of charges ... from
http://archive.aclu.org/library/1stpamphlet.html""Impeachment should be predicated on the following grounds affecting civil liberties:
He and his closest aides have organized and conducted a deliberate assault on civil liberties by authorizing massive invasions of the First Amendment rights of citizens of the United States. On July 23, 1970, he personally approved the "Huston Plan" for domestic political surveillance and espionage by such methods as burglary, wiretapping and eavesdropping, mail covers, and military spying on civilians.1 These methods of political surveillance were employed against dissenters, political opponents, news reporters and government employees.2 He and his aides employed governmental powers to harass and punish critics of his administration regarded by them as "enemies."3 He and his aides interfered with a free press through the use of wiretaps, FBI 4 investigations and threats of criminal prosecutions.4 He secretly recorded conversations in his own office without advising the participants. 5 He and his aides interfered with the right of peaceable-assembly and protest as in the arrests of thousands of persons on May Day, 1971, and on many other occasions.6
He has usurped the war-making powers of Congress as in the bombing of neutral Cambodia, and he deliberately concealed the bombing-from Congress and the people of the United States; and he has announced he would do so again under similar circumstances.7
He established within the White House a personal secret police (the "plumbers"), operating outside the restraints of the law, which engaged in criminal acts including burglaries, warrantless wiretaps, espionage and perjury.8
He and a principal aide offered a high federal post to the presiding judge during the Ellsberg trial, and, for a prolonged period, he withheld from the courts knowledge of the burglary of the office of Dr. Ellsberg's psychiatrist.9
He and his aides interfered with and distorted the administration of justice through such acts as his effort to limit the scope of the FBI investigation of the Watergate break-in.10 He and his aides caused the politically motivated and unjustified prosecutions of dissenters and corrupted the constitutional function of grand juries to make them instruments of political surveillance and harassment. 11
He has perverted and attempted to pervert the operation of various federal agencies including the Department of Justice,12 the National Security Council,13 the Secret Service,14 the State Department,15 the Defense Department16 and the Central Intelligence Agency17 by engaging them in political surveillance and in the falsification of information made available to Congress and the American public.""
Please note that FALSIFICATION OF INFORMATION MADE AVAILIABLE TO CONGRESS... was listed in the ACLU's resolution.
Needless to say, more than just 'fraud'.