http://www.truthout.org/docs_05/010605W.shtml"Final Notice to Senate Democrats By Bruce F. Cole t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Wednesday 05 January 2005
After casting their votes for President and Vice-President in Maine's House chamber last month, Maine's four Electors issued an unusual statement of concern for the condition of our national election system. That statement concluded with the following sentence: "Our four electoral votes are held meaningless if our sister states cannot hold elections that are fair, accurate, and verifiable." Just prior to November's election, a CBS/NYT poll indicated that only 35% of registered voters had full confidence that their votes would be counted properly. That leaves around 100 million people who had only partial, little, or no confidence in America's election process. As startling and sad as that statistic is - in this, purportedly the greatest democracy the world has known - it is sadder yet (but not startling) that those tens of millions of citizens have some very solid reasons for their lack of confidence."
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"If no Senators come forward to demand the investigation that the evidence requires, then the very Party that once produced the great social advances now systematically being destroyed by those who stole this election will itself start to dissolve. But that dissolution will have been self-initiated.
The reason I know that the Democratic Party is standing on the brink of self-annihilation right now is because it is about to alienate the very people who can save it. I am just one of tens of millions of such people. We stood in the breach the last four years and we fought tooth and nail to defeat the most heinous government this country has ever produced, and the irony is, just as the evidence showed four years ago, we apparently succeeded. Only our leadership failed us, and it may be about to do so once again."