http://www.stolenvotes.orgI completely agree! I don't think that
there should be this huge burden of proof
to show that the Electors from Ohio are
There IS proof--and I think it's MORE than
enough to suggest that they CANNOT accept
those totals. Plus, add to that the trouble
in New Mexico, Florida, and elsewhere...
I find little way that one can be justified
in trusting that this election was legitimate
at ALL! If there have been so many problems
in the Blue states and Places where Kerry
was expected to win, what about places that
he was EXPECTED to Lose?! (Texas for example)
How easy is it to steal a few thousand votes
here or there when they are EXPECTING Bush to
win since it's a Red State etc?! Nobody is
watching...nobody would question it.
This vote NEEDS to be Contested! I believe
it will--I hope it may change the "official tally"
(If one can even say that with a straight face
at this point.)