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MelissaB (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 07:02 AM Original message |
Wednesday 1/5 /05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread |
In order to organize and document I thought it would be a good idea to have a daily thread to place items related to the recounts/fraud. This also make it easier to "catch up" when we are away from the computer for a while.
Please help us. If you see something that isn't here post it with a link to the thread and a thanks to the author. Thanks to everyone who is helping with this project. Link to the thread from yesterday here: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=203&topic_id=231329 |
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MelissaB (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 07:33 AM Response to Original message |
1. Michael Moore: Just One Senator... An Open Letter to the U.S. Senate from |
Michael Moore
Tuesday, January 4, 2004 Just One Senator... An Open Letter to the U.S. Senate from Michael Moore Dear Members of the U.S. Senate, Welcome back! The 109th session of Congress has just begun. I'm watching you on C-SPAN right now and you all look so snap-happy and clean-faced. It's like the first day of school all over again, isn't it? I have a favor to ask of you. Something isn't right with the vote from Ohio. Seems a lot of people didn't get to vote. And those who did, thousands of theirs weren't counted. Does that seem right to you? I'm just asking. Forget about partisan politics for a moment and ask yourself if there is a more basic right, in a democracy, than the right of the people to vote AND have ALL their votes counted. Now, I know a lot of you wish this little problem of Ohio would just go away. And many of you who wish this are Democrats. You just want to move on (no pun intended!). I can't say I blame you. It's rough to lose two elections in a row when the first one you actually won and the second one you should have won. And it seems this time around, about 3 million more Americans preferred to continue the war in Iraq and give the rich more tax breaks than those who didn't. No sense living in denial about that. More here: http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?id=179 Thanks to Ryder911 here: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x236550 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Jan-06-05 12:59 AM Response to Reply #1 |
(Hanging this one near the top. It looks important!)
January 06, 2005 From The Coalition Against Election Fraud DC Lobbyists: CALLS URGENTLY NEEDEDEleven members of Coalition Against Election Fraud have been lobbying Senators since Tuesday. Based on their meetings with Senators and aides and on what they're hearing around the Hill, they've put out this request:
then these senators: The capitol switchboard numbers are: The switchboard is open all night, seven days a week. Maybe some of the senators' voice mailboxes will still be open. |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:18 AM Response to Original message |
2. Please read the ACTION ALERTS in the NEXT POSTS |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:20 AM Response to Reply #2 |
3. Tuesday 01/04 Highlights |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:24 AM Response to Original message |
4. Keynote Speaker David Lytel Asserts Sen. Boxer Will Contest Election |
Wednesday, January 05, 2005 Boston's "Rally for the Republic" Draws Hundreds; Keynote Speaker David Lytel Asserts Sen. Boxer Will Contest ElectionBy THE NEWS EDITORAt a Monday-night rally in Boston's Fanueil Hall which drew hundreds of highly-energized progressive protestors, one of the evening's keynote speakers, RedefeatBush.com's David Lytel, asserted that Senator Barbara Boxer of California will in fact contest the results of the presidential election in Ohio along with, at a minimum, U.S. House Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones (D-OH). While in comments after the rally Mr. Lytel would not state with precision the source of his information -- which the News Editor, present to report on said rally, notes Lytel provided without any qualification whatsoever -- he did confirm to a worker from Massachusetts C.A.S.E. (Citizens' Alliance for Secure Elections) that he had been in direct, personal contact with Representative Tubb-Jones herself. Senator Boxer has stated through a spokesperson, within the last week, that she was "considering" filing a written challenge to the November election and would be substantially more likely to do so if a U.S. Representative from Ohio were also to challenge the Ohio results. The News Editor understands, based on information received at the rally, that Senator Boxer and Representative Tubbs-Jones are on friendly terms even outside of their professional working relationship. According to the C.A.S.E. representative who spoke with Mr. Lytel, Mr. Lytel asserted in remarks after the rally that Senator Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has informed his caucus members that they may contest Ohio so long as no other states are contested. Mr. Lytel informed participants at Monday's "Rally for the Republic" that, despite this edict, his organization is presently working on gathering Senators, if possible, for challenges to the Republican electors from New Mexico and Nevada. Lytel also noted that perhaps two to three other states -- including North Carolina and Indiana -- may be challenged, though Lytel conceded such challenges were highly unlikely. continued http://www.nashuaadvocate.blogspot.com/ DU Thread http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x236943 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:34 AM Response to Original message |
5. Gregoire requests unity, cooperation |
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 Gregoire requests unity, cooperationGOP may block vote ratification Jon Gambrell, The Bellingham Herald OLYMPIA - Trying to dispel lingering concerns over her razor-thin victory in the hand recount to become Washington's next governor, Democrat Christine Gregoire called for residents to unite behind her as she prepares for her Jan. 12 inauguration. Meanwhile on Tuesday, Republican leaders from the state House and Senate warned they might block the Legislature from ratifying the election results until their doubts are addressed. Appearing in her first news conference since officially being named governor-elect, Gregoire confronted the swirl of rumors surrounding her race with Republican Dino Rossi. She said she wanted to be the governor of the entire state, rather than just the governor of King County, where she received the lion's share of votes to push her over the top in the hand recount. "I'm not at all shy of dealing with a divided state," she said. "It's time we had a leader - and I am that leader. There is something much more important than partisanship in the state of Washington." Link: http://news.bellinghamherald.com/stories/20050105/TopStories/225104.shtml |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:39 AM Response to Original message |
6. Jesse Jackson, David Cobb, and Others Lead D.C. Rally for Investigation |
January 05, 2005 - 06:01 AM Rev. Jesse Jackson, David Cobb, and Others Lead D.C. Rally for Investigation into Vote SuppressionBy Progressive Democrats of America, ILCA Associate MemberRally Begins: 10:00 a.m. January 6th, 2005 Lafayette Park, across from the White House (16th & H St., NW) Washington D.C. - Congress meets in joint session on January 6th to certify the 2004 Presidential election. Grassroots activists and nationally recognized figures will join voices to inspire members of the House and Senate to object to the certification of the November 2nd 2004 vote, forcing Congress to address the problems in our current election system. Speakers at the rally will include Rev. Jesse Jackson, Medea Benjamin (invited), John Bonifaz, David Cobb, Congressman John Conyers(invited), Alysia Fischer (Progressive Democrats of America), George Friday, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (invited), Rev. Lennox Yearwood (Hip Hop Caucus) and others. At the conclusion of the rally, participants will march to the Capitol Building to support those Congress members who contest the certification of vote. "We need an investigation into what happened in Ohio on November 2 before any vote should be certified," said Tim Carpenter, Director of Progressive Democrats of America, "It is clear minority voters were disenfranchised through the use of such tactics as deploying disproportionately fewer machines to predominantly Black precincts, thereby creating absurdly long lines. We cannot hope to promote democracy around the world when our own voting system is set up to allow this kind of activity." Alysia Fischer, National Policy Coordinator of Progressive Democrats of America added, “Votes are the bedrock of our democracy, take away people’s vote and you take away their voice. As Americans, we cannot stand by when a community is clearly targeted for silencing. In a true democracy, all voices are heard and all votes are counted.” On January 6, 2001, many Representatives, including members of the Black Caucus, demanded an inquiry into the Florida recount, but failed to gain the support of a single Senator. "This year, we’ll show our Senators that we, the people, expect them to take a stand on behalf of democracy!" said Carpenter. This call to action is initiated by Progressive Democrats of America, United Progressives for Democracy, Backbone Campaign, Beyond Voting, Coalition Against Election Fraud, the Cobb/LaMarche campaign, Code Pink, Global Exchange, Green Party of the U.S., Greenwich Village Coalition for Peaceful Priorities, Independent Progressive Politics Network, International Labor Communications Association, Mercer Island, Wa. Peacemakers, Mercury Coalition for Honest Elections (Denver), No Stolen Elections! Media Contact: Kevin Spidel 602-373-6990 / Tim Carpenter 413-320-2015 Link: http://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1420&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:46 AM Response to Original message |
7. Seven key reasons why the vote must be challenged at the electoral college |
Seven key reasons why the vote must be challenged at the electoral collegeBy Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, published by FreePress.org 1. Exit Polls Did Not Match Actual Vote in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida The gulf between the exit polls and counted votes was glaring. The Zogby Poll and the media consortium poll (including CNN and AP) had Kerry winning an electoral landslide with 53% and 51% respectively in Ohio. Why did exit polls match the actual vote in the nation – EXCEPT for Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania? Exit polls are considered the most accurate measurement of the vote. Exit polls were responsible for calling for a revote in the Ukraine. The odds of the exit polls being outside the margin of error in these three battleground states are about 155 million to one. The exit poll data has never been released. There must be an investigation of the exit poll disparities. 2. Voting machines owned by private, partisan companies subject to manipulation Voting machine tampering occurred throughout the state. In Mahoning County, votes “hopped” from Kerry to Bush. In Franklin County, votes for Kerry “faded” away. In Lucas County, Diebold machines froze up and rejected ballots in pro-Kerry precincts. There were 16 precincts in Cleveland where votes intended for Kerry were shifted to other candidates. Triad technicians re-programmed vote tabulating computers to Hocking County election officials. In Lucas County, Diebold employees re-programmed vote machines in preparation for the recount. Election officials in that county, including the executive director, are resigning. Diebold and Triad are led by executives who aggressively supported Bush. Private companies should not be allowed to control voting machines and secret software, which are highly susceptible to hacking and manipulation. There must be a full investigation of the voter machines. Private owned machines, that leave no audit trail, with owners with a vested interest in the outcome, is offensive to our sensibilities. 3. Uncounted and Provisional Ballots disproportionately affected African American voters There are 92,672 uncounted ballots in Ohio, concentrated in precincts that voted overwhelmingly for Kerry. As many as 36,000 votes might swing to Kerry if these votes are counted. Nearly 25,000 provisional ballots statewide were rejected and went uncounted. In Cleveland there are 65 precincts where 4% or more of the ballots went uncounted. These precincts voted overwhelmingly for John Kerry, by a margin of 12 to 1. No one has ever looked at these punch cards to determine the intent of the voters. There were 24,788 provisional ballots issued in Cuyahoga County, nearly 16% of the statewide total, more than in any other county in Ohio. 7,450 provisional ballots from Cuyahoga County were rejected, reaching as high as 51% in some African American precincts/wards. keep reading... http://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1425&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 |
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low_phreaq (362 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:49 AM Response to Original message |
8. No Stolen Elections! coalition delivers petitions to Sen. Feingold |
Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 11:21 AM by low_phreaq
No Stolen Elections! Delivers Petitions To Feingold
Activists Want Feingold To Challenge Election College Certification MADISON, Wis. -- A delegation from the local coalition of No Stolen Elections! will deliver more than 800 letter petitions to U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold's Middleton office at 10 a.m. today, asking him to take a stand against alleged election fraud. More at link: http://www.channel3000.com/news/4049261/detail.html Edit: Also on Yahoo! News, let's get the rating up: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ibsys/20050105/lo_wisc/2523580 |
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texpatriot2004 (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:57 AM Response to Original message |
9. morning kick |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 11:08 AM Response to Original message |
10. The human side of how Bush stole Ohio, and why Congress must not ratify |
Wed Jan 05 2005 The "Crime of November 2": The human side of how Bush stole Ohio, and why Congress must investigate rather than ratify the Electoral Collegeby Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey WassermanTomorrow (Thursday, January 6) Congress will host an unprecedented Constitutional showdown over the future of American democracy. It rises from a catalog of abuses that poisoned the November 2 presidential balloting in Ohio. Taken together, these attacks on the democratic process shifted Ohio's vote from John Kerry to George W. Bush, giving him the presidency. Other states, most notably New Mexico and Florida, suffered similar problems, casting a dark shadow of doubt over the alleged 3.5 million-vote nationwide edge claimed by Bush. By virtue of an 1887 law passed in response to the contested election of 1876, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones (D-OH) and others will challenge the seating of Ohio's electors. If joined by a single Senator, Congress for the first time will debate the outcome of a presidential election as determined by the Electoral College. The right-wing media assault on those who would mount this challenge has been withering. The Ohio Republican Party says Rep. Tubbs-Jones will "make a fool of herself" if she supports the effort. GOP functionaries have filled the major media with charges of "conspiracy theories" and "irresponsibility" among those who would question the vote. But all Americans committed to real democracy must stand in awe of this challenge. continued... http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2005/1067 DU Thread: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x237349 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 11:41 AM Response to Original message |
11. MN Senator Dayton - challenge would be "a hugely dangerous precedent." |
(I can't find the source for this quote so it may just be a rumor)
MN Senator Dayton - challenge would be "a hugely dangerous precedent."There were also hints that passions from the November presidential election could slop over into 2005, with some black Democratic House members vowing to contest the counting of Electoral College votes this week to protest alleged voting irregularities in Ohio. Among those mentioned as a possible ally was Sen. Mark Dayton, D-Minn., who met Tuesday with Mark Halvorson, a Minnesota social worker and co-founder of the Citizens Alliance for Secure Elections, a group that has been lobbying Dayton to contest the election. Protest organizers need just one senator to join in a formal written complaint to force a two-hour debate during Thursday's joint session of Congress. A similar effort after the 2000 election failed. Dayton said after the meeting, however, that he doesn't see a sufficient basis for contesting Bush's victory. To put Congress in the position of possibly rescinding the result of the Electoral College, Dayton said, would be "a hugely dangerous precedent." |
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Zookeeper (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 03:53 PM Response to Reply #11 |
33. That was in today's Mpls. Star Tribune... |
I thought it was a very odd statement and it wasn't explained. As a Minnesotan, I'm cautious about encouraging Dayton to stand up on the fraud issue simply because his seat isn't secure in our increasingly Rethuglican state. However, he certainly shouldn't be encouraging our opponents.
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 11:50 AM Response to Original message |
12. ACT TODAY! Urge these Senators to challenge the electoral vote! |
ACT TODAY!author: DoItNow |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 11:56 AM Response to Original message |
13. Lucas County, Ohio certifies vote - Only gives paper 7 minutes notice |
Article published Wednesday, January 5, 2005 Lucas County certifies voteKerry trims 50 votes from President's win in stateThe Lucas County Board of Elections last night certified the county's recount for the presidential election, the results of which were announced a week ago when the tabulation was completed. President Bush gained 14 votes and John Kerry netted 64 more votes, giving the President a final tally of 87,160 votes and Mr. Kerry 132,715 votes from Lucas County. Ohio's 51st Electoral College cast its 20 votes for President Bush on Dec. 13. However, only a few minutes' notice of the board's public meeting was given prior to its start set for 5:45 p.m. Board officials explained the meeting was moved up from 9 p.m. and declared an emergency so there would be time last night for Gov. Bob Taft to sign the vote documents, then forward them today to Washington. The certified amended vote totals were sought by the Federal Registry in time for a joint session of Congress set for tomorrow, Carlo LoParo, spokesman for Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, said. -snip- The Blade received notification of this special meeting only seven minutes before its start. Ron Royhab, vice president-executive editor of The Blade, called the notification poorly handled and "much too late," not only for the newspaper but for members of the public who have a right under Ohio law to attend such meetings. Mr. LoParo agreed the notice was insufficient. "I would have hoped they would have provided you with much more advance notice," he said. link: http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050105/NEWS09/501050394 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 12:05 PM Response to Original message |
14. Conservatives Push for Psychiatric Diagnosis of 'Loony Leftists' in Ohio |
(this was so ridiculous that I had to share...)
January 05, 2005 Conservatives Push for Psychiatric Diagnosis of 'Loony Leftists'Still thinking about election fraud in Ohio? Worried that voting machines in Florida may have been hacked? If some Republicans get their way, there may soon be an official diagnosis of what really ails you: political paranoia disorder. "Political Paranoia" to be included in next edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -snip- The therapist he consulted wrote Goodman a prescription for the social anxiety drug Paxil and encouraged him to spend less time reading left-wing blogs and listening to Air America. http://swiftreport.blogs.com/news/2005/01/conservatives_p.html |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 12:13 PM Response to Original message |
15. True Majority: America Needs Honest Elections; No More Ohios! |
No More Ohios!From the current YCLUSA Update For those of you who were in Ohio working to defeat Bush in November (and in other places around the country) you saw firsthand the voting irregularities and active suppression of the vote that went on during this election. Check out this action alert from True Majority. America Needs Honest ElectionsCongress This Week Can Make It Clear The whole world now knows what went on in Ohio and other states on Election Day, and we simply can't let it happen anymore. We know that many Americans in inner cities were prevented from voting by eight-hour lines. We know that local officials changed the rules on which votes they counted. We know that technicians from computerized voting companies were allowed to tamper with balloting machines unsupervised. Elections with those sorts of problems are not honest. The winners of these tainted elections assert that their outcomes didn't depend on the fraud. But in sports, referees don't wait until the outcome of the game is in jeopardy before calling penalties and enforcing the rules. Nowhere in the Constitution does it describe some acceptable level of denying Americans their votes. When Congress meets this Thursday, January 6, we'll have a good opportunity to make it clear that Americans want every vote counted, period. That same Constitution also directs Congress to ratify the result of the presidential election in order to make it official. This Thursday, Representative John Conyers(D-Ohio) plans to challenge the voting tally from his state, and if even one senator joins him, Congress will be compelled to debate the widespread problems that have been exposed. This Congress isn't going to overturn the election, but it would be forced into a debate that would serve as a national teach-in on voting rights, computer voting that can't be audited and the continued suppression of minority votes. In short - Honest Elections or not? Click here to send a message to your senators: http://truemajority.kintera.org/conyers asking that they join Rep. Conyers in forcing this important debate toward honest Elections. After you've sent your message, forward this email to everyone you know who supports the idea of honest elections. Toward true democracy, Matt Holland Honest Elections Coordinator link http://truemajority.kintera.org/conyers |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 12:35 PM Response to Original message |
16. Recount Advoctaes to Hold Albuquerque Press Conference on Wednesday |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JANUARY 5, 2004 9:50 AM Blair Bobier, 414-364-1596 Recount Advoctaes to Hold Albuquerque Press Conference on WednesdayWASHINGTON -- January 5 -- Rick Lass, the New Mexico coordinator for Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb, will be joined by an expert in mathematics and statistical analysis and Dr. Sonja Elison, Albuquerque coordinator for the recount effort, in a press conference to be held on Wednesday, January 5, at Noon, at the Albuquerque Press Club, 201 Highland Park Drive SE. The speakers will discuss the CPA report, commissioned by the New Mexico Secretary of State's office, which found numerous errors and discrepancies with the counting and reporting of New Mexico's presidential vote, and the unusually high rate of voting irregularities which took place in Bernalillo County."There were an unprecedented and disproportionate number of problems with the presidential vote in Bernalillo County. A recount will help us get to the bottom of these problems and help prevent them from happening again in the next election," said Rick Lass. New Mexico resident Bob Walsh, a statistical expert with experience in auditing calculations, will be one of the speakers at the press conference. The recount, requested by David Cobb and Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik, is the subject of pending litigation before the New Mexico Court of Appeals. Problems with the New Mexico presidential election included malfunctioning voting machines and an unusually high number of under-votes (ballots cast with no votes for president) and "phantom" votes (more votes for president recorded than actual voters). For more information about the Cobb-LaMarche campaign and its recount efforts in Ohio and New Mexico, see <http://www.votecobb.org>. link http://www.commondreams.org/news2005/0105-05.htm |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 12:57 PM Response to Original message |
17. New Mexico clerks may ask for court order to clear voting machines |
Last Update: 01/05/2005 9:36:17 AM Clerks in a bind over voting machinesSANTA FE (AP) - County clerks trying to prepare for February 1st school board elections have been told not to clear general election voting results from machines because of a pending lawsuit. Bernalillo County Clerk Mary Herrera says that puts her in a big bind and she may ask for a court order allowing her to erase the November 2nd election data. Green and Libertarian candidates are appealing a district court ruling upholding the state canvassing board’s decision to make them pay more than $1 million in advance for a statewide recount of presidential votes. The candidates filed a notice last week that they would go to the state Court of Appeals, and the secretary of state advised clerks to hold off on clearing the machines. link http://www.kobtv.com/index.cfm?viewer=storyviewer&id=16057&cat=NMTOPSTORIES |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 01:21 PM Response to Original message |
18. Editorial: Don't certify Ohio results |
January 5, 2005 Editorial: Don't certify Ohio resultsThe Rev. Jesse Jackson, right, and Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, R-Ohio, of Cleveland, participate in a rally at the Riffe Center in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday. The rally was held to support a challenge to President Bush's Nov. 2 election and urge members of the U.S. Senate to debate Ohio's results on Thursday when Congress is in joint session for the official tally of the electoral votes. (AP Photo/ Columbus Dispatch, Jeff Hinckley) An editorial The law of the land requires that, on a specified day following a presidential election, the Congress of the United States must certify the results of that election as having met the standards of legitimacy that should hold sway in the nation that describes itself as "the world's greatest democracy." This is done before a joint session of the House and Senate when the electoral votes of the 50 states and the District of Columbia are opened, counted and then accepted as a fair and accurate representation of the will of the people in each of the jurisdictions involved. The specified day for congressional certification of electoral votes is Thursday, Jan. 6, and it provides a rare opportunity to examine the troubled election systems of this country. If members of the House and Senate are honest with themselves, they will refuse to certify the electoral votes from the state of Ohio. The point of such a refusal is not to overturn the presidential election, or even to force a new vote in Ohio, where U.S. Rep. John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, says that there remain "numerous unexplained irregularities in the ... presidential vote, many of which appear to violate both federal and state law." At the behest of Ohioans who objected to the handling of the election, Conyers and the minority staff of the Judiciary Committee have conducted hearings and investigations of instances of voter disenfranchisement, flawed or corrupted voting machinery, and inappropriate procedures for counting and recounting votes. They have produced a compelling report itemizing and analyzing the irregularities. On the basis of that report, Conyers plans to object to the certification of the Ohio results. continued http://www.madison.com/tct/opinion/index.php?ntid=23419&ntpid=0 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 01:30 PM Response to Original message |
19. Greens to U.S. Senate Democrats: Challenge The 2004 Election Certification |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JANUARY 5, 2005 10:56 AM CONTACT: Green Party of the United States Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624, cell 202-487-0693, mclarty@greens.org Nancy Allen, Media Coordinator, 207-326-4576, nallen@acadia.net Blair Bobier, Cobb/LaMarche Campaign Media Director, 414-364-1596, b2@bobierlaw.com Greens to U.S. Senate Democrats: |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 01:54 PM Response to Original message |
20. Bellaciao: Senator Aces - an open letter to Senators |
Wednesday 5th January 2005 Senator Acesby Robin BanethSenators: Which of you senators will stand up and defend this Ohio Electoral Vote Count tomorrow? If you are experiencing hesitancy, just imagine if the situation were reversed and you needed to sign and swear that this election was remarkable in its uneventfulness. Would you? Could you? Please share your evidence that we all can take confidence in what did not happen in the Buckeye State? You must have something that refutes the video-taped repression, exit polling aberrations, Warren County lockdown? After all, these influences each by themselves certainly rise to the level of changing the outcome -- at least at the battleground county level. And it only took a few counties to make the difference. Like Mr. Cheney’s energy task force and the war on terror, you must have additional intelligence that the common man is not privy to. Let us hear you argue why Ohio is just dandy and we should move on. Just yesterday, in apparent disregard for his nonpartisan role as Ohio’s chief election official, the Republican Secretary and chairman of Bush’s Ohio re-election campaign slammed Senator Kerry as a “disaster” who would have reaped “terrible” and “horrible” results on both Ohio and the United States. http://rawstory.rawprint.com/105/bl... In addition, Blackwell in Ohio Official Refuses Interview Over Vote is unable or unwilling to justify the myriad of irregularities in his state. He also probably believes Clinton was a huge disaster. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?... It takes a great leap of faith to ignore Blackwell’s influence and partisanship as well as the long lines for Democrats outside Columbus and elsewhere. What about the fact that no Republican has come forward to say they waited longer than three hours to vote, or that not one irregularity has favored Kerry? Do we have any sensibility or have we been beaten into submission? Clinton was hardly a disaster: high employment, no 9/11, etc. The "level" playing field resembles a snow ski run with the Democrats stuck on the chair lift going up. Tomorrow does present an interesting crossroads to the next four years. One scenario has the senate democrats sitting on their hands and watching America enter its drunken frat-party phase. In this scenario, democrats parlay their impotency and allow Republicans to run rough-shod over Social Security, Ethics Rules, Pollution Controls, Election Reform, Medicare, Search-Seizure laws. It will be a Red wet-dream come true. Or the Democratic Senators may realize that tomorrow offers our best opportunity to resist against full and complete submission to Republican will. One of you must challenge Ohio’s electoral votes. Pick a sacrificial lamb or get ready for the worse four years of our lives. Senate democrats can set a tone of acquiescence or one of acknowledgement that there were problems that warrant a closer look. We can send a message that we are tired of playing nice guy. It is now a matter of survival. Worrying about tearing the country apart is moot -- we are torn apart. Sometimes Jesse Jackson is right! Conyers seems like a reasonable man to me. There is certainly something brewing since there are rumors that Delay’s ethics gambit may not succeed. See what happens when you don’t give in too early? We have some aces. It is time to play one. We know there were problems so it is really a matter of threshold. Ken Starr had Monica’s blue dress. We have videotapes, sworn affidavits, three Republican-owned voting companies, partisan election officials, Warren County, exit polling, and other statistical implausibilities. Ken Starr spent $100 million dollars and he went back to his day job after his boondoggle fiasco. Mr. Starr achieved nothing and survived and one of you will survive too. Think of the book deal. Heck, if you are from California, Massachusetts, or New York you would get re-elected anyway. What goes around, comes around. I thought it would be 2006 until Republicans started to see how our flawed election system could bite them on the rump. The Republican injury came much sooner to Rossi as a public records request filed with King County Elections Director Dean Logan. The GOP wants a list of all voters who submitted ballots in the Nov. 2 general election, including ballots that were counted as well as those that were rejected. http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/... Washington law allows any registered voter to challenge election results, and Republicans have begun asking that elections officials reconsider votes for Rossi that they say were wrongly rejected. Sounding like left-leaning, bleeding hearts: "We’re going to be going across the state demanding they make every vote count," Rossi spokeswoman Mary Lane said earlier Thursday. Official results from the manual recount will not be announced until today, after King County reviews the up to 735 disputed ballots. Republicans, who fought hard to keep those ballots out of the tally, vowed Wednesday to press election officials to consider several hundred other disqualified ballots cast in other counties. The results are almost certain to be contested. "This count, this election, is not over," said Chris Vance, the chairman of the state Republican Party. The Supreme Court, he said, "basically threw the door open to start all over again. I think that’s crazy." Vance said Republicans planned to "show up at 9 a.m." today "on the doorstep of every county auditor with people whose votes weren’t counted for Dino Rossi." http://www.newsobserver.com/print/t... I do not know about Washington state, but in Ohio and Florida it is indisputable that Republicans have received the benefit of the doubt regarding all of the presidential election decisions over the last four years. When I say benefit of the doubt I mean "call the valley people, the dike has burst." I hope Republicans know "what is good for the goose is good for the gander" and they better fix this election system. While these election shenanigans have certainly benefited the Republicans over the last four years, it is only a matter of time when Democrats decide to turn the tables and start voter suppression drives, hack into these voting systems, and play hard ball. Like Jim Baker in 2000, we can be unreasonable fanatics too. He argued that manual counting would be subject to "human error, individual subjectivity and decisions to determine the voters’ intent" that would not occur if machines were used. "Machines are neither Republicans nor Democrats and therefore can never be consciously or even unconsciously biased," Baker said. http://archives.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOL... Can voting machines not be rigged? Can we not allow independent experts to examine the machines? Can we not have a paper trail when we vote? Thomas Penn asks: "What if the people who controlled the election night exit polling, projections, and vote tabulations were able to intelligently (and corruptly) collaborate with the vote-counting equipment (and software) manufacturers, which program and adjust the voting equipment? Could Candidate A, who in reality has received 60 percent of the vote over Candidate B, find the numbers reversed when the networks announce that the exit polling and the vote tabulations agree that Candidate B has won out over Candidate A by a 60/40 margin? Could this happen? What recourse would anyone have if it did? What proof could anyone offer to decide the case one way or the other?" He is not saying this has happened, is happening or will happen. He is asking the question: Why couldn’t it happen? There is enough conflict of interest, potential for manipulation, lack of disclosure and secrecy involved in the vote-counting process that it leaves him wondering if we can trust the vote tallies and vote totals in any electoral district in the country. (Can we trust the vote count anywhere? In any race? In any election? http://www.onlinejournal.com/evotin... ) Jim Baker stood on national TV November 2000 and repeated ad nauseum one of the greatest lies in U.S. history. Referring to the recounting of the vote, he gave tired half-smug smiles and said, "We’ve counted all the votes. Then we’ve counted them all a second time, then a third. How many time does Mr. Gore want them counted?" There is no doubt that the Bush camp tries to halt recounts and they benefit from stonewalling. Interestingly, they were only counted once as the Supreme court halted the recount all together. It is the Senate’s job to keep the recount going until there is satisfaction. Senator Richard Lugar, visiting Ukraine to observe the elections, called the polling a "concerted and forceful program of election day fraud and abuse." Turns out he was right. What does Dick call Ohio? Why are you Senators afraid to look? Maybe best yet, if one of you Senators steps forward I will stop publishing these articles for while and give everyone a break. Robin Baneth rbaneth@mindspring.com 919-828-3534 CONTENT IS FREE TO RE-USE EXCEPT GRAPHICS link: http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=4960 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 02:02 PM Response to Original message |
21. Executive Summary: House Judiciary Dems’ final report on Ohio election pro |
1/5/2005 Executive Summary: |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 02:27 PM Response to Original message |
22. Head of Kerry for Pres. Website briefs Dem Members of Senate |
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Challenge to 2004 Election News From Washington D.C. Former Head of the Official John Kerry for President Website, Dick Bell met with and briefed the Congressional Caucus, including John Conyers about election fraud this morning. Dick is currently briefing Democratic Members of the Senate and may be back again tomorrow to discuss the Challenge to the 2004 Presidential Election. I will let you know the breaking news as soon as I know it...the power of the internet. Stay tuned folks...we could be watching history being made on Thursday! |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 02:38 PM Response to Original message |
23. Michigan Congressman to Challenge 2004 Election |
January 05, 2005 Michigan Congressman to Challenge 2004 ElectionRepresentative John Conyers is set lead a number of members of the United States House of Representatives in a challenge the 2004 vote in Ohio at a joint session of congress in which Ohio's electoral college delegation will pledge their votes to President George W. Bush. In order for the challenge to succeed, Conyers needs to be joined by one member of the United States Senate, although it is likely that no Senator (including Democrats) will support the call for an investigation. Conyers is heavily lobbying a number of Senators and asking that they join the House delegation in calling for an investigation, including Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow of Michigan. Readers who saw Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 may recall the powerful scene in which no members of the Senate would join with Representatives calling for an investigation into voter fraud in Florida in the 2000 election. Since the election, numerous voting irregularities have been uncovered in Ohio including polls opening late, absentee ballots that never arrived, registration challenges from Republicans that dissuaded many from voting, intimidation by Republican "election observers," and long lines. Testimony at two hearings by the Ohio Election Protection Coalition in November identified 98 people who experienced some form of "voting irregularities" on election day, although that number is only a small fraction of the total number of incidents, many of which involved systemic problems with voting technology or the way the election was administered. There have even been reports of FBI and Homeland Security involvement in the election in parts of Ohio Link: http://www.mediamouse.org/news/michigan_congressman_to_challeng.php |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 02:55 PM Response to Original message |
24. From Today's Countdown Newsletter |
Will there be an official ELECTION OBJECTION when the Congress meets tomorrow in joint session to receive the electoral tallies from each state? That's some of what we're working on for tonight's show. |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 02:58 PM Response to Original message |
25. An open letter from an Ohio voter |
January 5, 2005 An open letter from an Ohio voterTo all concerned Americans: I live in Ohio and saw and heard election "fraud" first hand. Although I will freely admit that I wanted and worked for John Kerry in the past election, the issue here is more important than parties or people. The issue is whether or not our votes will count. If we do not come forward now and demand that all elected officials give us open and verified voting, we can kiss the idea of democracy good bye. So please contact all U.S. Senators and ask them to stand with a true hero and patriot by the name of John Conyers. Phone, e mail, or fax them now. From the Green at Lexington to the Beaches of Normandy we have had people pay the price for freedom in the past. We owe it to them to do something now. Facts about me: 1. I still love this country. And as corny as it sounds, folding the American flag at the end of the day at a local pool in the summer with my 10 year old son still makes me proud. 2. My brother works for the Navy in Washington D.C. and on 9/11 I spent two and a half hours wondering if he was in the Pentagon that day. Thankfully he was not. 3. On 11/2/04 I saw election fraud first hand. First, a Republican challenger actively worked with the precinct judge and officials during the voting. Just by chance, one of the three voting machines went down, and when the data was posted from that machine a few days later, it held the most Bush votes, even though it had the lowest numerical number of votes in it. (The other two machines had about 31% Bush votes in them .... the one that went down as it was being tallied held 42% Bush votes) Even though all voters came from the same precinct. 4. On 11/3/04 I tried to call a voter protection phone line but it had been hacked into by a very sophisticated operation. When I got through all I heard was weird music and a never ending hold. Within an hour of Kerry's concession, the block was gone from the line and replaced with a busy signal. A question keeps going through my mind: why would somebody want to stop a fraud protection phone line if "they" were not up to something? 5. On 11/15/04 I went to a public hearing in Columbus, Ohio, where I was to give sworn testimony about what I saw and heard regarding the election. I saw at least five people (I got there when the meeting was more than half over) get up and say something to the effect of, "I voted for Kerry but the light went on for Bush." That got almost no coverage in the press. So please call, e mail, or fax all senators today. I am begging you. Tom from Ohio Biden (DE) - Voice: (202) 224-5042 - FAX: (202) 224-0139 Bingaman (NM) - Voice: (202) 224-5521 - FAX: (202) 224-2852 Boxer (CA) - Voice: (202) 224-3553 - FAX: (415) 956-6701 Byrd (WV) - Voice: (202) 224-3954 - FAX: (202) 228-0002 Clinton (NY) - Voice: (202) 224-4451 - FAX: (202) 228-0282 Conrad (ND) - Voice: (202) 224-2043 - FAX: (202) 224-7776 Corzine (NJ) - Voice: (202) 224-4744 - FAX: (202) 228-2197 Dodd (CT) - Voice: (202) 224-2823 - FAX: (202) 228-1683 Dorgan (ND) - Voice: (202) 224-2551 - FAX: (202) 224-1193 Durbin (IL) - Voice: (202) 224-2152 - FAX: (202) 228-0400 Feingold (WI) - Voice: (202) 224-5323 - FAX: (202) 224-2725 Harkin (IA) - Voice: (202) 224-3254 - FAX: (202) 224-9369 Inyoue (HI) - Voice: (202) 224-3934 - FAX: (202) 224-6747 Jeffords (VT - Independent) - Voice: (202) 224-5141 - FAX: (202) 224-0338 Kennedy (MA) - Voice: (202) 224-4543 - FAX: (202) 224-2417 Kerry (MA) - Voice: (202) 224-2742 - FAX: (202) 224-8525 Lautenberg (NJ) - Voice: (202) 224-3224 - FAX: (202) 228-4054 Leahy (VT) - Voice: (202) 224-4242 - FAX: (802) 863-2525 Levin (MI) - Voice: (202) 224-6221 - FAX: (202) 224-1388 Lieberman (CT) - Voice: (202) 224-4041 - FAX: (202) 224-9750 Mikulski (MD) - Voice: (202) 224-4654 - FAX: (202) 224-8858 Nelson, Bill (FL) - Voice: (202) 224-5274 - (no FAX # available) Obama (IL) - Voice: (202) 224-2854 - (no FAX # available) Reed, Jack (RI) - Voice: (202) 224-4642 - FAX: (202) 224-4680 Reid, Harry (NV) - Voice: (202) 224-3542 - FAX: (202) 224-7327 Rockefeller (WV) - Voice: (202) 224-6472 - FAX: (202) 224-7665 Sarbanes (MD) - Voice: (202) 224-4524 - FAX: (202) 224-1651 Stabenow (MI) - Voice: (202) 224-4822 - FAX: (202) 228-0325 Wyden (OR) - Voice: (202) 224-5244 - FAX: (202) 228-2717 link: http://www.thousandreasons.org/opinion/010505.html |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 03:04 PM Response to Original message |
26. ACTION - An urgent letter from Peter and Debbie of Election Fraud 2004 |
An urgent letter from Peter and Debbie of Election Fraud 2004Hi Folks, Here's an important message from my friend, Debbie. -Peter Dear Friends, The evidence of voter fraud in Ohio, Florida and now (see below) in New Mexico is overwhelming... and if we intend to preserve the concept of democracy, we MUST act... and TODAY is an important window of opportunity! Emily Levin, one of the people analyzing the Ohio vote suppression and "phantom votes" (where records show Bush got more votes than were actually cast in many precincts!) said it clearly at a huge rally in Herbst Auditorium last night in SF: "If the claims to have won the election are not corrected, we cannot expect to have another fair election in this country, ever." The good news from last night is that BARBARA BOXER is reportedly READY to stand up in the Senate on Thursday (tomorrow), at the request of her friend, Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, and contest the election. (This is what no senator would do in 2000, as depicted in Michael Moore's movie Farenheit 9/11). Boxer needs our encouragement to do this. PLEASE fax a brief statement to her at the number below (415) 956-6701 (FAX in SF) If you have time, send another fax to Sen. Dianne Feinstein's DC office: (202) 228-3954. Here's a suggested text for your message: Sear Senator Boxer (or Feinstein, etc.) The evidence of voter fraud in Ohio, Florida and New Mexico is overwhelming. As our Senator, please join with your colleagues in the House to oppose the certification of the electors on Thursday, Jan. 6.Some these electors were chosen in a fraudulent process, where votes were subtracted to the count, added to the count and voters simply not allowed to vote, although many stood in line for hours in the rain to exercise their right. We are calling on you to preserve Democracy and refuse to certify the validity of this election. Congress can then ask for thorough and open review of the election in every state where there is evidence of fraud. History will thank you for your attention to this vitally important issue. - - - - - You can also CALL Boxer's office with this message: The toll-free line is 1-800-839-5276. And THANK YOU for putting forth this important effort today! With appreciation, Debbie Mytels Below are two websites with further information: http://donotconcede.com/ http://nov2truth.org/article.php?story=20050103124042717&mode=print On January 6, 2005, Congress will certify the November 2, 2004 election Electoral College vote count, unless at least one Representative and one Senator contests the election. Several Representatives stand ready to do this. Only one senator is needed now. Please encourage Democratic Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia -- currently the most outspoken critic of Bush administration policies in the U.S. Senate -- to stand against U.S. election fraud and contest certification of the Electoral College vote count. Email Senator Byrd at:http://byrd.senate.gov/byrd_email.html Or, phone Senator Byrd at: 202-224-3954, or fax: 202-228-0002 Then, call/email the following Senators and urge them to do the same before 5 p.m. Eastern time on Wed. Jan. 5. Senator Dick Durbin, (202) 224-2152, dick@durbin.senate.gov Senator Russ Feingold, (202) 224-5323, russ_feingold@feingold.senate.gov Senator Tom Harkin, (202) 224-3254, tom_harkin@harkin.senate.gov Senator Jim Jeffords, (202) 224-5141, Vermont@jeffords.senate.gov Senator Edward Kennedy, 202/224-4543, senator@kennedy.senate.gov Senator Patrick Leahy, (202) 224-4242, senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov The Cobb-LaMarche Campaign Working to Make Every Vote Count! --------------------------------------- Peter Drekmeier Election Fraud 2004 info@ElectionFraud2004.org Check out our slide show at http://www.ElectionFraud2004.org |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 03:09 PM Response to Original message |
27. MOCK THE VOTE - White House to Ohio: Go Cheney yourself! |
01.05.05 MOCK THE VOTEWhite House to Ohio: Go Cheney yourself!By Larisa Alexandrovna | RAW STORY STAFFThe White House response to the Ohio election debacle was not simply a glib nonsensical statement, but is also the sinister reality of the “win, win, win” Karl Rove mindset that has replaced, collectively, the moral conscience of the GOP. What response, after months of silence, does the White House have for the thousands upon thousands of African Americans, elderly, and disabled citizens who were disenfranchised during this last election cycle? “The case resembles a poorly drafted script for a late night conspiracy-theory movie.” Not even the Christian charlatans, otherwise known as the Falwell Oompa Loompas, would make a statement as insensitive and un-American as that in the light of day. Falwell and the Charlatans have cable programming for those types of sentiments. We know Bush is not strong on tact, but this goes beyond being tactless, considering his “freedom is on the march” pop-tarts. This is a man who wants the Iraqi people to have democracy and fair elections. Yet this very same man finds disenfranchisement of voters akin to an X-file episode? Which episode would that be, by the way? Is it the one where Agent Scully finds no WMDs, forges documents and misleads the nation into war? Or would it be the episode where the entire cast engages in mass human rights violations and then attempts to conceal the evidence? Or maybe it is my favorite one, where New York City is attacked by terrorists, roughly 3,000 people die, and thousands of more lose family members and jobs while the President stalls every possible attempt at an investigation? Read more from THE RAW STORY: http://www.rawstory.com/exclusives/larisa/ohio_voting_cheney_105.htm |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 03:19 PM Response to Original message |
28. Senator Kennedy maybe moving in the right direction. He is now "undecided" |
(thanks to nmoliver)
Despite Kennedy's prior statements that he will not challenge the election, his aide in Boston today claimed that Kennedy has not decided on a position. I was in a meeting today with about a dozen people in Kennedy's office. We were well received by an aide who listened to all of our concerns and said that he would pass them on to Kennedy. DU Thread http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x239447 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 03:24 PM Response to Original message |
29. An Email from John Kerry |
An Email from John KerryDear XXXX No American citizen should wake up the morning after the election and worry their vote wasn't counted. No citizen should be denied at the polls if they are eligible to vote. And, as the greatest, wealthiest nation on earth, our citizens should never be forced to vote on old, unaccountable and non transparent voting machines from companies controlled by partisan activists. Tomorrow, members of Congress will meet to certify the results of the 2004 presidential election. I will not be taking part in a formal protest of the Ohio Electors. Despite widespread reports of irregularities, questionable practices by some election officials and instances of lawful voters being denied the right to vote, our legal teams on the ground have found no evidence that would change the outcome of the election. But, that does not mean we should abandon our commitment to addressing those problems that happened in Ohio. We must act today to make sure they never happen again. I urge you to join me in using this occasion to highlight our demand that Congress commit itself this year to reforming the electoral system. A Presidential election is a national federal election but we have different standards in different states for casting and counting votes. We need a national federal standard to solve the problems that occurred in the 2004 election. I will propose legislation to help achieve this. Florida 2000 was a wake up call. But the Republicans who control Congress ignored it. Will they now ignore what happened in 2004? There are nearly 3,000,000 of you receiving this email. We accomplished so much together during the campaign. Now let's use our power to make sure that at least one good thing comes from the voting rights problems of the 2004 election. If we want to force real action on election reform, we've got to demand that congressional leaders hold full hearings. Make sure they hear from you and help hold them accountable. Speaker Dennis Hastert: 1-202-225-0600 Leader Bill Frist: 1-202-224-3135 And please report that you've made your call right here: http://www.johnkerry.com/signup/electoral_reform.php I want every vote counted because Americans have to know that the votes they stood in line for, fought for, and strived so hard to cast in an election, are counted. We must make sure there are no questions or doubts in future elections. It's critical to our democracy that we investigate and act to prevent voting irregularities and voter intimidation across the country. We can't stand still as Congressional leaders seek to sweep well-founded voter concerns under the rug. Please join with me in calling Speaker Hastert and Leader Frist and telling them that you want action on election reform now. A recent report from Representative John Conyers (D-Michigan) reveals very troubling questions that have not yet been answered by Ohio election officials. I commend the Democratic National Committee for its announcement this week that the DNC will be investing resources and reaching out to non-partisan academics in a long term study of Ohio voting irregularities. I am only sorry that we haven't seen the same from Ohio Secretary of State Blackwell and GOP officials. Congress must play a positive, proactive role on this issue. That's why I will soon introduce legislation to reform our election system, ensuring transparency and accountability in our voting system and that all Americans have an opportunity to vote and have their vote counted. Please remember to let us know that you made your call when you're done. We're hoping to ensure House and Senate leaders' offices hear our demand for action on election reform in meaningful way. Please take a moment to let us know you have made your call here: http://www.johnkerry.com/signup/electoral_reform.php Thank you, John Kerry P.S. Thanks to all those who participated in our USO "phone home" campaign last week. The totals are coming in from the USO, and they are thrilled with your generosity and support for our brave men and women in uniform. We will send you totals as we get them. DU Thread: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x238457 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 03:30 PM Response to Original message |
30. MoveOn.org asks members to call Senators and object to Ohio vote |
MoveOn.org asks members to call Senators and object to Ohio voteDear MoveOn member, When Congress reconvenes this Thursday to ratify the 2004 Presidential election, Representative John Conyers (D-Michigan) will object to the vote count in Ohio, and if even one Senator joins him, Congress will have to debate the widespread voting problems that have been exposed. Nobody expects this election to be overturned, but it’s time in this country to seriously grapple with the issues of voting rights, un-auditable computerized voting, and the suppression of minority votes. Call your Democratic Senators today and ask them to join Representative Conyers in challenging the 2004 voting process. With your support, they can step forward and force this important debate. Just call. In November’s election, Americans in inner cities were prevented from voting by eight-hour lines. Local officials changed the rules on which votes were counted. Technicians were allowed to tamper with balloting machines unsupervised. We’ve attached an editorial by Rev. Jesse Jackson with more details below. The winners of these tainted elections assert that their outcomes didn’t depend on the fraud. But even in sports, referees call penalties and enforce the rules, whether or not the game is at stake. Nowhere in the Constitution does it describe some acceptable level of denying Americans their votes. When Congress meets this Thursday, January 6, we’ll have a good opportunity to make it clear that Americans want every vote counted, period. A sound democracy depends on elections that everyone, winners and losers, can agree were held fairly and honestly. America doesn’t have that now, and it’s got to change. Thanks for everything you do, --The MoveOn PAC Team January 5th, 2004 DU Thread: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x238204 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 03:38 PM Response to Original message |
31. Fix the Vote - A Letter to Senator Clinton |
Fix the Vote - A Letter to Senator ClintonDear Senator Clinton, I am very concerned about voting irregularities in Ohio and across the nation. I treasure my right to vote, and believe every person’s vote should count. This is why I am asking you to please support Congressman Conyers in his objection to the Ohio vote count tomorrow afternoon. Without support from senators like you, Congressman Conyers will not be allowed to voice his objections, and we will all be robbed of this opportunity to start a national discussion of the flaws in our voting system. This is not a partisan issue, nor is it an issue that is limited to this one election. Irregularities, inconsistencies, and errors in state, local, and federal elections across the country are eroding my confidence in our entire electoral system. We need to rise to the challenge now, so we can start making repairs to this essential feature of our democracy. Please help America start the dialogue that can lead to a stronger, more effective voting system, and ensure the voting rights of all of us. Thank you, Patti Aro What was wrong with Ohio? Jesse Jackson on tomorrow’s vote Find contact information for your senator Senate Switchboard: 202-224-3121 Link: http://www.pattiaro.com/index.php?p=30 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 03:46 PM Response to Original message |
32. Video of demonstrations & rallies = Election Fraud 2004 |
Video of demonstrations & rallies |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 03:54 PM Response to Original message |
34. Sen. Boxer’s office won’t confirm MSNBC, Hill claim that she will challeng |
1/5/2005 Sen. Boxer’s office won’t confirm MSNBC, Hill claim that she will challenge electoral resultBy John Byrne | RAW STORY Editor-snip- Asked to confirm or deny reports that Sen. Boxer had made a decision to challenge, a spokesman said, “The Senator has made no public statment on that, we are still taking down opinions and I can forward them to the senator.” A receptionist at Boxer’s Washington office said the senator had “no public statement.” MSNBC reporter Chip Reid reported Wednesday afternoon that Boxer was likely to challenge, but the network has not posted a story online. Rush Limbaugh also made a similar comment during his radio program Wednesday. A source on Capitol Hill told RAW STORY that a challenge from Boxer was expected, but would not elaborate. -snip- Some suggest that it would be imprudent for Boxer to announce that she was planning a challenge in advance because it would allow others to attack the senator before the actual vote. Developing at the blue lemur... http://www.bluelemur.com/index.php?p=530 DU Thread: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x238858 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 04:11 PM Response to Original message |
35. Audio - Press Conf. from the National Press Club - Wednesday 2:00 PM EST |
Press Conference from the National Press Club - Wednesday 2:00 PM ESTThank you to David Lytel at RedefeatBush.org for the live feed. HISTORIC PRESIDENTIAL CHALLENGE. PRESS CONFERENCE, NATIONAL PRESS CLUB, WASHINGTON, D.C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5TH AT 2:00 PM WHO: Lead plaintiff, Moss v. Bush, Rev. Bill Moss Lead trial counsel, Peter Peckarsky Professor and statistical expert, Ron Baiman, Ph.D. Publisher and lawyer, Bob Fitrakis Lawyer, Susan Truitt Exit polling expert, Jonathan Simon, JD Senior editor, freepress.org. Harvey Wasserman Legal statistician, Richard Hayes-Phillips, Ph.D Director, Progressive Democrats of America, Tim Carpenter NAACP, National Voter Fund, Greg Moore Author Warren Linney, MA (The Patriot Test) WHAT: • Exit polls did not match the reported vote in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida and 7 of 8 other key battleground states • Voting machines with secret software owned by private, partisan companies subject to manipulation and which deprived citizens of their right to fair and transparent elections • Uncounted and provisional ballots negatively and disproportionately affected African American voters • Inexplicable vote disparities • Voting Rights Act Violations • Recount did not recount all the votes • Challenge at January 6 Joint Session of Congress WHY: TO PROVIDE FULL BACKGROUND ON KEY ASSERTIONS PRIOR TO THE HISTORIC CONGRESSIONAL CHALLENGE TO THE 2004 VOTE PARTIAL LIST OF EVIDENCE: There is clear and compelling evidence that the election was stolen. By examining a very wide range of sworn testimonies from voters, polling officials and others close to the administration of the Nov. 2 election; by statistical analysis of the certified vote by mathematicians, election experts and independent research teams who have conducted detailed studies of the results in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere; from experts who studied the voting machines, tabulators and other electronic equipment on which a fair vote count has depended; and from a team of attorneys and others who have challenged the Ohio results; the freepress.org investigative team has compiled a portrait of an election whose true outcome must be investigated further by the Congress, the media and all Americans -- because it was almost certainly not an honest victory for George W. Bush. Crucial flaws in the national vote count, most importantly in the national popular vote, and in Ohio and Florida indicate John Kerry was the actual winner on November 2, as reported in national exit polls. At the very least, the widespread tampering with how the election was conducted, and how Ohio's votes were counted and re-counted, has compromised this nation's historic commitment to free and fair elections. George W. Bush's ‘victory' appears to have resulted from multiple frauds – a GOP ‘do-whatever it takes' strategy to win the state that swung the election. The questionable votes far exceed Bush's margin of victory in Ohio. The Bush-Cheney ‘do what ever it takes" strategy in Ohio covered a very wide range of tactics, from disenfranchisement of minority voters to discarding of ballots to tampered tabulators and much more. Taken as a whole, this compendium of error, fraud, cover-up and contempt indicates that this was not a legitimate election, and is not worthy of being certified by the Congress of the United States. Thirty disenfranchised voters on the Freedom Winter bus ride from Columbus, Ohio to Washington, D.C. will be present to share their voting horror stories with the media. WHERE: National Press Club Zenger Room 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor Washington, DC 20045 link: http://blog.radioleft.com/blog/_archives/2005/1/5/231902.html |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 04:29 PM Response to Original message |
36. Kick... Gotta take a break for a few hours. I'll be back. |
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Wilms (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 05:34 PM Response to Original message |
37. MelissaB/dzika |
The two of you are amazing.
An afternoon kick to ya!:hi: |
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Bouvet_Island (227 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 06:01 PM Response to Original message |
38. Kickety kick. |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 06:11 PM Response to Original message |
39. AP - House Democrat lays out case for challenge to Bush's win in Ohio |
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 House Democrat lays out case for challenge to Bush's win in OhioMALIA RULON, Associated Press Writer(01-05) 14:51 PST WASHINGTON (AP) -- The senior Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee protested President Bush's re-election Wednesday with a new report claiming serious election irregularities and "significant disenfranchisement" of voters in Ohio. The report by Rep. John Conyers of Michigan says Congress should challenge the Electoral College vote when it is tallied Thursday in the House of Representatives and investigate all claims of voter problems in Ohio. "We have found numerous, serious election irregularities in the Ohio presidential election," the report said. "There are ample grounds for challenging the electors from the state of Ohio." Ohio's 20 electoral votes were critical for Bush's defeat of Democratic Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. A recount last week showed Bush winning Ohio by 118,457 votes over Kerry, according to an unofficial tally by The Associated Press. The 102-page report titled "Preserving Democracy: What Went Wrong in Ohio?" lists such problems as unusually long lines, a shortage of voting machines in Democratic-leaning areas, confusion over provisional ballot rules and computer problems. more http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2005/01/05/national1632EST0667.DTL |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 06:13 PM Response to Original message |
40. Rally protests election results |
Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 2:29 PM Rally protests election resultsby Don KazakPalo Alto Weekly Staff About 60 people held a spirited noon-hour rally in downtown Palo Alto today to protest Thursday's vote in Congress to ratify the Electoral College vote in the 2004 presidential election. The group held banners, sang songs, and delivered a mock coffin to the office of Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Palo Alto, at the conclusion of the rally. The coffin was inscribed “Fair Elections RIP.” The group was protesting alleged voting irregularities during the election because a recount was not possible from electronic voting machines used in some states, especially Ohio, where the vote was extremely close. “It’s not an election if you can’t count the votes,” read one of several large banners carried by the protesters. Peter Drekmeier, of the Bay Area Coalition for Election Reform, noted that exit polling in three key states – Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio – were off between 6 and 9 percent from the actual reported tally, which is almost unheard of. link http://www.paloaltoonline.com/news/show_story.php?id=831 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 06:23 PM Response to Original message |
41. Brad Blog: Curtis meets with Senators - Brad says: TAKE ACTION NOW |
(thanks to Brad Blog)
Wednesday Morning Clint Curtis / Senate Update...Clint Curtis is currently on Capitol Hill now meeting with Senate staffers. We can report that he has already met this morning with staffers in the office of the following Democratic Senators: Debbie Sabatow (MI), Russell Feingold (WI), Barbara Boxer (CA), Barbara Mikulski (MD) and Barack Obama (IL). Meetings are scheduled later today with the staffers of these additional Senate offices: Ted Kennedy (MA), Dick Durbin (IL), Patrick Leahy (VT), Ken Salazar (CO). "A source visting the Senate offices with Curtis tells us that so far the reception they've received from each office has been "very positive" and that "things are lit up like a Christmas tree here" with all of the Senate office phones ringing off the hook with callers urging Senators to stand up and object. Almost zero calls coming in advising the contrary as our source describes it." Update from Brad Blog @ 2:59 PT TAKE ACTION NOWIf you (and I do mean you) have been sitting on your hands hoping that things would get better...somehow...then you too are responsible for whatever it is this country (and world) may become as a result of your inaction. If you hope to see a change in the results of a horribly tainted election, hope to see George W. Bush's phony "mandate" and self-proclaimed "political capital" be exposed for the opportunistic fraud that it is, or hope to see real Election Reform in the future so that such questionable outcomes like the one we've seen in 2004 simply can no longer occur due to a reliable and transparent election system, then you must act NOW. See Brad Blog for more details http://www.bradblog.com/ |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 06:59 PM Response to Original message |
42. 7PM ET Congressional Update - From DU Threads |
rawstory (896 posts) Wed Jan-05-05 10:43 PM
Original message LAST CALL: 24 House members issue plea to Senate... Twenty-four members from the House signed a letter issued to the full House and Senate this afternoon in a last-minute bid to encourage the Senate to open discussion on the electoral vote tally Thursday, RAW STORY has learned. The members signing were: John Conyers, Jr, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Jesse Jackson, Jr., Jim McDermott, Maxine Waters, Lynn Woolsey, Bernard Sanders, Eleanor H. Norton, Sam Farr, Chaka Fattah, Donald Payne, Anthony Weiner, Diane Watson, Barbara Lee, Elijah Cummings, Robert Wexler, Juanita Millender-McDonald, José E. Serrano, Major Owens, Danny K. Davis, Dennis J. Kucinich, Sheila Jackson Lee, William Clay, Jr. and Barney Frank. Rep. Frank's signature was not included in this release because he signed it after it had been scanned. http://rawstory.rawprint.com/105/final_plea_105.php brainshrub (1000+ posts) Wed Jan-05-05 09:29 PM Original message Conyers has somebody? Did I just hear Radni right! Happy dance! buddysmellgood (599 posts) Wed Jan-05-05 09:34 PM Response to Original message 6. Randi Rhoads had Conyers on her Air American show. She asked conyers if someone would stand. Conyers said yes and if you heard him, you have confidence that he has confidence. Randi asked who but Conyers didn't answer. Then as the show went to a break, Randi said, "Yeah, he's go somebody." She doens't know for a fact, but you do get the sense that someone will stand. Keep calling senators. DU Thread: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x241079 nmoliver (90 posts) Wed Jan-05-05 10:05 PM Original message ... and from Chafee's office too ... I also called Chafee's office. He doesn't have a position either. However, he is taking messages, and the staffer sounded not only supportive, but downright excited. EXCITED. THRILLED. And Chafee is a Republican! (at the moment, anyway ...) Lincoln Chafee's Contact Info Washington DC Web Address http://chafee.senate.gov Washington DC Web Mail Address http://chafee.senate.gov/webform.htm Washington DC Address 141-A Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510-3904 Phone: 202-224-2921 Fax: 202-228-2853 District Address - Newport 320 Thames Street, Room 272 Newport, RI 02840 Phone: 401-845-0700 Fax: 401-845-0703 District Address - Providence 170 Westminster Street, Suite 1100 Providence, RI 02903 Phone: 401-453-5294 Fax: 401-453-5085 nmoliver (90 posts) Wed Jan-05-05 10:04 PM Original message good news from Sen. Mikulski's office The staffer at Barbara Mikulski's office said it like this: "Sen. Mikulski has not taken a position as yet, but there is a possibility of a Senate objection." NO WAY she would have said this to me if it wasn't going to happen. The fact that all these Senators "haven't taken a position" is extremely good news IMHO. They are waiting, because they are afraid they will be trashed between now and Thursday if they came out early. And doesn't that indicate how terrified everybody is of this regime???? DU Thread: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php rawstory (896 posts) Wed Jan-05-05 10:09 PM Original message Source: Boxer appears to be backing down... So indicates our source on the Hill: Since the MSNBC report early this afternoon, talk on the Capitol Hill about Boxer's decision seems to have grown more scarce--a Hill source who first asserted that Boxer would challenge indicated a sense that the possibility was growing less likely. http://rawstory.com I've changed the headline to 'Second thoughts? Senator Boxer silent on MSNBC report that she will challenge vote' Don't want to get hopes too far up and then see nothing. If you want Boxer on board, call, is my sense. rawstory (896 posts) Wed Jan-05-05 10:09 PM Original message UPDATE: BOXER STILL IN THE RING... Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 11:06 PM by rawstory So indicates our source on the Hill. Unable to say more. She may back out -- but there are new indications she's seriously considering... I can't guess any more about what may happen... However, don't want to get hopes too far up and then see nothing. Keep watch. Will let you know when/if we know more -- http://rawstory.com If you really want Boxer on board, call, is what I'm hearing. DU Thread: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x240522 keithjx (77 posts) Wed Jan-05-05 10:23 PM Original message Just spoke with Sen. Baucus (D-MT) office. Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 10:23 PM by keithjx He hasn't given them a formal statement regarding the contest tomorrow, so I just provided a comment that I urged him to stand with Conyers, et al., and for democracy. The woman I spoke to was VERY nice. Next up - Sen Burns - Repub.... on edit: btw, the number is 202.224.2651 DU Thread: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x240622 cali (1000+ posts) Wed Jan-05-05 10:58 PM Original message Bernie Sanders WILL Stand With Conyers As many of you know, I have grave reservations about the wisdom of this action, however I thought you'd all like to know that Sanders has changed his mind and will contest the validity of Ohio. I just heard it on VPR, and their reporting is accurate. http://bernie.house.gov/ DU Thread: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x240903 straw_citizen (30 posts) Wed Jan-05-05 10:57 PM Original message Senator Lautenberg threatens to arrest Andy Stephenson “To the people of NJ from Andy Stephenson. I just spoke with Frank Lautenberg in the elevator. I first asked Senator Lautenberg if he had a few minutes to talk to me. He said yes. I began to talk to him about the voting issues I found in Florida and Ohio. He couldn’t get out of the elevator quick enough. Being the tenacious person I am, I followed him out and asked, “Senator won’t you please look at the evidence? Won’t you please stand with Mr. Conyers? Won’t you please stand for the American People?” Mr. Lautenberg said, ”I don’t want to hear this.” I said, “Mr. Lautenberg, I have seen the evidence, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I discovered it. To which he replied, “If you don’t leave me alone and stop harassing me, I will have you arrested.” I said to Mr. Lautenberg, “If you stand with Mr. Conyers, you will be a hero.” Senator Lautenberg said, “I am a hero. I was in World War II.” I replied, “You won’t be in the eyes of the American people if you don’t stand up with Mr. Conyers tomorrow.” Catherine for Andy Stephenson DU: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x240894 |
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MelissaB (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 07:15 PM Response to Original message |
43. self delete |
Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 07:16 PM by MelissaB
sorry |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 07:21 PM Response to Original message |
44. No Stolen Elections! Delivers Petitions To Feingold |
1 hour, 39 minutes ago Local - WISC Channel3000.com No Stolen Elections! Delivers Petitions To FeingoldA delegation from the local coalition of No Stolen Elections! delivered more than 800 letter petitions to U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold (news, bio, voting record)'s Middleton office at 10 a.m. today, asking him to take a stand against alleged election fraud. The local activists are asking Feingold to join with a group of U.S. representatives who will reportedly challenge the certification of the Electoral College (news - web sites) vote on Jan. 6. Organizers said they are focusing on Feingold because of his votes against the Patriot Act and against the war. "But so far we have been disappointed on the cornerstone issue of protecting the sanctity of our votes," said Said Phyllis Hasbrouck, a No Stolen Elections!. "He says that in 2000 he didn't stand up and challenge the vote because Al Gore (news - web sites) asked him not to. We don't care if Kerry asks him not to this time, it's his duty as an American to protest when he sees fraud. His symbol is a backbone. This issue will prove how strong his is." The group gathered signatures at Tuesday's the People's Legislature at the Alliant Center in Madison. The letter petitions are bright orange to symbolize the Ukrainian campaign to get a new national election. Feingold has not commented on whether he will challenge the Election Vote certification. The challenge is based on alleged fraud and voter suppression in Ohio, uncovered before and during the Ohio recount. link http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/kmgh/20050105/lo_wisc/2523580 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 07:25 PM Response to Original message |
January 05, 2005 January 6, 2005 -- Washington, DC, In front of FBI Headquarters -- 9:00 A.M. -- Rally & Vigil Calling for InvestigationIMPORTANT! (see note below)RALLY AND VIGIL TO BE HELD AT FBI HEADQUARTERS IN WASHINGTON, DC, 9 AM, JAN. 6TH We would appreciate it if you would spread the word as widely as possible that, prior to the 10 AM rally at Lafayette Park, a rally and vigil will be held Thursday, Nov. 6 at 9 AM at the headquarters of the FBI, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, at Pennsylvania Avenue entrance, calling for an intensive investigation of vote rigging and vote suppression in Ohio,Florida and other states. The rally is being organized by people from White Plains, NY, who have held nine rallies and vigils since Dec. 3 at the White Plains office of the FBI. So far they have received no response to letters they have sent to the FBI. We will march from this vigil to the 10 AM rally at Lafayette Park. For information, contact Nick Mottern (914) 806-6179. This particular protest is the other front of our struggle to protect voting rights. link http://nostolendemocracy.typepad.com/blog/2005/01/january_6_2005_.html |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 07:28 PM Response to Original message |
46. Ohio Secretary of State Releases Presidential Recount Data |
1/5/2005 Ohio Secretary of State Releases Presidential Recount DataPosted @ 1:35 pmToday, the Ohio Secretary of State finally released totals for the presidential recount. Bush gained 1,037 votes; Kerry gained 1,213 votes; Peroutka gained 33 votes; and Badnarik lost 19 votes, according to the Secretary of State. The Ohio Secretary of State’s webpage labels Badnarik and Peroutka (the only non-major party presidential candidates to appear on the ballot) as “non-partisan” candidates, even though both of them appeared on the ballot as “other-party nominee.” Ohio election law requires the label “other-party nominee” for those candidates who choose it, if they use the independent petition procedure. Nothing in the Ohio law authorizes the Secretary of State to label such candidates “non-partisan,” as he has done on his web page. Complaints to his office about the label have gone unreturned. link http://ballot-access.org/2005/01/05/ohio-secretary-of-state-releases-presidential-recount-data/ |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 07:40 PM Response to Original message |
47. Challengers are go (Keith Olbermann) |
January 5, 2005 | 6:56 p.m. ET Challengers are go (Keith Olbermann)"Congressional sources tell this reporter that the house half of the written objection — which has the declared support of more than a dozen Representatives — is expected to be signed by Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio. Republican leadership expects the Senate signatory to be Barbara Boxer of California, but this has not yet been formalized. The Majority is also worried about the possible absence of many of its members in both houses, and the prospect that a quorum might not be achieved, leading the process into uncharted, albeit not very threatening, constitutional grounds. There is a mathematical, if not practical, chance that the ratification of the Electoral College vote could be delayed past tomorrow." read Bloggerman http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6210240 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 07:44 PM Response to Original message |
48. Conyers to contest Ohio electors tom.; protesters take on Levin, Stabenow |
MI: Conyers to contest Ohio electors tom.; protesters take on Levin, Stabenow offices to urge them to joinby Michael McGuinnessVeteran Congressman John Conyers, a Democrat from Detroit, is leading the charge to contest the Ohio presidential electors for Bush during the vote certification tomorrow afternoon. Yesterday, protesters staged a sit-in in the Warren office of Democratic Senator Carl Levin and the Detroit office of Senator Debbie Stabenow, also a Democrat. "Local Dems ask for more recounts" is the inaccurately titled headline from today's Daily Oakland Press. From the article's text: "Some local Democrats are pressing Michigan's two U.S. senators not to certify election results on Thursday, but instead support launching an investigation into alleged voting irregularities in the 2004 election. more http://www.polstate.com/archives/006470.html |
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MelissaB (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 07:47 PM Response to Original message |
49. FOX Reporting Challenge - Putting a Bullseye on BOXER |
(snip) They may also find support from Sen. Barbara Boxer (search), D-Calif., whose participation under congressional rules would then require senators and representatives to recess to their respective chambers to debate certification. The action would be the first of its kind in 36 years, but most likely won't add up to more than a procedural delay of the inevitable. Front page of site shows Boxer: http://www.foxnews.com/ Thanks to VTGold here:http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x241719 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 07:48 PM Response to Original message |
50. The Nation - Lunch With Michael (Moore) |
01/05/2005 @ 4:50pm Lunch With Michael (Moore)The man who centrist Dems love to blame for November's defeat (and everything else) held court at a lunch in New York City today. Organized by the inimitable publicist Peggy Siegel to celebrate Fahrenheit 9/11 receiving the New York Film Critics Award, the lunch featured placecards with sparkly flags and a "God Bless America" invocation. At the private event Moore offered his spirited two cents on, well, almost everything. (And by the way, buzz at the lunch had it that if Mel Gibson had agreed to pose with Moore, Time magazine would have ditched Bush as Person of the Year.) "I'm heading to LA this weekend for the Peoples' Choice Award for Best Picture. We're up against 'Shrek,' 'Spiderman.' and 'The Incredibles.' I love that the people voted for these films. So, maybe you'll see me on CBS this Sunday. I haven't been allowed live on an award ceremony for a while. Maybe I'll get to finish my last speech. And this time I'll thank my wardrobe person and my Pilates instructor. Hated to forget them last time. Some of you asked me 'Where do we go from here? What should the Dems do? How do we survive whatever mayhem these people are going to bring down on us? Well, everyone who voted for Kerry should feel good about what you did...Lots of young people came out. Lot of good work was done to get more young people to vote--MoveOn, ACT, Springsteen. Don't let the pundits get away with saying more young people didn't vote. more moore http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?bid=7&pid=2104 |
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MelissaB (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 08:00 PM Response to Original message |
Judiciary Cmte. Report Questions Bush Reelection BreakForNews.com, 5th Jan, 2005 17:00ET by Fintan Dunne, Editor EXCLUSIVE http://www.breakfornews.com/articles/ElectionOutcomeUncertain.htm A status report of the House Judiciary Committee investigating the U.S. presidential election, has questioned the certainty of the reelection of president George Bush, based on irregularities in the Ohio contest. Citing recent election controversy in Washington State and in the "apparent defeat of the opposition leader Victor Yushchenko" in the Ukraine, the report says these contexts show that elections "...are subject to manipulation and mistake." The report goes on: "It is therefore, critical that elections be investigated and audited to assure the accuracy of the results" The report then repeats and reinforces comments by Daniel Hoffheimer, an attorney for the Kerry/Edwards campaign --first reported in writing by BreakFornews.com on 24th December, 2004. Hoffheimer said that Kerry/Edwards: "....want to be sure that all circumstances involved in the Ohio election, including the recount, should be put before the Court and disclosed to the American people. Only then, can the integrity of the entire electoral process and the election of Bush-Cheney warrant the public trust." The Judiciary Cmte. report adds to those earlier comments by the Kerry/Edwards campaign, saying that: "regardless of the outcome of the election..., that outcome cannot be certain as long as legitimate questions remain." NUANCED WORDS By virtue of this report and other investigations, reasonable proof of major Ohio irregularities exists. Based on this, the limited public thrust of the report and comments by the Kerry/Edwards campaign is that the Ohio electoral process is at question, not the presidential election outcome. But on examination, the language used by the House Judiciary Cmte. Report shows that its authors stand ready to potentially fully question the reelection of George Bush --against the backdrop recent fateful events in the Ukraine. We should note that this is not a final report from the Judiciary Cmte. It is an interim status report only. The triggers for an extension of the scope of their position would be the establishing of further reasonable proofs. Either by establishing that sufficient votes are in question to potentially alter the outcome of the Ohio election. Or by establishing that malicious intent beyond mere incompetence, lay behind the existing irregularities they have detailed. That would indicate that further investigation is required to determine if the malign intent covertly subverted the will of the voters in Ohio or in the election contests in other states. Peering through the fog of nuanced wording, neither Kerry/Edwards nor the latest report are saying that Kerry may have won the presidential election. But they are saying something else quite interesting. Right now, they are saying that nobody knows who won. Fintan Dunne, Jan 5, 2004 5pmET Thanks to BreakForNews here: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x241863 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Jan-06-05 12:26 AM Response to Reply #51 |
63. A fraud world after all |
I wasn't surprised to see BreakForNews using one of the Olbermann videos that I made. I was surprised to see the Screen shots that BreakForNews made with that video in Conyers' report.
I wonder if Olbermann was surprised to see a shot of his show in report. Probably not. It's a fraud fraud world. |
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MelissaB (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 08:05 PM Response to Original message |
52. Action Alert-Barbara Boxer's Office says they are counting the phone calls |
tonight to help her make the decision. CALL. The West Coast is still open. I just called.
Washington D.C. 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-3553 Sacramento 501 I Street, Suite 7-600 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 448-2787 (916) 448-2563 fax San Francisco 1700 Montgomery Street, Suite 240 San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 403-0100 (415) 956-6701 fax Los Angeles 312 N. Spring Street, Suite 1748 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 894-5000 (213) 894-5042 fax Fresno 1130 O Street, Suite 2450 Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 497-5109 (559) 497-5111 fax San Diego 600 B Street, Suite 2240 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 239-3884 (619) 239-5719 fax Inland Empire 201 North E Street, Suite 210 San Bernardino, CA 92401 (909) 888-8525 (909) 888-8613 fax Thanks to senegal1 here: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x241789 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 09:00 PM Response to Original message |
53. Video - Countdown: Olbermann says 6 Senators will Challenge |
Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 09:08 PM by dzika
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Wilms (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:00 PM Response to Original message |
54. Action Alert - Republican Sen. Chafee is counting hand. |
A staffer at Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee's DC office told me they were "keeping a tally" of people contacting them about election fraud.
An outspoken critic of many Bush Administration policies, the Gentleman from RI would not endorse BC04! And...he has been considered a defection threat. Contact Information: Washington DC Web Address http://chafee.senate.gov Washington DC Web Mail Address http://chafee.senate.gov/webform.htm Washington DC Address 141-A Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510-3904 Phone: 202-224-2921 Fax: 202-228-2853 District Address - Newport 320 Thames Street, Room 272 Newport, RI 02840 Phone: 401-845-0700 Fax: 401-845-0703 District Address - Providence 170 Westminster Street, Suite 1100 Providence, RI 02903 Phone: 401-453-5294 Fax: 401-453-5085 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:39 PM Response to Original message |
55. kick |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 10:57 PM Response to Original message |
56. Sen. Boxer may challenge results of presidential election |
Sen. Boxer may challenge results of presidential electionBy Geoff Earle Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) is considering launching a challenge to Ohio’s electoral votes when the Senate meets tomorrow to certify the votes of the Electoral College. The challenge -- should Boxer decide to offer it -- would force a debate in the House and Senate over whether President Bush’s electoral victory will stand. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) is planning to issue a challenge in the House. Conyers and 23 other House members today outlined their reasons for opposing the certification of Ohio’s electors, claiming there were “numerous, serious election irregularities” in Ohio. Bush carried Ohio by more than 100,000 votes. The state handed him an Electoral College victory over Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass). Meanwhile, Rev. Jesse Jackson made an 11th hour appeal today to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), urging him to object to the Ohio vote. “The anomalies in Ohio are greater than the anomalies in Florida” in 2000, Jackson told The Hill. Jackson pointed to problems with new voting machines, and noted that many black voters stood in line for several hours in some precincts. He said the Senate had an “obligation” to debate problems that occurred in Ohio voting. more http://www.thehill.com/thehill/export/TheHill/News/Frontpage/010505/jackson.html |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 11:00 PM Response to Original message |
57. The Politics of Being Apolitical, Our Democracy Hangs in the Balance |
January 5, 2005 The Politics of Being Apolitical, Our Democracy Hangs in the BalanceThis Thursday By Anthony WadeIn two days Congress will convene to accept the electors for the presidential election held in November. Normally, this is a formality. This year however, this obscure event takes on more significance then it ever has, as our country waits to see the true state of our union. The country waits to see if the truth matters anymore in our democracy. We all wait to see if the people really govern anymore, or just the corporate entities that rule our corrupted system. We wait for vindication, for acknowledgement, and for truth. Especially, for truth. If that sounds like a lot, you are right. If you think it is over-dramatic, you are mistaken. The drama remains because no Senator has vocally agreed to contest the election results, and join the House members who have already indicated that they will be standing up for democracy. I do not expect any Senator to announce their intent, until Thursday, to avoid the political pressure that would surely reign down upon them. It is a shame when a Senator who is elected to represent the will of the people, cannot be openly honest about wanting to protect democracy, because of politics. The truth is that EVERY Senator should object to the results in Ohio, and probably a handful of other states. That is every Senator, regardless of party. Of course, in latter-day America, where party comes before people, that is never going to happen. The GOP could see a video of George W. Bush removing ballots by hand and burning them, and I am not sure if there would be one GOP Senator willing to stand up and do their job. The saddest part however, is that there are some doubts whether a democratic Senator will even stand up. After all, none did in 2000. In 2000, Al Gore beat George Bush. Any honest, objective recount has proven such. Unfortunately, the “Gang of Five” came in and stopped the recounts. Al Gore thought he was being noble, and skulked away into the obscurity of future trivia questions. When Congress met in January to accept the electors, there were plenty of willing Congresspersons, but not one willing Senator to stand with them. There are political ramifications for such an action. Washington DC is at heart, a political town. The decisions you make today, well, they could have political consequences down the road. For a great portion of our government, not rocking the boat is the way to go. In 2000, the senators concluded that the political risk, of standing with their colleagues in the house, was not worth it, especially in light of the fact that Gore had conceded. Fast forward to 2004 and we see that history is always doomed to repeat itself if we do not take the lessons we learn and apply them. There are reports of widespread voter fraud throughout this country. There are statistical analyses completed that relegate the numbers acquired by Bush to the realm of statistical impossibility. There are sworn affidavits of GOP elected officials attempting to create vote-stealing computer programs. There are sworn affidavits of GOP backed companies stacking the deck in the RECOUNT, with cheat sheets to ensure the numbers match exactly. There are accounts of nation-wide minority voter suppression. These are not partisan tales. This is what happened to real people on Election Day. I have had conversations with people on the right who think this entire to-do is about nothing more then a cheap attempt to de-legitimize the second Bush presidency. I have never heard such ridiculous tripe in my life. I could care less about the right, the left, or the middle. This is about one thing and one thing only, the truth. The truth says that all votes should count. It says that people who vote in black neighborhoods have an equal right to the same number of voting machines as those in white neighborhoods. It says if it takes two hours to vote in a minority neighborhood, it better take two hours to vote in an affluent neighborhood. It says you do not provide LESS voting machines in a district than it had for the primaries. It says that if you are so sure that your state did things fairly, then you should testify to those facts. The truth is not partisan. It believes that if you have laws governing a recount, that you follow them. It says that if you are the state chair of the Bush reelection campaign, then it is a clear conflict of interest of you are also in charge of ensuring fair elections for that state. The truth is very transparent. It is not ideological or partisan. It simply is. Make no mistake about it; the results of this election will not be overturned, regardless of the events of this Thursday. Unless there is an unbelievable smoking gun, the GOP controls everything. They control the Senate, the House, the Courts, and the Presidency. If a Senator stands for democracy this Thursday, what it means is there will be further debate, PUBLIC debate about the MULTIPLE problems in Ohio. It means they get on record. It means the GOP has to participate. It means the government controlled media has to actually cover the story. Even in a worse-case for Bush scenario, the vote goes to the Congress, with each state getting one vote. Since there were more red than blue states, the results are in. It is the process which is at stake. It is our system that is at risk. It is the truth that is in need of rescue. more http://www.opednews.com/wade_010505_apolitical.htm |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 11:05 PM Response to Original message |
58. Kerry speaks on Ohio election results |
Kerry speaks on Ohio election resultsThe Top StoryChris Graham chris@augustafreepress.com John Kerry will not be among those protesting the votes of Ohio's presidential electors today in the nation's capital. The 2004 Democratic Party presidential candidate confirmed this news in an e-mail to more than 3 million supporters sent out on Wednesday. In the e-mail, Kerry said he would use the occasion of today's formal congressional certification of the Nov. 2 election as an opportunity to highlight the demand of progressives that the legislative body commit itself to reforming the electoral system. "A presidential election is a national federal election, but we have different standards in different states for casting and counting votes," the Massachusetts senator said in the mass mailing. "We need a national federal standard to solve the problems that occurred in the 2004 election," said Kerry, who indicated that he plans to introduce legislation to establish national voting standards this year. "Florida 2000 was a wake-up call. But the Republicans who control Congress ignored it. Will they now ignore what happened in 2004?" Kerry said. more http://www.augustafreepress.com/stories/storyReader$30382 |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 11:19 PM Response to Original message |
59. Tim Carpenter and Steve Cobble on Why the Vote Challenge Matters |
Tim Carpenter and Steve Cobble on Why the Vote Challenge MattersJanuary 05, 2005 Greetings! Over the past six weeks, with your active encouragement and support, PDA has helped grow a new citizen's movement that has demanded our elected officials commit to truly democratic values and a fair election process. We have organized rallies, petitions, marches, letter writing campaigns, and, on the eve of the House and Senate vote on certification, regardless of the outcome, we have won! As PDA's advisor Steve Cobble says in the attached article, (Steve worked with Jesse Jackson as political director for the National Rainbow Coalition), even if only one Senator stands up to object, America will be treated to a 2-hour debate on voting rights. And forty years after the Selma march that led to passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, such a national dialogue on vote suppression and fraud is sorely needed. I harbor no illusion that the election results will be overturned on Thursday. Still, it is imperative that we register our objection to the vote and hold Congress accountable for making the election process a fair and legitimate one. If you have not called your senators, or asked your colleagues to do so, I urge you to call 800.839.5276, which is the Senate switchboard number, and ask to leave a message for your Senators, especially Senators Boxer, Leahy, Durban, Kennedy, Kerry, and Feingold. Tell your Senators that you want them to "object to the certification" of the vote. If you live in California, please call Sen. Barbara Boxer. Senator Boxer's Offices: Sacramento (916) 448-2787; San Francisco (415) 403-0100; Los Angeles (213) 894-5000; Fresno (559) 497-5109; San Diego (619) 239-3884. And as always, please visit the PDA website Thank you for your valuable input and support. Best wishes in 2005! In struggle, Tim Carpenter, Director Progressive Democrats of America email: info@pdamerica.org phone: (877) 368-9221 web: http://www.pdamerica.org |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 11:22 PM Response to Original message |
60. Editorial: Clean up election mess |
Editorial: Clean up election messFrom the Journal SentinelPosted: Jan. 5, 2005 The House and the Senate will meet jointly today to receive the votes of the Electoral College for president. Rep. John Conyers, the Detroit Democrat, hopes to spice up this perfunctory quadrennial event. Citing “numerous, serious election irregularities,” he will urge Congress to reject for the time being the tally from Ohio, a key battleground state, which gave the national election to President Bush. Indeed, up close, the Ohio vote doesn’t look pretty. Seven-hour lines chased away some voters. A touch-screen machine turned votes for Democrat John Kerry into votes for Republican Bush, and another machine gave Bush 4,000 bonus votes. Machines may have missed thousands of votes for president. And Conyers rattles off many other alleged problems, some suggesting fraud. The margin of victory for Bush - 118,457 votes out of 5.7 million cast - likely remains too big for these glitches to have changed the outcome. Congress must accept the Electoral College results. But Conyers has a point. The Ohio vote highlights the need for further federal election reform. New legislation should include these provisions: continued http://www.jsonline.com/news/editorials/jan05/290387.asp |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Wed Jan-05-05 11:26 PM Response to Original message |
61. Showdown in Ohio: Rep. John Conyers (D) Releasing Results of Ohio |
Edited on Wed Jan-05-05 11:28 PM by dzika
Showdown in Ohio: Representative John Conyers (D) Releasing Results of Ohio Vote- |
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Wilms (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Jan-06-05 12:14 AM Response to Original message |
62. Late Dinner Kick n/t |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Jan-06-05 12:44 AM Response to Original message |
64. Informed Citizen's Guide To The 2004 Election |
A few things to keep in mind when Ohio is officially contested tomorrow (1 P.M. ET C-span should cover it).
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/1/5/84732/37166">The Informed Citizen's Guide To The 2004 Election 1. Partisan Election Officials: Conveniently enough, Bush had the Secretaries of State (and Chief Election Officials) in three battleground states as his Bush-Cheney '04 Campaign Chairs. Kenneth Blackwell (OH), Terry Lynn Land (MI) and Matt Blunt (MO) all employed strikingly similar tactics in placing unreasonable restrictions on provisional ballots (which are heavily used in Democratic areas), new voter registration, and felony voting rights. All three have come under fire from the public and from the courts for their efforts to obstruct and deny voters their rights. 2. Long lines were intentional, and meant to suppress the Democratic vote. Ohio had upwards of 68-90 extra machines available on election day, and despite frantic calls from poll workers asking for more machines, the State refused to release them. The initial allocation of machines were deliberately designed to decrease Democratic turnout; Nearly one out of three (31%) Democratic precincts had less voting machines in 2004 than in 2000 compared to less than one out of six (16%) Republican precincts. Of the 217 precincts where voting machines were subtracted, 184 (85%) were Democratic. Videos documenting the suppression can be viewed here. Did long lines violate the right to vote? One Ohio judge, on Election day, ruled that waiting in an excruciatingly lone line and being forced to choose between waiting to vote or leave "imposes an undue burden on the right to vote and in effect could amount to a denial of that right." 3. The hijacking of our elections by private interests is well documents and distrubing. Every American should read 20 Amazing Facts about U.S. Election. The most disturbing fact? 80% of our votes are counted by hard-core fundamentalist Bush loyalists. 4. There was no Ohio recount. Let's say that again. There was no Ohio recount. As explained in the link below, there were at least 31 violations of Ohio law , ranging from denying public access to voting records to outright vote tampering and fraud. Every action taken by Ohio officials during the recount was meant to obstruct access to records and to, for some reason, prevent auditing the actual vote totals. Under Ohio law, denying access to public voter records, as was the case here, is in and of itself fraud. 5. Every "irregularity" favored Bush. If the "irregularites" were truly due to random chance or error, then they should have benefited Kerry around 50% of the time. But almost every instance of touch-screen "vote-hopping", every claim of a pre-punched ballot, every instance of a glitch awarding extra votes....every irregularity favored Bush. 6. Widespread Intimidation and Supression. As one Ohio official put it, there was an unprecedented "calcualted effort" to misinform voters and trick them into not voting. From a state-wide campaign that "Democrats vote on Nov. 3" to having Democrats and Republicans vote on different machines, to saying if you vote straight Demcoratic ticket your vote won't be counted, there was unquestionably a deliberate attempt to silence the Democratic voice in Ohio. (more) |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Jan-06-05 01:32 AM Response to Original message |
66. CAMERON F. KERRY "Next time the electoral votes are tallied..." |
Counting every voteBy Cameron F. Kerry | January 6, 2005SO NOW the votes in Ohio have been recounted, and it's time for Congress to tally the Electoral College. But while the election is over, a fight goes on to protect everyone's right to vote and make sure every vote is counted. I wish it weren't so, but the final facts look like the picture on the morning of Nov. 3 when my brother, John Kerry, ended his campaign for president. As campaign leaders sat in a Boston war room overlooking a dwindling Election Night rally in the plaza below, on the phone was a team of smart, tough veterans who know how to count votes and how votes get counted. All were veterans of Florida in 2000 who would have jumped at a rematch with Karl Rove and James Baker III. In the room was Deval Patrick, former assistant attorney general for civil rights. In Washington was Michael Whouley, the never-say-die loyalist who stopped Al Gore from conceding; Jack Corrigan, who helped fight Bush v. Gore in the courts and the precincts; and Robert Bauer and Marc Elias, leading election lawyers and Kerry campaign counsel. On the phone from Ohio was the chief of the legal team there, David Sullivan, longtime election counsel for the Massachusetts secretary of state, who himself was a plaintiff more than 30 years ago in a lawsuit to register college students and -- with me -- a defendant in unsuccessful lawsuit brought against us for properly challenging vote fraud. They were backed by 3,300 lawyers on Ohio's election protection team, part of more than 17,000 Kerry-Edwards lawyers nationwide. They were joined by 8,000 lawyers with the nonpartisan Election Protection Coalition of the NAACP, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, People for the American Way, and other organizations and thousands more lay volunteers and observers. -snip- (He holds the punchline for the very last sentence) Next time the electoral votes are tallied, every American citizen should be able to know that his or vote has counted continued |
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Fly by night (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Jan-06-05 02:01 AM Response to Original message |
67. Tennessee's Statewide Senatorial Blitz -- The Orange State Uprising |
I wanted to give DUers a brief report on today's Orange State rallies to encourage Senators Frist and Alexander to join the bandwagon (at least 24 House members and 6 Senators SO FAR, according to DU and Olbermann) to reject the Ohio electoral votes. Here in Nashville, in the warm drizzle, we had a three hour long event, which included interactions with the staffs of our two Republican Senators, and colorful and communal rallying with our group composed of the young and old; Black, White and Asian; Green, Democrat, Republican and Libertarian; oldster protesters and newbies -- all united for free, fair and verifiable elections. In addition, we accomplished some good communication with the Nashville general public on two of the busiest streets in the city and were part of the efforts of other folks around the state who showed up at our Senators' offices everywhere at the same time to deliver their signed petitions also. Here's a link to a great article (with many great pictures) by Chris Lugo that is already posted on the 'net at the Tennessee Independent Media Center: http://www.tnimc.org/feature/display/4027/index.php When you visit the link, scroll down the home page for articles on two more of our Gatherings, both on the steps of the State Capital. We did have a bit of a dust-up at Frist's office with a carload of young men who mistook our rally for an anti-war protest. (You can always tell young men full of testosterone -- you just can't tell them much.) Fortunately, the late-day distractions with the youngsters didn't detract from the three hours. We even had good interactions with those kids and left them with some election fraud handouts that they accepted from us. We also got them to agree that free and fair elections are something we all should support. The scuffle even brought out six Metro cop cars briefly which added to the street theater (and we got to educate some cops on the rules of public protest at the same time). I still have emails to send and calls to make and faxes to send -- all aimed at DC. We handed in six pages of signatures on our petitions in Nashville and similar petitions were submitted in Jackson, Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Blountville. Plus we have individuals collecting signatures on the petitions and faxing them in themselves from across the state. (Please PM me if you want a copy of our petition so you can sign it with your family, friends and co-workers and fax it in to your Senators' offices early tomorrow morning.) Alexander's numbers are: voice: (202) 224-4944, fax: (202) 228-3398. Frist's numbers are: (voice) 202-224-3344, (fax) 202-228-1264. While I haven't heard from everyone yet, Chattanooga had a good experience and the ralliers there were well received by the public as they walked several blocks between the Senators' offices there. And Jackson probably did the best job -- several hundred signatures from four rural counties, and meetings with their Representative's staff as well as with the Senators' staffs. (Way to go, Diane.) Perhaps the best moment for me today was when one of the people who was with me meeting with the Senators' staff people asked a staffer directly: "Tomorrow, will our Senator be standing with the Republican Party or will he be standing on principle?". And the (honest) answer from the staffer was: "I don't know." Now to go call/write/fax. Repeat. Call/write/fax. Repeat. Let's keep shouting loud, Orange Staters. Vote Free or Diebold. Peace out. Bernie ------------- FIRST THINGS LAST: KEEP CALLING, EMAILING AND FAXING SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES TONIGHT AND ALL MORNING TOMORROW. PHONE CALLS WILL BE BEST -- MAKE THEIR PHONES MELT DOWN AND HAVE THEIR EARS RINGING WHEN THEY STEP INTO THE CHAMBERS TO VOTE. This afternoon, Representative John Conyers delivered a 100 page report on the Ohio election theft to all members of Congress. This 100+ page report is available to download as a pdf: http://www.pdamerica.org/field/final%20status%20report .... It looks like we have at least 24 Representatives and six Senators willing to reject the Ohio electoral votes. But we need more -- we need to create such momentum that Bush will be denied a second unelected term. So please use the following links to contact Senators and Representatives. Contact as many as you can. Our efforts are paying off. Email them tonight and/or call them tomorrow. http://www.house.gov/writerep / http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senat... |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Jan-06-05 02:21 AM Response to Original message |
68. Critics of Ohio voting results seek a voice |
Critics of Ohio voting results seek a voiceCiting irregularities, House Democrats cast for help in the Senate By Rick Klein and Susan Milligan, Globe Staff | January 6, 2005 WASHINGTON -- Senator Barbara Boxer of California is considering standing with House Democrats today in calling Ohio's presidential election results into question, in a protest tactic that would trigger a debate on the floor of the House and Senate over voting irregularities that some believe contributed to President Bush's reelection. The maneuver would have virtually no chance of changing the election's result. But aides to several Democratic senators said yesterday that if any senator would back the House Democrats' challenge, it would be Boxer, a liberal lawmaker who was just sworn in for her third term in the Senate. A Boxer spokesman yesterday confirmed that the senator is mulling the action, but said she had not made up her mind as of late yesterday afternoon. ''The senator has not made a final decision on this, but she is still thinking about it," said Boxer's spokesman, David Sandretti. If Boxer or another senator joins House members in refusing to certify the election results, the full House and Senate would be forced to vote on the matter after several hours of debate. With solid Republican majorities in both houses of Congress, there's no realistic chance of such a vote resulting in a victory for Democrat John F. Kerry, or even a delay in Bush's Jan. 20 inauguration into a second term. One aide to a Democratic senator cautioned that Boxer and all other Democratic senators could choose to remain quiet, in part because Kerry lost the popular vote by more than 3.5 million. Party leaders are hesitant to get involved in the challenge, since it has no real chance of succeeding and could make Democrats look petty, the staff member said. link http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2005/01/06/critics_of_ohio_voting_results_seek_a_voice/ |
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dzika (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Jan-06-05 02:32 AM Response to Original message |
69. Why J. Kenneth Blackwell needs to go to jail |
Why J. Kenneth Blackwell needs to go to jailMr. Blackwell is Ohio's Secretary of State. He was also the co-chair for the Ohio 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign. The Democratic staff of the House Judiciary Committee has conducted an investigation into irregularities reported in the Ohio presidential election. Listed below are some of their findings. (Source: Preserving Democracy: What Went Wrong in Ohio - Status Report of the House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff, January 5, 2005) Mr. Blackwell restricted provisional ballots, resulting in the disenfranchisement of tens, if not hundreds or thousands of voters. Predominantly minority and Democratic voters. His decision departed from past Ohio law. Mr. Blackwell decided to reject voter registration applications based on the weight of the paper, which may have resulted of thousands of new voters not being registered in time for the 2004 election. Mr. Blackwell prevented voters who requested absentee ballots but did not receive them on a timely bases from being able to receive provisional ballots, which likely disenfranchised thousands, if not tens of thousands of voters, particularly seniors. Mr. Blackwell has failed to institute a single investigation into the serious allegations, representing a violation of this statutory duty under Ohio law to investigate election irregularities. Mr. Blackwell failed to articulate clear and consistent standards for the counting of provisional ballots, resulting in the loss of thousands of predominantly minority votes. Mr. Blackwell failed to issue specific standards for the recount, which contributed to a lack of uniformity of both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protections Clauses. On December 2, 2004, members of the House Judiciary Committee wrote to Mr. Blackwell about complaints that appeared to have altered and suppressed votes, particularly minority and Democratic votes. They posed 36 specific questions to Mr. Blackwell about a combination of official actions and actions by non-official persons that depressed the vote among constituencies that were deemed by Republican officials to be disadvantageous. Mr. Blackwell, through his spokesman, assured the public and the press that he would "fill in the blanks" and asserted that many of the questions were easily answered. Mr. Blackwell actually replied to the letter - late - with a refusal to answer any of the questions. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) wrote back to Mr. Blackwell and requested that he remain tru to his promise to answer the questions. Rep. Conyers has yet to recieve a reply from Mr. Blackwell. If all this wasn't bad enough, now Mr. Blackwell has decided to run for Governor of the State of Ohio. This guy should be indicted, and will hopefully in federal prison rather than the governor's mansion in '06! link http://mixtersmix.blogspot.com/2005/01/why-j-kenneth-blackwell-needs-to-go-to.html |
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MelissaB (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Jan-06-05 06:58 AM Response to Reply #69 |
70. Early morning kick |
because a lot has come in late .
:kick: |
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