We have even more credibility now that our senators have at least turned on the flashlight in hopes of illuminating the election fraud/problems/irregularities. Mr. juslikagrzly and I started a group, in a red state, designed to give US a voice as moral, socially conscious voters and have had 70-90 people show up for each of two meetings. This is a politically and religiously diverse group of people in a very small city.
The fact that every democrat, House and Senate, who took the floor and highlighted the disenfranchisement of voters in this country will lend huge credence to our grassroots efforts to convince those willing to "let it go" that that is NOT an option. We can point, clearly and effectively, to the speeches by McKinney, Kucinich, Clinton, Kennedy, Lautenberg, etc. and remind our neighbors friends and relatives that there is a serious problem with elections in our country.
This opens the door, wider, for grassroots organizations (small ones like ours and larger ones like MoveOn, ACT, PDA) to push the legislature harder and further. We've already made huge strides, as a PEOPLE, in getting this to happen today. I am so glad to have found DU and people who can, agree or disagree, discuss these important issues. People who are willing to do hard research, make calls, send LTEs, faxes, and inspire the rest of us to get off our butts and do something.
Take hope from this people. Use what happened today to advance our cause!