I learned something this morning that for me is mind boggling! I am 43 years old, with a BA and feel I am reasonably informed, in other words an average, citizen who is a college grad. I did not realize until I researched this morning that all US citizens do not have a legally protected right to vote.
Only miniority and disabled citizens fall under the voting rights act, and miniority is defined in racial terms. So "college students" don't fall under that protection. This issue is not covered for us under the newer HAVA either.
As long as this is the situation, each election cycle all that needs to be done is to find out which groups of people are likely to vote which way and then dicriminate against them by whatever means it takes, which is exactly what took place in many communities this past November. "poor" vs "rich" precincts were targeted as were college students, and the list goes on and on. Those polling places identified as democratic can be abused and there is no federal recourse.
The american public does not know this information. Even if you decided to sue the state or county, you have the burden of proof, they don't have to prove they held fair elections, you have to prove they didn't and that they broke the law in doing so.
If for no other reason, a Senator should stand and state this obvious information. Sometimes elected officials forget how little the public really knows about their protections or lack of them.
This is the issue and Jesse Jackson Jr. stated it plainly at the Ohio Forum, I guess I just didn't realize the impact of what he was saying at the time. This charade of fair elections must be brought to the attention of every american, and it will take well past the 6th of January to make that point.