I went to the website of Jim Jeffords today to see what position, if any, he had on the EC contest. My, what a bunch of nonsense he had written. Seems the fundies have him back in their clutches.
http://jeffords.senate.gov/~jeffords/press/05/01/010405ohioelectors.htmlMy letter:
Dear Senator Jeffords,
I plead with you to rethink your statement on the contest of the Ohio Electoral votes.
You said:
"A challenge to the Ohio Electors will not fix the problems at hand."
No, it will not immediately solve the problems, but it will call the general public's attention to them. Mainstream media is paying no mind, as it stands.
You said:
"We know that such a challenge will not affect the outcome of the election, and I fear it will only further polarize our political landscape."
Our political landscape has no chance at reunification. Democrats (real, unelected Democrats) are stark, raving mad at this administration for their abuses on us and the Constitution. This will not change because our elected officials refuse to stand up for us. In fact, it will only worsen the situation.
You said:
"John Kerry has conceded this election, and we must now move forward in a constructive way."
John Kerry conceded before anyone knew the extent of disenfranchisement and fraud in the 2004 election. The same excuse was made for not challenging the 2000 election on Gore's behalf...have you really seen any constructive, forward movement? I've only seen further polarization, personally.
You said:
"I believe the investigation by the non-partisan Goverment Accountability Office will provide needed answers."
Perhaps, but will citizens really understand what we need, and can we trust you and your fellow Senators to make it happen? We were promised the same things in 2000. We got HAVA, but our votes didn't count again. Do you really want to further erode the public trust by doing nothing, when the time is absolutely right for action?
You said:
"In Congress, I will work to reform and clarify existing law, and push for the creation of a paper trail for electronic voting and a national standard for provisional ballots. These reforms are needed to assure that these problems are not repeated in future elections."
See above response.
You said:
"People must have the utmost confidence that their votes will be counted."
This kind of statement is a true insult to the people of the United States of America. Why should we have blind trust, when our votes continue to NOT COUNT? If they didn't in 2000, and they didn't in 2004, when will they? 2008? And how will we know when our right to vote is finally protected? It is quite a lot to ask of us to simply wait and see. Are you prepared for a revolution? In the words of John Locke,
"If a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending the same way, make the design
visible to the people, and they cannot but feel, what they lie under, and see, whither they are going; 'tis not to be wondered, that they should then rouse themselves, and endeavor to put the rule into such hands, which may secure to them the ends for which government was first erected."
Please reconsider your decision, as democracy as we know it is at stake.