and DeWine's and called Blunt's office. These people are scum - fearmongering and desperate to hold onto their power. My letter:
Dear Congresswoman Miller:
I am writing because of a deep concern for the allegations of election irregularities that occurred in Ohio, Florida and other states during the most recent Presidential election.
As a government leader and elected representative, you recognize that the participation by citizens in the selection of their representatives through the casting of ballots is a cornerstone of our democratic system. This has been our pride for over 200 years, and is a system we have exported to other nations in our rightful belief in its superiority. Yet there are serious problems in the electoral process in the United States of America.
In your comments on the Senate floor today, you characterized Democratic efforts to draw attention to these problems as an attempt to overthrow the President’s election, notwithstanding a clear statement to the contrary by every person who stood in support of the challenge.
By now, you are surely aware of problems being reported in Washington State, where Republican candidate D. Rossi is seeking a re-vote to overthrow the gubernatorial election recount results, which found his Democratic opponent, C. Gregoire to have won. In fact, the GOP is now attempting to force a re-vote in Washington, citing election irregularities.
In my view, this example serves to illustrate how this is an issue that truly transcends partisan concerns.
Today, when Democratic House member Conyers rose to challenge the Ohio electoral vote he did not attempt to overthrow the result of the general election, as Mr. Rossi of Washington is doing. Again, I am curious about the apparent hypocrisy that the juxtaposition of the GOP’s actions in Washington and their reaction to those of the Democratic Party from Ohio reveal in the positions of the Republican leadership of this nation.
In the face of such problems, a thorough investigation and serious consideration of the issue is warranted. Although there are suspicions of fraud on the one hand, and accusations of "conspiracy theory" misinformation on the other, the course of wisdom would be to investigate and let the evidence stand on its merits.
I firmly believe that voter intimidation and voter disenfranchisement should be seen as problems in a free democratic society, as it is through the selection of our leaders that “We the People” give our consent to be governed. Without legitimate elections, conducted in the most transparent manner, we can have no confidence that one party or another might not "steal" elections in order to dominate and press their partisan agenda. In such a government, especially in such divided times as there, the legitimacy of elected leaders may be questioned and, as the Ukraine just demonstrated, even rejected.
To discount Representative Conyers' and the other Democratic representatives’ and senators’ efforts is to approve of the disenfranchisement and the criminal conduct his investigation has uncovered. We expect that as a member of the United States Senate you would act to protect the interests of the People of the US and of the Constitution upon which our democracy rests.
Please help all Americans regain confidence in our "broken" electoral system. Take the high road and permit a real discussion and investigation into this issue.