Its a great day for those of us who fought so hard for the past 4 years to get the issues out there and in the mainstream. Im very glad we did this and I believe that several of our Senators made some great points in the debate.
However, this is not getting the coverage by the MSM. When it does get the coverage, it is only to imply that the Democrats lost again. The Republicans have effectively painted us as the party of "Sore Losers" and that my friends, is what is going to be echoed throughout the country tommorrow. Plus, lets be realistic, with Republicans in charge of ALL branches of government, the Patriot Act restricting our basic liberties (remember the controlled zones for protest?), there is very little that we can hope to achieve in the way of election reform other than face-time that ends up in the lap of the GOP (Diebold, anyone?).
I really wish that our Senators could have stood up and voted with Sen. Boxer as a show of solidarity. Many of you say, "GOP would have turned that into a Sour-Grapes discussion about Kerry",folks, THEY ALREADY ARE! That is the line they repeated, it makes a much prettier talking point than election irregularities or anything we put out there today. A yes vote, to me, would have given some legitimacy, a small glimmer of hope to all of those who feel like they do not have a voice left. This NO vote has only given the GOP more ammunition to point towards their "mandate", and that is more dangerous than being called a "sore loser".
Go ahead, call me a whiner, call me a newbie, but thats how I feel.