Judiciary Cmte. Report
Questions Bush Reelection, 5th Jan, 2005 17:00ET
by Fintan Dunne, Editor EXCLUSIVE status report of the House Judiciary Committee investigating the
U.S. presidential election, has questioned the certainty of the
reelection of president George Bush, based on irregularities in the
Ohio contest.Citing recent election controversy in Washington State and in the
"apparent defeat of the opposition leader Victor Yushchenko" in the
Ukraine, the report says these contexts show that elections
subject to manipulation and mistake."The report goes on:
"It is therefore, critical that elections be
investigated and audited to assure the accuracy of the results"The report then repeats and reinforces comments by Daniel Hoffheimer,
an attorney for the Kerry/Edwards campaign --first reported in writing
by on 24th December, 2004. Hoffheimer said that
"....want to be sure that all circumstances involved in the Ohio
election, including the recount, should be put before the Court and
disclosed to the American people. Only then, can the integrity of the
entire electoral process and the election of Bush-Cheney warrant the
public trust."The Judiciary Cmte. report adds to those earlier comments by the
Kerry/Edwards campaign, saying that:
"regardless of the outcome of
the election..., that outcome cannot be certain as long as legitimate
questions remain."NUANCED WORDS
By virtue of this report and other investigations, reasonable proof of
major Ohio irregularities exists. Based on this, the limited public
thrust of the report and comments by the Kerry/Edwards campaign is
that the Ohio electoral process is at question, not the presidential
election outcome.But on examination, the language used by the House Judiciary Cmte.
Report shows that its authors stand ready to potentially fully
question the reelection of George Bush --against the backdrop recent
fateful events in the Ukraine.
We should note that this is not a final report from the Judiciary
Cmte. It is an interim status report only. The triggers for an
extension of the scope of their position would be the establishing of
further reasonable proofs.
Either by establishing that sufficient votes are in question to
potentially alter the outcome of the Ohio election. Or by establishing
that malicious intent beyond mere incompetence, lay behind the
existing irregularities they have detailed.
That would indicate that further investigation is required to
determine if the malign intent covertly subverted the will of the
voters in Ohio or in the election contests in other states.
Peering through the fog of nuanced wording, neither Kerry/Edwards nor
the latest report are saying that Kerry may have won the presidential
election. But they are saying something else quite interesting.
Right now, they are saying that nobody knows who won.
Fintan Dunne, Jan 5, 2004 5pmETFULL ARTICLE: also:
Teflon Kerry: More Slick Moves On Election Fraud by Fintan Dunne Preparing Grounds to Unconcede by Fintan Dunne Judiciary Cmte. Report: (pdf) must be read in all the right places :)
The report below the BreakForNews graphic screenshot from
our first-to-print report of comments by the Kerry lawyer.
Read Pages 12/13 ONLY of the House Judiciary Report: