sorry, I can't open a own file yet. to silly republican statements
>From Dirk Gerhardt, aka Sitting-Bull, Hamburg, Germany
"There's a wise saying we've used in Florida the past four years that the other side would be wise to learn: Get over it," said Rep. Ric Keller, R-Fla.
Why to get over it? I have a single question. Isn’t it truth, that the
Florida Vote 2000 goes to Gore with a real recount? I think everyone can say: Bush has stolen the election, with the permission of the justice, this theft goes through only of the argument, a furthermore discussion of the president-question would cause damage to democracy. But a stolen election cause this damage, too, maybe even worser.
Rep. Candice Miller, R-Mich., said the Democratic complaints were outrage based on fantasy conspiracies."
I know you like the word conspiracies, or conspiracy nuts, or other words, to discredit all the people who have questions because of all the rotten things that occur in the world. But everony knows, that conspiracies did happen. For a long time. But it’s only a conspiracy theorie, if you couldn’t proof the theorie. So, if there iy any serious doubt, you have to investigate, and later you can say, Uhoh, it was only a silly conspiracy-theorie. But sometimes there are proofs, and when this happens, we wonder, how could this happen, or even say: We known it, but no one has taken it serious. I remember Watergate, the BCCI-Scandal, the Cointelpro-Mission, the Iran-Contra-Affair, and so on.
This time you should take it serious. Because this time you’re wrong. Rep. John Conyers did a over- 100-pages report with sworn affidavids, with research all of the voting irregulaties, inclusive the
exit-polls-discrepancies. This leads to conspiracy, sure. How should you call this otherwise? It looks like what it is. If there is only one single question about the vote, you should investigate this, and take it serious, and shoudn’t discredit the questioner.
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, called the effort "a shame" and its goal "not Justice but noise."
I can tell you what’s a shame. E.g. when you’ll bring war to world in the name of freedom and democracy, while in your own country a mafia-like government exist which has no problems to ignore and rebuild constitution rights.
The goal is noise? Yes, and for one who lives in the post-second-world-war Germany I can say you: This is your basically democratic right, ironically you’re country told us the rights.
When everyone will be quiet, a dictatur is sooner installed then you can look.
At the White House, spokesman Scott McClellan said it was time to move forward and "not engage in conspiracy theories or partisan politics of this nature."
And again, every single thing that looks like fraud have to be investigated. It’s only conspiracy, when you can prove that the theories are false. But if you ignore the theories and want to get over it without investigation, you’ll make you untrustworthy. Again, who has nothing to hide can await a investigation totally relaxed.
And the argument, that even the Democrats often use, known as: We don’t expect a different outcome, but there were maybe some fraud, but we don’t investigate, because the difference between Bush and Kerry is too big, is the unlogicalliest argument I’ve ever heard.
How can it be, that a investigation of fraud did not occur, because the tally for Bush was too big? It’s silly. That can only works in brainwashed Fox-News-Viewer.