His calculation includes base support from 2000, redistribution of 3rd party vote (which declined by 2.8 million in '04, mostly in Kerry's favor), and new voters (new reg favored Kerry, 57% Dem to 41% Repub).
The expected totals would be:
K: 62,200,000
B: 56,800,000
The difference is 5,400,000 votes that, by these prediction criteria, should have been the Kerry margin of victory. (The discrepancy between K's expected total and '04 "official result" is 4,300,000.)
(Freeman has Bush margin in "official results" at 3.3 million.)
Freeman new draft paper at:
http://www.appliedresearch.us/sf/epdiscrep.htmFreeman's first paper on the Exit Polls
http://www.truthout.org/unexplainedexitpoll.pdf Baiman (U of Chic) on the exit polls
http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/997 UC Berkeley (100,000 to 300,000 phantom votes for Bush in 3 big Dem FLA counties, based on other data than exit polls)
http://ucdata.berkeley.eduI've read ALL the statistical reports of various kinds, and also some of the 57,000 complaints to Congress, as well as estimates of lost Kerry votes due to various kinds of pre- and election day vote suppression (--all hurting Dems), and machine malfunctions (such as touchscreens changing Kerry to Bush all day long); I think I've seen all of the available anomalous numbers from around the country (paper vs. electronic, top of the ticket vs. lower ticket, as well as Exit Polls)--with the numbers always favoring Bush and experts giving astronomical odds against this--and I have no doubt in my mind that Kerry won this election handily, and would have won it by a landslide except for ballots not counted or not cast (due to vote suppression).
The vote suppression in several states stole his landslide. Electronic fraud (more generally distributed around the country) stole his handy victory. That is my impression, and what I believe happened.
I cannot assert this with 100% certainty. No one can. And there is no "absolute proof," nor can there be. The election was extremely non-transparent and unfair. All I can say--for Bush supporters and those who are ever skeptical--is that the non-transparency and unfairness, combined with the evidence of a Kerry win, call out for a re-vote (which our system does not provide for).