment), and mainly create an illusion that is called the news. Brainwashing, but not quite so direct as the Nazis.
I watched with wonder and joy as the American people rejected this illusion, rejected the war, repudiated Bush Inc., and voted to put an intelligent, decent fellow in the White House.
In fact, the American people--the majority--are still pretty much where they were on Election Day (before the networks fiddled the Exit Polls): Almost 60% hate the war. Only 48% give Bush approval (utterly miserable approval rating for second-termer just "elected"). We just couldn't get our votes to stick.
It took the American a year from the initial lies about Iraq to the light dawning. This might take a year. And that Exit Poll thing was a great trauma. Everybody thinking Kerry was going to win (even White House staff!). And he DID win, so said the Exit Polls on our TV screens.
Then they altered those polls--feeding in the Bush "Pioneer" controlled electronic central vote tabulator with secret source code "results", and making the Exit Polls fit the"official results," as if Bush was winning both (he wasn't.) Fooled some of us for a few hours. Many are still fooled.
In the Ukraine, they saw the separate, conflicting figures (Exit Poll vs. "official results") and knew something was very wrong. Americans were denied that information, and have had to suffer through the trauma of thinking that their fellow Americans have gone bonkers, and feeling all alone.
(Note: The Pollsters say they have their reasons for altering the Exit Polls as the voting "results" come in. I won't go into it--read Freeman's latest--except to say that we only do this here in America; whereas Germany, Canada, Ukraine, everybody else keeps them separate SPECIFICALLY to check for fraud. Not our Pollsters. No fraud here! New electronic voting system owned by Republican chairs of B/C campaign. No need to check up on this. Nope.) (However, as Freeman points out that the Pollsters said, no reason you can't use THEIR true results TO verify the election. So...)
Freeman: Anyway, Americans are a funny breed. We don't tend to riot (generally) unless really pressed. But give us a project, give us a practical project with a goal, and just ask us, that's all we need, just ask--and watch it get done!
1) Paper ballots
2) Hand counts
or at least
1) A paper receipt for every vote
2) Open source code
(and 3) undoctored Exit Polls!)
Presto! Democracy!
(Leave Congress out of it, though--they are a positive menace! Must be done locally, state by state, while we still have the power.)
Then watch who we elect president.