Here's what I just sent to my list -
Dear everyone,
Tomorrow (1/6), Congress will meet in joint session to officially certify the electoral votes from each state in the 2004 presidential election. Rep. John Conyers, ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, will raise an objection to the electoral votes submitted for Ohio, along with a dozen other members of Congress. If, as expected, one or more Senators sign on to his objection, then both houses of Congress will be forced into open debate on the election "irregularities", and a whole can of worms will be exposed to the light.
In case you haven't been following it on line, I'm sending you some information about why they're objecting. If you tried to read everything that has been found out in one go you might bust a blood vessel so I'm sending you links to condensed information. The first is
a list that wraps up our election system in a nutshell. Please take the time to look over each link, it seems like a lot but it's really just the tip of the iceberg.
20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA: Conyers released a document today that details a lot of the findings in their ongoing investigation, especially about instances of voter suppression and conflicts of interest specifically in Ohio. There's a good summary here: official (100 page!) document is here: and click on "Preserving Democracy: What Went Wrong in Ohio" (or go directly to )
It's highly unlikely that this will actually change the results of the election - that's not the real point. What it will do is expose the shenanigans that have been going on and that haven't been covered by the mainstream media. It will open a lot of peoples' eyes. And it will evaporate a big chunk of Bush's so-called "political capital". Then we can move on to fix the system for next time!
The session will be broadcast live on C-SPAN tomorrow (Thurs 1/6) at 1:00 pm. Watch or record it if you can, and look for the fireworks to start!
* btw, the disclaimer about not changing the results of the election is there to help it fly under peoples' tin-foil-hat radar - I do think it's highly unlikely but have to admit I'm one of those holding out a speck of hope for a big surprise.