i have kept my mouth shut basically because i knew no one in my enviroment could hear election fraud. so why bother. immediately after election, the first time i layed eyes on the repugs, i said, the election was stolen and looked em in the eyes, and then went on in conversation. not going into it
so they have all heard me say it
today is the day we are the media. we humiliate the media. we demand from the media.................we become the media. i feel like for first time, go out and spread the word baby. lol lol going into preacher mode but feeling more martin luther king...........
i went to the oriental convenience store not the white one. they sit next to each. the oriental, family, and she brings her babies, they practically live there. she works so hard, hard to understand english. (I am in texas panhandle) a little diversity store. all us whites look the same. i love all of us, but we all look the same. this one,........a white woman, waited for her to leave, and behind me in line a mexican my age male, scarf on head, a worker, i liked him immediately. adn the next in line a dumb ass punk 20 year old thinkin he is cool and smart, voted for bush only cause he is stupid
love him too, i know many
i stand back and animated and in joy i say,.......today, our democracy will play. we will see just what we have in us. our representives are challenging our senate to stand up against election fraud. we will see if they can do. i asked all three, do any of you know. they all said no, .......ah i say, lets see if media will share. a time in history. if people will know that today we are challenging bush's right to the white house.
the man i liked so well, he is looking at me, and he is jazzin, i didnt know, why didnt i know what the fuck............he says, thanks for telling me. we walk out together the other two in thought, and he says, wow, this is cool to know. i tell him orange, if you see orange today, that is the color of challenge. he smiles, and off to work he goes feeling awfully good, awfully proud to be an american
PREACH baby, preach.............we can kick these fundamentalists tush in preachin. grab the song, and go out and preach