This not a republican or democratic issue. It is right vs wrong.
This is my little bit on the election.
An open letter from an Ohio voter
To all concerned Americans: I live in Ohio and saw and heard election "fraud" first hand. Although I will freely admit that I wanted and worked for John Kerry in the past election, the issue here is more important than parties or people. The issue is whether or not our votes will count. If we do not come forward now and demand that all elected officials give us open and verified voting, we can kiss the idea of democracy good bye. So please contact all U.S. Senators and ask them to stand with a true hero and patriot by the name of John Conyers. Phone, e mail, or fax them now. From the Green at Lexington to the Beaches of Normandy we have had people pay the price for freedom in the past. We owe it to them to do something now. Facts about me: 1. I still love this country. And as corny as it sounds, folding the American flag at the end of the day at a local pool in the summer with my 10 year old son still makes me proud. 2. My brother works for the Navy in Washington D.C. and on 9/11 I spent two and a half hours wondering if he was in the Pentagon that day. Thankfully he was not. 3. On 11/2/04 I saw election fraud first hand. First, a Republican challenger actively worked with the precinct judge and officials during the voting. Just by chance, one of the three voting machines went down, and when the data was posted from that machine a few days later, it held the most Bush votes, even though it had the lowest numerical number of votes in it. (The other two machines had about 31% Bush votes in them .... the one that went down as it was being tallied held 42% Bush votes) Even though all voters came from the same precinct. 4. On 11/3/04 I tried to call a voter protection phone line but it had been hacked into by a very sophisticated operation. When I got through all I heard was weird music and a never ending hold. Within an hour of Kerry's concession, the block was gone from the line and replaced with a busy signal. A question keeps going through my mind: why would somebody want to stop a fraud protection phone line if "they" were not up to something? 5. On 11/15/04 I went to a public hearing in Columbus, Ohio, where I was to give sworn testimony about what I saw and heard regarding the election. I saw at least five people (I got there when the meeting was more than half over) get up and say something to the effect of, "I voted for Kerry but the light went on for Bush." That got almost no coverage in the press. So please call, e mail, or fax all senators today. I am begging you. Tom from Ohio