I got a call from D.C., they said that Kerry had asked that the vote not be challenged, and that the right way to go about it was to push for election reform. This came from... Dr. Lora Chamberlain. (Dr. Lora Chamberlain drlora@ameritech.net
http://www.illinoisprogressives.org ) She said it at the pre-rally. She did not hear the announcement herself, but this is what she heard. Another at the rally thinks she said something it being report on CNN? but didn't actually hear the announcement herself.
None the less, it's important to keep the pressure on them. If they certify it, nothing happens, if they don't, things might change. Most of the Senators seemed very reluctant to challenge the vote, keep pressure on them, we only need one to break.
The said to pass this message on:
Prior to this announcement, they had as many as 8 senators (including Reid, Clinton, Schumer, and Byrd) were seriously considering challenging the vote, let's make sure they do!
Call the congressional operator: 1-800-839-5276 between 8 AM and noon on January 6th. The vote is at one.
You can ask for any of the 44 Democratic senators. Ask to speak to their aid who deals with election fraud issues, and if the aid is not in, ask to leave a message and request it be delievered within the hour.
Tell them: This is not about Kerry anymore, this is about investigating and verifying the vote before it's ratified. Please stand up and challenge the vote, even though Kerry has asked the opposite.
Even if it is just a rumor, what could it hurt to contact your senators one last time?