I got this email newsletter just now. You can email your senators from their website:
http://www.capwiz.com/now/home/January 5, 2005
Support Senator Boxer in Counting Every Vote
Please take a minute to urge your senators to stand up with Sen. Barbara Boxer and support Congressional debate on the Ohio vote count. Take Action!
Did you see Farenheit 9/11? One of the most painful scenes was the footage of Congress in January 2001, when not a single senator -- only one is required -- would join with the many representatives who so eloquently challenged the Florida vote count and demanded a Congressional examination.
Thanks to our friend and leader, Sen. Barbara Boxer, that will not happen in 2004. Thus far, she is the only senator who has agreed to join in the challenge - and of course only one senator is required - but that will make her the target of a nasty smear campaign and she needs our support.
Action Needed:
Please send the attached letter to your senators to urge them to join Sen. Boxer - and yes, even if you think they won't do it, send the message anyway. They need to know that their constituents noticed that they did not stand up for the democratic process.
But don't stop there - for many weeks to come, Senator Boxer will be excoriated in Letters to the Editor and on Talk Radio (yes, Rush Limbaugh has already started in on her) and WE MUST RESPOND. Take a minute to write a single paragraph to your local newspaper's editor, or call a radio talk show to praise Sen. Boxer and all of the House members, Democrat and Independent, who took a stand for democracy.
Procedural Background
Several Members have indicated that because of numerous and very serious election irregularities in Ohio in the 2004 Presidential election, they intend to challenge the Ohio ballot when Congress meets in Joint Session on Thursday, January 6, at 1 PM. The point of this challenge is to highlight the urgent need to enact further voting and election reforms so that these irregularities never happen again.
Under the electoral ballot procedure, if a Member of both the House and the Senate challenge a ballot for any state, a separate session is triggered in each body. The issue of whether or not to sustain that challenge is debatable for 2 hours in the House and 2 hours in the Senate, and the debate occurs simultaneously in both bodies.
Some background on the Ohio voting problems
Again, Take Action!