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The Congressional debate and media coverage served two purposes

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MellowOne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 07:03 PM
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The Congressional debate and media coverage served two purposes
Dear activists,

Our efforts paid off! Thanks to the many thousands of you who visited MiaMedia, then called and emailed and sent more than 10,000 eFaxes to the Senators (wow!)! Together, we encouraged Tubb Jones and Boxer to stand up today in Congress. Thanks to them for being brave and doing the right thing!

The ensuing Congressional debate and media coverage today served two purposes:
It enabled the Democrats to clearly tell the American people about the myriad Nov 2 voting problems and urgent need for vote reform. This garnered mass media attention, and forced the GOP to face the issue.
And, the Republicans showed their true colors. Instead of talking about vote reform and protecting our democracy, they used their time to bash the Democrats and trivialize the more than 57,000 problems reported on November 2, 2004. Now everyone knows where the GOP stands.
Now it is up to us to follow through to ensure that true improvement is made in our voting laws, procedures and verification. Keep active, network with each other, and keep the pressure on Congress to force them to make changes. And keep the media informed too. I'll be here, collecting info and actions for you, so stay tuned to MiaMedia.

Please send me your news, actions, and info. Now, here is the latest news...

Keep active,
Glenn Sanders
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Obviousman Donating Member (927 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 07:06 PM
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1. This is the attitude we need
Not trying to impeach all but 31 elected democrats.
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