<...> Your efforts led to a recount and a contest of election in Ohio.
Your efforts have led to an ongoing investigation into the November election by the non-partisan Congressional General Accountability Office.
Your efforts led to an ongoing invesigation by the Democratic National Committee's Voting Rights Institute.
Your efforts led to an ongoing investigation (with a one hundred-page report) by Members of the House Judiciary Committee -- and will lead to future bi-partisan hearings before that same Committee.
Your efforts led Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) to publicly voice support today for a constitutional amendment making voting -- and having one's vote counted -- an enumerated U.S. Constitutional right (which it is not currently, as few are aware).
Your efforts led Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) to promise on the floor of the U.S. Senate that the broken/yet-to-implemented Help America Vote Act will be fixed.
Your efforts led Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) to forge an agreement today with Senator Boxer (D-CA) to re-introduce legislation in the Senate requiring a paper-audit for all electronic voting machines currently in service in the United States.
Your efforts have led Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) to sponsor a bill proposing the abolition of the Electoral College -- a bill now supported by at least one Republican Senator, Lincoln Chafee (R-RI).
Your efforts will force Senator Kerry (D-MA) to spend much of the next four years delivering the "election reform" he recently promised his 59 million supporters.
Your efforts, finally, have made history, with the Tubbs-Jones/Boxer election challenge marking only the second time in one-hundred twenty-seven years -- since the inception of the concept in 1877 -- that both houses of Congress have been forced to debate an entire slate of electors. As such, your efforts have convinced the world, and, just as importantly, your fellow U.S. progressives, that grassroots activism is alive and kicking in the nation which currently leads the free world.
And what is most amazing to The Advocate -- it took you only nine weeks to do everything you did.
Imagine what you'll do in the next four years.