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Email from ActionSpeaks Portland saying thank you!

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
drummer55 Donating Member (306 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 08:38 PM
Original message
Email from ActionSpeaks Portland saying thank you!
Today was a historic day and you directly helped bring it about!
Not since 1877 have the electors been challenged in this manner.

Today Senator Boxer and Representative Tubbs-Jones challenged
the electoral votes from Ohio. As per process, the Senate and the
House of Representative moved to their appropriate chambers to
futher debate the issue.

During this time 10 Senators came forward (including Ron Wyden), came forward and spoke about the horrible problems in Ohio and elsewhere!

Senator Wydens Speech

In the house even more came forward to speak against the electoral votes from Ohio. Again I cannot emphasize enough on how historic this action was.

In the end both chambers defeated the challenge.



****************** MOVING FORWARD *********************************
Do not be disheartened! This was not about overturning the election, this was about bringing appropriate attention to the broken and fraudulent election processes in Ohio and the rest of the country.

As Representative Conyers said in his interview with William Pitt.
We have come a mighty long way. It seems to me, as we began this adventure, to make the ballot as important as it is ...
Read More:

********************* ACTION ITEMS ******************************
Please do make an effort to call Senator Wyden and thank him for speaking out on the floor of the Senate. He did not have to do this. All ten Senators who spoke deserve our respect and our thanks!

As for Senator Boxer and Representative Tubbs-Jones and the other 30
representatives who voted Yea in the house. They deserve more than our
thanks. They deserve every ounce of support we can give them.

These individuals are true patriots.

They are demonstrating what democracy looks like and each will be remembered in history as the best and brightest of our time! Make an effort to call each and everyone of these American Heroes and thank them for their effort and sacrifice.

We consider today to be a success!
We received more than what was needed and that was 1 Senator and 31
Representatives. It is truely time to unite and move forward to reform the voting procedures of America.

As for the Senators and Representatives who cast no vote either by choice or by being absent. We want to know what was more important than certifying the election?

Join us this eve at Billy Reeds on NE MLK Blvd from 6:30-8:30p and
again next Tuesday at the Unitarian Church. See
for details.
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floridadem30 Donating Member (525 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-06-05 08:45 PM
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