9/11 Whispers: Washington Defense Shield Deactivated Due To Wargames?Tuesday, January 04, 2005
9/11 update from Cloak & Dagger
Cloak & Dagger Internet Radio, kicked off an AM blowtorch station due to its inordinate amount of truth-telling, had some remarkable claims in its Dec. 28 edition. Tom Heneghen, a regular guest on the program who claims an intelligence network ranging from Gore to France, made several stunning claims about 9/11 and related issues, to wit:
According to Heneghen, a missle shield over Washington, DC was deactivated several weeks before 9/11, the reason given being preparation for upcoming 'wargames'. The Office of Naval Intelligence, which has never been on particularly good terms with the NSA, the CIA, or its offshoots, is investigating this angle and emails on the CyberNet system that can prove this. This is a wide-ranging JAG investigation that includes ONI agent Delmart "Wildcard" Vreeland, now also using the code name "Dragonfly."
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, and National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice were all key in ordering down this aquatic-based missle shield. Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Gen Meyers, then the head of NORAD, had moved most of the planes to West Coast.
Purported Flight 77 passenger Barbara Olson is alive and well in Europe, living incognito. She may even have been involved in the standdown scheme.
Meanwhile, up in New York a railroad gold heist, spiriting precious metals from the basement of the World Trade Center up to Canada was taking place before the buildings were collapsed. The plot was just like that seen in the Hollywood film, Die Hard 3.
In Paris, the French superme court is investigating Salem bin Laden for perjury in re: questions about Munich Reinsurance's options taken in July 2001 on the Chicago Board of Options. The French and a related German investigation both dovetail with an investigation by the US Securities Exchange Commission. G. W. Bush may have had to cancel a planned visit to Germany and France on account of these investigations.
New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer has these documents and more on 911 shenanigans, including the Swiss bank transfer numbers in question. But Spitzer is dodging the issue and citing the SEC investigation, because he is running a coverup to blackmail his way into the governor's office.
Heneghen urges Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau to seize papers. Total911.info seconds that notion for all WTC-related 9/11 truth investigators who have been focusing on Spitzer.