How fitting. John Kerry is as far away from here as he can get. Actually, he’s been MIA since November 3rd, leaving us here at DU to speculate and argue about what he might do. Well, he just did it. He ran away.
Seems John doesn’t believe that the exit poll anomalies, voter disenfranchisement, innumerable compu-glitches and Blackwell’s illegal practices were enough to bother about. Maybe he just didn’t have good info from those 17,000 lawyers. Obviously, he must not read DU—you know, the same folks who gave you that conspiracy theory about the WMD’s and reasons for the Iraq War being bogus. Even if he doesn't trust us bloggers, does he also believe the numbers are lying about the election results?
Well, to Mr. Kerry and any other spineless Dem, I say this: “you’re either with us or against us.” Because not posing even the slightest opposition to this fraud is the same as offering silent approval. Not only are Kerry & Co. not acting with outrage and defiance, and not only are they not even speaking publicly in palatable terms about issues of election fairness, verifiable voting, uniform standards and the need for bipartisan, transparent voting systems, but they are barely even offering a token acknowledgement of the mere existence of the problems. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
John Kerry’s non-position on this issue is anything but neutral. It’s an enormous statement. He essentially said that all those people whose votes were not counted didn’t matter as much as his political future. Instead, he is validating all those vote riggers who wondered whether they would get away with what they did. What payback for all your time, money and efforts on the Kerry campaign, eh?
And for those Du’ers who want to downsize our goals of exposing this unconscionable fraud by saying all we really wanted to accomplish was to move forward in our quest for election fairness, I respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree. We wanted and NEEDED Kerry in office this January. And that couldn't happen without him being involved early and often. NOT.
Like Kerry said in his letter, it was bad in 2000. But they learned more than we did, and now it’s worse in 2004. Now they KNOW they have us and we’ll be kneeling to Jeb in 2008 (he’s already campaigning.) Kerry’s no-show here is a key ingredient in the making of an impending setback in the political infrastructure in the US like none before us. In the next four years, we will have an extremist Supreme Court, a dismantled Social Security, HAVA-required computerized voting (how scary), a violent military, a shredded constitution, economic implosion and the PNAC America. How are you going to undo THAT with election reform?
Kerry and the Silent Dems are a far cry from any of the brave few Senators who may be willing to stand up tomorrow and make a sacrifice for a fair Democratic process. It won’t overturn the election, but I’ll be forever grateful for their courage and selfless dedication. As for the rest of the Senate—honest Repubs included--be ashamed. You didn’t even publicly address the issue. Not a word. And neither, John Kerry, did you. Instead, you didn’t “get our backs.” You turtled.
Anything without John Kerry leading the charge is Plan-B. But at this point, I’ll take it if someone else steps up. Kerry promised us more, and he owed us more.
But he won't be coming to the show.